Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član cune







OD 14.01.2018.


Mi nismo zaboravljeni koje nitko više ne zna ili se ne usudi pitati; mi smo neumorni tragači na putu svjetla kojim se mnogi ne usude, rastući kao sadašnja budućnost postojanja i dalje nastavljamo skitati kao i sve lutalice i sanjari koje se iza odživljenoga sna ne probude



Oda ljudskome rodu


Kada svjetlost iznjedri val iz dubina vlastitog praiskona

pa se u eksploziji sažme u rađanju sjemena postojanja,

sa čudesne palete mogućnosti javi se u srcu skrivena ikona

zazivajući izvjesnost stabla života s nebrojeno izniklih grana



Kada se jednost savršenstva u neograničenosti svih oblika

ponudi oku tek otvorenom, da bi tu svjetlost u sebi sakrio,

naslutit će se  vječita sudbina prvog stradalnika i pjesnika

koji se na taj ne trasirani put bez ikakvog jamstva odvažio



No, njegov će već prvi korak izdubiti korito budućih promjena

koje će njemu teći da bi postale jamcima svakog od stvaranja,

u njima prarođeno dijete, najmanje za njega može biti zamjena;

više je najava prvog sudbinskog kruga i njegovog zatvaranja



Iza njega niknut će izdanci i naših samoniklo uzdignutih vlati,

propupalih iz jedinog zrna zazelenjelog tla kojega smo stvorili;

sve što je dotada bilo, u novu će realnost da se preobrati;

u kojoj su lahori promjene, krivnjom našeg stvaranja, zažamorili



Mi prvorođeni u kapi svjetlosti unutar eksplozije potpunog mira;

samonastali da bi sva ostala nastajanja dubinama neba mjerili,

predodređeni smo za odgovore na pitanja bezbrojnih svemira

a nastali, da bi njegove raskoši jednako svima zauvijek dijelili



Kao čvorovi upleteni u mreže nečijih davno odsanjanih snova

svakim od koraka u jučer, svačiju smo izvjesnost za sutra stvarili

svakim smo korakom postajali jači i moćniji od bilo kojih izazova,

ma kako se na maglenim putovanjima otkrivanja gubili i zamarili



Mi nismo zaboravljeni koje nitko više ne zna ili se ne usudi pitati;

mi smo neumorni tragači na putu svjetla kojim se mnogi ne usude,

rastući kao sadašnja budućnost postojanja i dalje nastavljamo skitati

kao i sve lutalice i sanjari koje se iza odživljenoga sna ne probude



Mi iza zemlje, koji smo se uzdigli, ostajući zauvijek da budemo;

mi što smo ponijeli najveće terete ne mareći za njihovu težinu,

ne pitajući se kojim smo putovima krenuli i kamo odista idemo

u nedjeljivosti cjeline, konačno našli smo dugo traženu postojbinu





  • 01.01.2015. 12:34h

    Član magicusMerlin28


    .....ili za one koji bi kao Vodili ili bili čak izabrani od Ljudskog roda?

    Trebaju uzeti mnogo toga u obzir a pogotovo onu da je i put u pakao popločan dobrim namjerama?

    U svakom slučaju treba razmotriti i Tollov slučaj:"ali se o tome neče govoriti u Vijestima" (osim ako ne bude da je "to'l" pa(l)o u more?)....




    A Different View of the World   ////


    giving attention to the actual cause of the disease.Turning off the alarm outside a building that is in flames does not solve the problem ofthe fire inside it. Palliative remedies may stop a headache, but that merely gets rid of thesymptom while the problem itself lies dormant. Some doctors are more interested in examiningtheir patients’ pockets than their health.Physicians should give more serious consideration to the famous Hippocratic Oath theytake when they graduate, which includes ethics and honesty. There are currently doctors wholike a taxi cab calculate their fees against a clock. Others may even offer price cuts for theirservices to attract more clients, as if they were ordinary merchants.Healing is a sacred art. Unfortunately, in the hands of modern medicine, it has become ahealth supermarket. The vast majority of science students do not enter the medical field as avocation or out of dedication, but rather for financial interests and for the social status whichgoes with the doctor’s title. That is the main reason why poor people die queuing up in hospitalcorridors.Western doctors know nothing or almost nothing about energy, which is why they treat asubject as an object, as organic matter that has become dysfunctional for reasons seldomexamined from any point of view other than the rational one. Very few doctors consider energyas an alternative cause of illness, simply because they cannot see it.One of my colleagues, a Zoque healer, once said:“When we first learned about the oriental healing technique of acupuncture, we werefilled with enthusiasm and immediately adopted the use of the small needles.Our ancestors used thorns of the maguey plant[15] for this excellent practice. One needsto be careful, though, because there are many practitioners out there who are not healers butuse the needles anyway. Sometimes they hit the target, but mostly they fail because they don’t


