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Član benediktus







Što je duhovni razvoj?

Što je duhovni razvoj?
Kako se to možemo duhovno razvijati? Što se razvija, duh, duša, tijelo ili sve zajedno? Treba li nam tečaj za to. Je li to rezervirano samo za neke "duhovnjake"? Ima li to ikakve veze sa svakodnevnim životom.

Kako se to možemo duhovno razvijati? Što se razvija, duh, duša, tijelo ili sve zajedno? Treba li nam tečaj za to. Je li to rezervirano samo za neke "duhovnjake"? Ima li to ikakve veze sa svakodnevnim životom.

Nakon što sam malo čitao i istraživao o galaktičkim civilizacijama, koje nadam se postoje i posjećuju nas, konkretno Plejađani naletio sam na navodno njihovu ocjenu nas zemljana kao bića koja jako malo rade na svom duhovnom razvoju. Stoga sam odlučio malo otići u dubinu o tome i dati jednu perspektivu inpiriranu raznim duhovnim izvorima. Svakako glavna inspiracija za video kojeg možete pogledati tu dolje je čudestan rad g.Arna Zingdada Allinghama (https://zingdad.com/) i njegova besplatna knjiga "The Ascension Papers".

Ako sam Vas zainteresirao možete pogeldati video na mom kanalu.





  • 11.09.2020. 23:55h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0


    Tvrdio je da je borba protiv vlastite važnosti poput odlaska na zahod, nešto što čovjek mora samostalno raditi, jer je to bio strogo osobni posao. Borba je bila protiv vlastitog ega i nitko nam u tome nije mogao pomoći. Jedina vanjska pomoć koju naši vršnjaci mogu pružiti jest da nas osvijeste o svojim slabostima. To, međutim, otvara novi problem: one koji nas upozoravaju na naše greške često doživljavamo kao protivnike ili neprijatelje, dok bismo im zapravo trebali biti zahvalni, jer su oni naši dobročinitelji.

    To je iluzija; prošlost i budućnost ne postoje. Jedino što stvarno imate je ovaj trenutak. Ako se želite nositi s nadolazećim vremenom, morate se usuditi živjeti sadašnjost. Teći s vremenom znači intenzivno živjeti ovaj trenutak, prihvaćajući ili odbijajući izazove koji se pojavljuju na našem putu, učeći i eksperimentirajući sa svakim novim danom našega života. Živjeti u sadašnjosti ne znači prepustiti se slučajnosti trenutka; naprotiv, to znači imati brzinu da shvati sve onog trenutka kad se dogodi, bez propuštanja kroz filtar razuma.

    Te je večeri govorio o onome što je nazvao 'pohlepom srednje klase'. Rekao je da je naš trenutni sustav ljude pretvorio u 'ljude koji trebaju'. Otvoreno se ismijavao besmislenim životom koji su zagovarale srednje klase, s jedinim ciljem postizanja željene kupovne moći kako bi mogli kupiti gomilu beskorisnih predmeta koje su na kraju spremili u svoje garaže, dok jednog dana, umorni od toga što nemaju prostora, bacio sve van kao smeće. Sjetio sam se da se klasificirao kao proleter, očito misleći ne na nedostatak sredstava, već na činjenicu da ništa nije posjedovao ili želio.

    Pun znatiželje, pitao sam: "A što se dogodilo s knjigom zbog koje vas je doña Florinda spriječila u objavljivanju?" Mislila sam da neće odgovoriti, ali na moje iznenađenje rekao je: „Radilo se o svijetu sanjanja i našem odnosu s anorganskim bićima i letačima. Zbog toga je jedan od predloženih naslova bio ‘Vidjeti očima predatora’.

    Don Juan mi je rekao da su prastari potpuno slučajno otkrili oblik postojanja koji su stvorili ti insekti tijekom jedne od svojih praksi gledanja. Nakon što su ih temeljito promatrali, toliko su se zaintrigirali da su na kraju premjestili točke okupljanja u položaj tih malih buba, pretvarajući se fizički u njih. Tako su otkrili da je društvena organizacija koju su stvorila ta bića samo savršenstvo. Slijedom toga, sagradili su kopiju te građevine na mjestu na drugom svijetu. " Jako me zanimalo kako i kada su drevni stvorili to mjesto. „Čarobnjaci iz davnine kažu da je u njihovoj dalekoj prošlosti postojao vrlo moćan par Naguala; oni su, kaže se, bili začetnici naše tradicije. Ti su čarobnjaci bili takvi učitelji sanjanja da su uspjeli naučiti svoju umjetnost čitav svoj narod. Kažu da s vremenom ti ljudi postaju toliko vješti u sanjanju da za njih više nije postojala razlika između budnosti i sanjanja; djelovali su u obje sfere s jednakom kontrolom. Pod nadzorom para Nagual, ta nacija sanjara uspjela je ponovno stvoriti svoje gradove unutar svojih vizija kolektivnog sanjanja i, kad je došao trenutak, odlučili su otići i živjeti u svijetu svog stvaranja. Jednoga su dana jednostavno nestali s lica zemlje.*

