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Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.


Ovo je poziv svim zainteresiranim da se uključe u ova dogadjanja. Globalne meditacije i dogadjanja su u ovom prelomnom trenutka od izuzetne važnosti za naš planet, Gaju, poziv je otvoren za sve…

   Možete se uključiti koristeći linkove koji su priloženi, dobiti šire informacije, kao i program.


   S obzirom da je tekst maila na engleskom jeziku predlažem da onima kojima je to potrebno koriste Google prevoditelja radi lakšeg i boljeg razumijevanja.

   Ove meditacije se održavaju 5.8., ne smetnite sa uma 8.8. Globalne meditacije Dipeka Čopre, link sam već postavila ranije, danas idu meditacije Anrite Melchizedek

          THE ELDERS - AUGUST 2014 


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Medjutim one su vrlo vitalne, ali drugog tipa.

   Nadam se da sam dijelom pomogla, pokazala poneka vrata, na vama je da razumijete, prodjete ih i učinite svoj dio. Ukoliko već niste u tijeku. Ukoliko jeste…vidimo se na meditacijama!!!


August World Calls Invitation

The Radiant Rose Academy

To Me

Today at 5:05 PM

August 2, 2014


Radiant Rose Academy - August World Calls

Excalibur Greets You

Beloved students of the Radiant Rose Academy, I Excalibur greet thee from the Love of my Heart Flame and thank each and every one of you for your continued support of the Decree Teleconference and Clarion Calls. Your willingness to show up every Tuesday of each month and Decree for the Purification, Illumination, Protection, Peace and Freedom of the people of Earth and the Planet is something that ought to be cherished within your Hearts forever. For each time you do this, you are giving your Christ Presence, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, and Cosmic Beings an open door into our Octave of life to set it Free from the frightful discord that has been imposed upon It by human beings misuse of God’s Great Energy. Which, might I remind you would not be done otherwise; for the Cosmic Law states that some of un-ascended humankind must reach up and make the Call to the Great Ones for the Freedom of life in this world. By doing this, you are building a Mighty Momentum within your own Consciousness of the Magnificent Powers of the Christ Presence which cause the Great Law of Life to draw in, thru and around you all the Protection, Harmony, Joy, Opulence and Freedom you require in order to accomplish the constructive activities of your Life’s Divine Plan!

For Encouragement:*Beloved Master Jesus said to us in a Discourse; Every Call we make for humankind and the Planet for eternal Freedom, that is added attainment to our Life Stream and when we achieve our Resurrection and take our Ascension we will have accomplished what even many Ascended Masters have not done. This gives us greater Authority to Serve in areas upon the Earth and do for humankind and the Planet, what even some of the Ascended Masters cannot do. In hearing these words from Jesus and Feeling the Truth conveyed in them, then why wait another minute to wallow in the sorrows and discontent that beset humankind and Rise into thy full Sovereignty as a God Being and Demand and Command the Freedom of Life right Now! I leave it to you to choose whom you shall Serve and how well ye shall Serve. The Word hath been Spoken by Him who hath Overcome the whole world and those who have ears should HEAR !

You must realize that every time you send forth a Call to your own God Presence and the Ascended Host that you are automatically answered. The deciding factor of how soon that Call is answered in the outer world of physical manifestation is entirely dependent upon how Sincere your Call is, how well you formed the Image in your Mind and how much Feeling was released when It was Spoken. Say for instance, you are Decreeing for the release of a loved one that has come under a condition of some form of illness. Now if you said,

“Beloved I AM Christ Presence, Beloved Mother Mary come and project Your Miracle Healing All-Christ Illuming Love into my Beloved friend (Name)! Silence and Transmute this appearance and replace it with the Perfection of the Christ Presence!”

If you spoke this Call with Full Feeling and Meant It with all your Heart, then every Force in the Universe Would rush forth to Fulfill It, even before you finished saying It; but if you spoke It with only a ‘blah’ feeling and half-heartedly, then there should be absolutely no expectation on your part for It to be fulfilled, at least what I AM saying is don’t wander around and wonder why the Call was not answered, when you Know quite well whether you gave it your ALL or only a fragment of what you are capable of releasing. The thing is don’t ever give up, because if you are Determined enough You will have all the Powers of the Universe come to manifest whatever it is you require.