    Zašto bi toliko ljudi vjerovalo u "ravnu ploču" ili i u "šuplju kuglu" !?

    Možda i samo zato jer onima koji znaju istinu više ne vjeruju jer im i stalno lažu ?

    Možda se osiječaju kao robovi i žele pobiječi u neki svoj svijet i pošto poto ?

    Kada mnogi također govore da je "vrijeme ubrzano" !

    Možda nam je "day to day life" postao još dosadniji ?

    Možda su nam svi dani isti pa proleti i godina ?

    Možda i živimo sto godina ali umremo za pedeset a dok su prije živjeli pedeset a trajalo im je sto godina ?

    Možda bismo poštujuči svaki trenutak života kao neponovljiv i svet potrajali i viječno ???

    Boga pitaj..... ali i vrag če ga znati ??

  • 11.09.2020. 23:59h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    The Only External Help We Can Have

    Once, as we discussed my possible commitment to the path, Carlos said: “Self-pity and self-importance are the real tyrants; they prevent people from seeing things clearly. Therefore, if you really want to do something for yourself, start fighting those enemies right now, today!” “But how can I do that?” “By being deliberate, staying alert and being aware of every act, every thought and emotion that assaults you; by stalking yourself tirelessly and by not giving in to your vices.” He went on: “If you begin now, you will have taken your first big step. True, it can take you years of struggle, but at least you won't be inert.” By my various vices he meant the concessions we all make to ourselves when we say things like, "I cannot live without that”, or “I’ll allow myself the luxury of this” – or our old excuse, when we tell ourselves, "I deserve this!” To be aware of one’s every thought, word and action is undoubtedly a huge challenge but I accepted it. He had been right: it took me years of work. For me, the process was gradual. When I finally realized that my actions were no longer based on self-pity, I felt I had truly cast off a heavy burden. The most incredible thing however was that previously I did not even notice it was there. This task is really a twenty-four hour a day battle the warrior fights against himself, against his self-importance and self-pity, and is ultimately the battle against his own stupidity. To win it, one must force oneself at all times not to relax one's vigil and to sustain round-theclock awareness, since, if one lowers one’s guard for a single moment, one looses protection against the onslaughts of the ego. Now I understood what Carlos meant when he said that one had no need of teachers. He maintained that fighting self-importance was like going to the toilet, something one had to do on one’s own, since it was strictly personal business. The struggle was against one’s own ego and no one could help us with that. The only external help our peers can, perhaps, provide is to make us aware of our weaknesses. That, however, gives rise to a new problem: we often see those who warn us of our faults as adversaries or enemies when in fact we should be grateful to them, for they are our benefactors.