Even I AM beginning to see just how fast the Christ Presence and Ascended Host can respond to my Calls when I have set the Intention, which means to get clear in my Mind what I AM calling forth. To know the Problem, what it is I AM dealing with, then to see (hold the image) of the solution/outcome I Desire and Require. Then Release as much Feeling as I can into the Call and once I have done all that, to become as still as I can possibly be, in Thought and Feeling and my physical body too. Then relaxing in that open, receptive place of the Great Silence, anticipating the return Feeling of the Love of my Christ Presence and the Ascended Master and once I get that Feeling, that God IS in Action, then I get up and carry on with the business at hand…and the beautiful thing about this, is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes. At first, It takes tremendous discipline on our part as Students of Life, but once we exert enough Will and accomplish this activity again and again, I tell you, there is no Greater Experience in the world; Nothing, than to be the Master Conductor of the Mind, Body and Feelings! This is Truth and I know in your Heart of Hearts you can Feel it and Prove it to yourselves and be Happy and Free beyond your fondest imagination!

I look forward to Serving the Light and Love of the Central Sun this upcoming Tuesday alongside each of you as we march upwards and onwards in the fullness of our Beloved I AM Christ Presence’ Almighty Sunshine!

We are this moment and forevermore all enfolded in the Rose Pink Wings of Love, Will, Grace and Consciousness of our Heavenly Mother Akasha, the Cherubim and Angels of Rose Pink Flame which are lifting us all swiftly into the Limitless Love of the Radiant Rose Soul. That we may pass thru the Door of Everything and spread the Divine Love and all Its Eternal Gifts and Blessings throughout the Consciousness of life in this world until all energy and substance of less than Perfection has Become Its Immortal Beauty and Eternal Elegance everywhere in this Universe! With all my Love,
~ Accredited Messenger, Excalibur

Save the August Planetary Decrees file, so you can apply it to situations you read, see or hear in the news all month long. In the meantime, join us for the free "Live Teleconference-webinar" with Excalibur, Messenger No.2 as our voices join him in a worldwide collective chorus on Tuesday, August 5th!


See Instructions Below on how to Participate

Decrees are available for each Tuesday Calls in PDF format.
Access the Tuesday Calls here or click on the "Download File Here" image below

“Live” Teleconference/Webcast: Connect with us at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Coast Time, 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time, 7:30 p.m. Central Time, 8:30 p.m. East Coast Time, or whatever time zone synchronizes with these if you are calling in from other time zones in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. To see how your time zone corresponds, try using the easy meeting planner option in this link: www.worldtimeserver.com.

Teleconference Format:
5:30 Music begins
5:53 Welcoming Introduction
6:00 Teleconference starts a Blazing Light!
Teleconference Includes Decrees, Meditations and Visualization
Teleconference completes around 7 p.m.

Attend by free Web link (Skype included):

Guest pin code: 819752#

Phone Numbers:
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 (USA)
Secondary dial in number: (925) 627-8261 (USA)
Access the Full list of local (affordable) dial in Numbers here

Decreeing On your own: If you're not connecting "Live" via Teleconference/Webcast, you can read the Decrees on your own or with others. Start your preparation 15 minutes early so that you can synchronize with others in your time zone at 7 p.m. your local time. If that is not convenient, you can offer up the Calls at any other time that works best and still contribute to our 24- hour energy field and global offering.


Help Our Planet Program Dates

Join us on Tuesdays when we all find 30- 60 minutes to contribute to a collective global offering to the Company of Heaven, with a different focus each week. From the comfort of our local environments in over 31 countries, we offer up the same decrees together for the biggest impact. (The schedule may change depending on world events, visit our Decree Schedule Online Here.)

August 5
: August Planetary Decree "live" Teleconference/Webcast
August 12: Clarion Calls for New Earth and Nature Calls)
August 19: August Planetary Decrees Repeated, with or without optional recordings
August 26: Clarion Calls To be Announced.

~ To receive on-going updates on late breaking Emergency Clarion Calls or schedule changes, contact our Help Our Planet volunteer team at: rrateleconferences@live.com.
~ Need Help? have questions or comments? Contact our volunteers here
~ Frequently Asked Questions: Overview can be found here.

We thank all of our musicians: Roisha Ray (Denise Hagen), Magic Moreno, and Isaiah and Iolani, and Michael Stillwater, for lovingly sharing their music for the teleconference and the family of our Ascended Harpist Erik Berglund for his healing music on our recordings.

We look forward to joining your compassionate heart in our collective
Service throughout the month of August!

The Radiant Rose Academy

Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
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