    The Wheel of Time

    On one occasion I mentioned to Carlos that I’d been on an excursion to the area of Bolsón de Mapimi in the north of Mexico, to a place known as The Silence Zone. He told me that he had already been there and added that the reason inexplicable phenomena happened in that place was because of powerful confluences of Eagle's emanations. He said: “The confluence of emanations is what causes the well-known phenomena of distortion in compasses and other electronic devices. It is also responsible for the visual and auditory hallucinations in those who visit that area.” Our conversation moved on to a topic that interested me greatly; Carlos called it the wheel of time. “Time is the essence of Eagle’s emanations,” he told me. “The emanations are perceived by sentient beings as time. Time is our subjective sensation of the emanations. Sorcerers see time as constant flow, as if it were a giant wave with everything caught up in its crest, making it all move in unison. That effect makes the passage of time seem real and unchangeable to us. If we could perceive everything at the same time, we would not see time as something that passes but as the absolute, as an experience of eternity. The nature of our organs of perception is such that we select bundles of emanations in sequence, and that gives us the impression of the passing of time. Sorcerers have discovered that time is not something rigid. The manner in which we perceive it depends on the way we fix the position of the assemblage point. The human beings of our time are imprisoned in a collective position that makes us oscillate around the position of reason where time is linear, a single recurrence moving ever forward in an unchanging direction. "We all long, however, to break that linearity. That is why fiction stories are written about characters who travel through time. Deep down, we all know that the experience of time in which we are immersed is only a mirage shared by all of us who belong to this particular cluster of Eagle’s emanations. Once they have learned to fix their assemblage point in diverse positions, sorcerers experience different types of time: continuities that can flow slower or faster, or in several directions simultaneously. The sorcerers call this omnidirectional[9] flow the supremacy of the wheel of time. Due to their experience in the labyrinth of time, the shamans of antiquity came to the conclusion that the real nature of time was cyclical, with no straight lines in the succession of events. That is why, in essence, all beings and events are cyclical, because everything recurs time and again. They saw that there were certain patterns or moulds in energy. They also saw that cycles superimposed themselves on one another, interacting in indescribable ways and mingling to form new cycles. That is why all beings are connected like the beads of the rosary and absolutely everything that exists forms part of the same weave of eagle’s emanations. That, for sorcerers, is the essential nature of the universe.” Although I did not fully understand what he had said, I marvelled at his explanation while the scope of his level of awareness astonished me. Just to say something, I remarked that scientists had made significant discoveries about the texture of time and space. He replied: “Theoretical physicists are advanced explorers who use mathematical logic to investigate the universe, but even they feel it to be an ineffective and inappropriate tool. The proof is that they can’t agree even among themselves, and the unified theory is a fallacy explaining nothing.
    Real and tangible worlds exist where time passes in a way different from what is normal to us. I know; I have already been there. Here on Earth, sorcerers recognize anomalous points where emanations change their texture as places of power. In those places, energy behaves in ways different from the usual one. A sensitive person in the state of inner silence can extract a great deal of information about the mysteries of the universe from those sites." I asked him if he knew a place of power he could recommend. He replied evasively: “The world is full of such places; particularly here, because in this area Eagle’s emanations swirl like nowhere else I’ve seen. The difficulty lies not in finding such a place but in being able to recognise it and use it appropriately. In fact, any place can be a place of power for the person who manages to reach silence. We are generally so confused by the hurly-burly of the world around us that it is very difficult to apprehend the tenuous oscillation that can be felt when we are silent. The vibration we perceive is Eagle’s emanations; it is time passing by. The ancients knew that the universe could be explained in part but never in its totality, because the universe is not there to be explained. The only sensible thing to do with Eagle’s emanations is to use them. Shamans are very practical persons. They don’t see the secrets of the wheel of time as theoretical knowledge but as possibility of action. They have designed practices that actually make it possible for them to travel through time, although not through the linear time of our everyday experience, but through the real time of the emanations.” “What could be the practical use of that knowledge?” I asked. “The sorcerer who has learned to use the emanations knows it is possible to assimilate the moment, to make oneself one with it and to extend eternally in any direction of his choice. Such is the freedom of perception, our real destination as luminous beings. Sorcerers struggle to break with the human form and to divest themselves of personality; ultimately, they do it to make themselves one with the emanations of time and flow with them. The goal is to establish a personal relationship with time, a harmonic relationship that allows them to flow with the emanations in perfect equilibrium, so that the human will and the will of the Eagle are the same.” Paraphrasing something that he himself had written, he said: "The knowledge of time is available only to those who investigate it deliberately.” I wanted to know what that type of investigation consisted of. He replied: "To flow with time, you have to learn to face it as it advances towards you, just like a bird which faces the oncoming wind in order to soar, never the receding one. By the same token, to face time, you must abandon the tendency to see yourself at the end of a line of events, as a participant in the chain of your personal and collective history. It is an illusion; the past and the future do not exist. The only thing that you really have is this moment. If you want to deal with the oncoming time, you have to dare to live the present. To flow with time is to live this moment intensely, accepting or rejecting the challenges that appear on our path, learning and experimenting with every new day of our life. To live in the present does not mean abandoning oneself to the randomness of the moment; on the contrary, it means having the speed to grasp everything the second it happens, without passing it through the filter of reason. That way the world renews itself all the time and the most exciting possibilities open themselves to us. One thus becomes aware of everything that happens around him.
    Living in the present does not imply disregarding past experiences; it means learning to see them as they really are: events outside time in the flow of the cosmic intent. That allows one to extract accurate lessons from them, and even gives one the capacity to modify them as required. That is what recapitulation is for; through recapitulation, you can literally intervene in the energy flow of the past. A sorcerer who has learned to manipulate the wheel of time can deliberately interfere in events as much as the power allows and alter the future in his favour. By doing that, he puts himself in the best possible position for the completion of his task. The most dramatic effect the wheel of time has on a sorcerer’s experience is the realisation that he does not actually exist here or there, because time and space are not as absolute as we believe them to be.

    The Parallel Lines

    I had just finished re-reading the story of the jump into the abyss when I found out that Carlos was visiting the city. I immediately called the hotel where he usually stayed. They confirmed that he was indeed staying there, but was not in his room at that moment. Whenever Carlos arrived on a visit to the city, the news would usually spread among those interested; so, after a bit of investigation, I found out he would be giving a talk in an esoteric centre run by one of his friends. I presented myself at the appointed time, sat down behind the others and prepared to listen to the Nagual’s teachings. It was Carlos’ custom to disguise information by jokes and irrelevant prattle; nevertheless, those who knew what he was talking about always recognized his hidden lessons. That evening he spoke of what he called ‘the greed of the middle classes’. He said that our current system had transformed people into ‘needlings’, ‘the need people’. He openly ridiculed the meaningless life the middle classes had espoused, with the sole goal of achieving the coveted purchasing power so that they could buy a pile of useless objects they ended up storing in their garages until one day, weary of having no space, they threw everything out as rubbish. I remembered that he classed himself as a proletarian, obviously referring not to his lack of resources but to the fact that he did not possess or want anything. He said that being poor did not mean having no money; it was the need to possess things. Having finished his talk and going through the usual ritual of saying goodbye to his assistants, he signalled to me with his eyes, indicating that I should look for him later. I went to his hotel and found him alone in the restaurant. He invited me to sit down. He had ordered a soup with tortillas; I ordered the same. When we had finished eating, I asked him what had really happened to him during that famous jump into the abyss, confessing I hadn’t quite understood the metaphor. “It is not a metaphor!” Carlos interrupted me firmly, and explained: “There are sorcery traditions in which sorcerers choose to perform a leap at the moment of departure on their final journey. With that intent, the participants jump together off the top of a high cliff. If they pass the test, they disappear from this world. Those who fail are found dead at the bottom of the cliff.” “The test that don Juan put me through was really a preparation for what is yet to come. What jumped into the abyss that day were, first of all, my perception, and then the totality of me. I’d arrived at the inevitable conclusion that we were not solid but were a feeling, a perception placed inside a description we called ‘body’, and don Juan gave me the opportunity to prove it.” He went on to say that, on reaching a certain level of awareness, one loses the certainty of being solid and surrounded by a world of objects. From that point onwards, one perceives the world in a way completely different from the usual one. He gave me as an example the reference he had made in his work to crossing the boundary between the two states of awareness which he called the parallel lines; a sorcerers' achievement that could also be described as movement of the assemblage point from one specific position to another, instantaneously allowing the warrior to perceive a different world. According to Carlos, the process of transition between one world and another is perceived as a wall of fog, a perceptive gap caused by the movement of the assemblage point while a different description is being aligned. Among themselves, the sorcerers refer to that place as ‘the limbo’ or ‘the place of the yellow dunes’. “The bodily sensation one feels while aligning that other world is one of physically breaking a paper wall which is giving light resistance and is perceived as a wall of fog.
    Breaking through that barrier is necessary in order to be able to align another world. The transition is perceived bodily as a crack at the base of the skull, like a twig breaking in two, accompanied by a bell-like sound in the ears. Sorcerers encourage their apprentices to repeat with the left side of the body any movement they do with the right side; the left-handed, obviously need to perform this exercise in the reverse. The reason for this exercise is to help break a physical barrier that exists inside us; once this barrier is shattered, it becomes much easier to move the assemblage point and to enter dreaming. Sorcerers use the metaphor of the limiting line to get the apprentice to commit to his new life of struggle as a warrior. To cross that line means to enter another world. That is equivalent to breaking the parallel lines, which is neither more nor less than moving the assemblage point.” “And what about the parallel being?” I asked. “This being is the mirror image of oneself. It exists in the world at the same time as we and is our energetic counterweight, since absolutely everything that exists comes in pairs. If our parallel being dies, we suddenly get ill, without an apparent reason, and also die. The warriors who have the good fortune of finding their parallel being while in this world find in it a source of youth, happiness and joy, because one completes the other. Very few warriors, however, have accomplished this feat. As I’ve described in ‘The Second Ring of Power’, the book that should never have been, doña Soledad was one of the few.” “Why do you say that ‘The Second Ring of Power’ should never have been?” I asked. He took his time answering. As he smoothed his hair backwards, I could see an area of baldness at the front which he concealed successfully by combing his hair forward. He appeared not to like discussing the subject very much but nevertheless replied: “At the time, I’d delivered a just-completed work to my New York publisher, but doña Florinda, having had found out what it was about, told me that people still weren’t ready for that kind of revelation and made me run back to the publisher at once to recover the manuscript which was already being printed. It took a lot to convince the publisher not to publish that book; I had to promise to bring him a new one in four weeks’ time. That was how ‘The Second Ring’ came into being.” Full of curiosity, I asked: “And what happened to the book that doña Florinda stopped you from publishing?” I thought he was not going to answer, but to my surprise he said: “It was about the world of dreaming and our relationship with the inorganic beings and flyers. That is why one of the proposed titles was ‘Seeing Trough the Eyes of the Predator’. The fact is, I was never happy about swapping the two books around as, according to the agreement I had with don Juan, I wasn’t obliged to write about the other apprentices. What’s more, I regret ever having published that work.” I assured him that I loved The Second Ring of Power and that, in my humble opinion, we were lucky to have such valuable material which gave us better understanding of the life and the ways of sorcerers' apprentices. He shrugged his shoulders as if to say, does it matter?

    The Dome of the Naguals

    When I told my companions that I had decided to relate part of my experience of living with them in a new book, the Atocayo[10] warned me about the dangers of fame and fortune. He said it was important to watch out lest my intention to help others should become the ultimate objective of my path. “Many betray the intent of freedom,” he said, “for hope of wealth or desire to be famous, loved and admired by others. The real warrior has an insatiable thirst for freedom and infinite curiosity about everything; he is thus always experimenting and learning. That keeps him on the straight path and makes him humble before this splendour in which we are immersed. Even when sharing his achievements with others, the warrior does not get bogged down in the mire of personal importance, simply because he has no time to lose. He knows very well that Death is at his heels, urging him to keep experimenting and enjoying the world.” He also told me I had to be extremely detached if I was planning on facing that challenge, and charged me never to reveal the identities of my companions in my writings. “Opening up to people has a very high price.” he said, and gave me Carlos as an example. “Although he was a formidable warrior, he paid with his own life and perhaps even with his freedom for having become accessible.” He made that comment because, according to some seers who had been in contact with him in the other world, Carlos had adopted ‘the emergency plan’. Once the deterioration of his physical body had begun, he joined the other seers of his lineage in the graveyard of the Naguals. *** Carlos had previously touched very briefly on the topic of the graveyard of the Naguals, never completely clarifying the meaning of that elusive concept. I had been waiting long for an opportunity to ask him about it. That afternoon, after he had finished with his commitments, we met in a restaurant with a few small tables on the pavement. After the meal, we went for a walk to a nearby park. When we got closer, I remained spellbound for a moment, watching water form a transparent dome as it gushed out of a fountain. I had to make a conscious effort to break its allure. We sat down on a nearby bench and I asked hurriedly: “Carlos, what is the real goal of sorcerers?” As he began to speak, I realized I had forgotten my notebook in the restaurant, but I said nothing to Carlos lest I disturb the flow of the ideas he was expounding. In the course of his explanation, he mentioned that don Juan had given him a task the full details of which he did not wish to disclose at that particular time. Finally, he said that, should he fail in his task, his teacher had promised to try and come back from wherever he was to fetch him. My face must have been showing anxiety because Carlos asked, as if reading my mind: “Where are your notes?” I confessed I had left them in the restaurant and asked him for permission to go and get them. I ran back and recovered the notes without any problems. On return, trying to recapture the thread of our conversation, I asked: “And where do you believe don Juan might be now?” “I’m sure that he and his warriors have gone to join the other seers of his lineage in the dome of the Naguals.” Seeing my inquisitive look, Carlos added: “The last time we were together, I saw all of them dissolve into thin air. Don Juan had chosen a mountain top as the place from which to embark on his definitive journey; in that
    place, I and the other apprentices took our final leave of him. After his departure I remained adrift for years, not knowing whether I was coming or going. Finally I started remembering everything that had transpired, and it took me many more years to be able to understand what I had remembered. Even now, new memories of the time under the Nagual Juan Matus’ tutelage keep cropping up. At one time I was more than confused: can you imagine what it means to have two different memories of the same event? I was on the verge of losing my sanity when finally the answers came; after years of struggle, I managed to establish some order in the chaos of my memories. If you look carefully, you’ll see that in my books I described some events from the point of view of different levels of awareness; I did that because on each level I saw and interpreted differently whatever was happening to me. That is the mystery of heightened awareness. In those moments one lives with such intensity that it takes one years to re-align the memory.” Carlos reflected in silence for a moment and then went on: “On one occasion, don Juan took me to a secluded place deep in the mountains and gave me his pipe to smoke. While I was under the power of the smoke, he showed me a colony of red insects. Extraordinary visions that at the time made no sense to me followed: I felt that I was flying towards a gigantic white dome. Later, don Juan explained the meaning of what had happened. The seers of antiquity, he said, had created a refuge in the dreaming world, based on the structural organization of those bugs. He revealed to me that he and his group planned to go there after they left this world.” I was astonished to hear Carlos say that. Until then, I had believed that his teacher and his party of warriors had gone to the third attention. A thousand questions came to my mind at that instant, but I did not know where to begin. I remained absorbed for a moment, considering the implications of what he had revealed. Carlos must have noticed my amazement, because he opened his mouth wide in a caricature of my expression. Then he added, smiling: “I was left gaping, too, when I heard that. Don Juan told me that the ancients had discovered the form of existence created by those insects completely by chance during one of their gazing practices. Having thoroughly observed them, they got so intrigued that they ended up moving their assemblage points to the position of those little bugs, transforming physically into them. Thus they discovered that the social organization created by those beings was perfection itself. Consequently, they built a replica of that structure at a location in the other world.” I was very interested to know how and when the ancient ones had created that place. “The sorcerers of antiquity tell that, in their distant past, a very powerful Nagual pair existed; they, it is said, were the founders of our tradition. Those sorcerers were such teachers of dreaming that they managed to teach their art to their entire people. They say that, with time, those people become so skilled at dreaming that, for them, there was no longer any difference between being awake and dreaming; they acted in both realms with equal control. Under the supervision of the Nagual pair, that nation of dreamers managed to recreate their cities inside their visions of collective dreaming and, when the moment came, they chose to go and live in the world of their creation. One day, they simply vanished from the face of the earth.” Having said that, Carlos kept looking at me as if assessing my reaction. I was fascinated by what he had told me and just wanted him to keep on speaking. After a moment, he continued:
    “In the course of time, going to that place became a priority goal for many sorcerers. Whole lineages met up there. The place thus became known for many as ‘the refuge’ or ‘the sanctuary’. As the number of residents increased, their community transformed into an enormous bubble of collective dreaming maintained to this very day by the intent of a large number of sorcerers keeping their assemblage points fixed on that position in unison.” “Where is that place?” “They are placed somewhere out there, in that immensity,” he said and gestured with his arm, indicating the infinite space. “Dreamers who travel to that place see it as an enormous white dome.” “But are they on another planet?” He smiled slightly before answering. “As I have told you, they exist in another position of the assemblage point. Over time, they transformed that place into a fantastic base where they accumulated their resources. Taking advantage of their inorganic existence, they venture from there through the entire cosmos, exploring the most incredible possibilities of perception. They can do that because in their condition time passes differently and the known laws of space-time do not apply. That is how they managed to escape the wear and tear of biological existence and are still alive today. Because they’ve managed to link directly with the awareness of the Earth, they can go on existing for near-eternity, as long as our planet exists.” “And why did they do that?” “Their goal was to survive at any cost and, to defy death, they chose to transform themselves into a special type of inorganic being. However, aware of the predatory conditions that rule out there, they conspired to create a refuge in the other world.” Staring fixedly into my eyes, he added: “You already know that the Universe at large is predatory. Once you pass to the other side, you become subject to its laws and the groups of inorganics that rule there. On many occasions real battles have broken out among them for the awareness of the inhabitants. By creating their ‘hive’, the ancient seers have managed to retain a high level of independence, and even if it does not free them completely from the influence of the inorganic kingdom, at least they are not its slaves.”


  • 12.09.2020. 00:11h

    Član iridaMerlin42

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    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

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  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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