     and thus cannot find the exact spot to insert the needle. To be a true ‘needle healer’, onemust first be a


    ."He said that acupuncture charts one could purchase merely identified the points by theirnames and by an approximate description of their location. But those tiny points vary theirlocation from person to person, which is why it is so important to


     the flow of energy if youwant to use the needles.Acupuncture is certainly one of the most valuable resources healers use to help patients.The strange thing is that modern medicine does recognize acupuncture as a bona fide practice,not because it wants to but because its results cannot be denied. Modern medicine cannotexplain how acupuncture works because it refuses to recognise the human being asconglomerate of energy channels invisible and undetectable to its instruments.Glorious will be the day when medical science puts aside their prejudices and benefitsfrom the knowledge of the healers! But that will only be possible through a cultural revolutionwhich alone can make ‘doctorates in energy studies’ acceptable to our universities.Unfortunately, as long as huge economic interests are involved, that revolution will not happen.Large pharmaceutical laboratories that commercialise medicines are the real villains. Itis they who sponsor doctors, they who toy with the public health. Not only do they makemedicines, they also create diseases for which they subsequently sell us cures.There is no denying that much good has been done by pharmaceutical products: they dohelp the sick recover. The same results, however, can be achieved much more simply and cost-effectively by using natural means which do not have contraindications: plants, salts,massages, cleansing, and energetic balancing. It is simply the matter of choosing the mostsuitable treatment for each patient.Once people have learned to take care of themselves, everything will be different.

    Power of the Word

    Some words, however, represent conglomerates of values deeply rooted in us and it isdifficult for us to break our fixation on them. Those are best dealt with as memories ofexperiences to be examined during


    .There is a common saying among the healers: “Our life is the sum of our


    . It is as you


     it.”“Words are so powerful,” doña Silvia went on, “that, all by themselves, they have thepower to move the

    assemblage points 

     of people. That is what happens when charismaticleaders who are gifted speakers influence crowds. It is mass hypnosis.Being happy is the supreme accomplishment that warriors can achieve, which is whythey cultivate good humour and the art of not taking themselves seriously. They learn how toapply the power of words in pursuit of happiness, laughter, and good living.Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by the absent apprentice’s arrival. DoñaSilvia commented with a huge smile:“It never fails."


    and that her pregnancy had been brought about by the spirit. They took that as an omen.In due time, Chimali gave birth to a son who became the king of his people. Tepoztecowas his name, and he was a king so wise that his fame spread way beyond the frontiers of hisland. From everywhere, people came to hear his words.The story tells that on one occasion the great king was invited to a banquet at the royalcourt of Tenochtitlan, which was located where Mexico City is today. He arrived dressed in hisusual way, wearing his humble loincloth and leather sandals, but he was not allowed in. Hethen returned home and put on fine clothes, gold, jewels and precious feathers. Thus attired, hereturned to the party. This time he was admitted in and seated alongside the other nobles.During the meal, out of the blue and to everyone’s astonishment, king Tepozteco begansmearing food on his clothes and ornaments. When asked why he was doing it, he replied thatit was not he who had been invited to the banquet but his clothes and jewellery. The otherswere profoundly embarrassed.The lesson of this story is that we must look beyond appearances, unlike this baldyhere,” Doña Silvia said, pointing at me, “who believes that only external appearances matter.Modern man has abandoned his good sense in favour of vanity. He has become apuppet of fashion and behaves like a clown, only without even the slightest sense of theridiculous. It clearly shows how people continue to follow the propaganda blindly without everquestioning anything and are thus mercilessly manipulated by hidden forces.The price for emphasising any aspect of the ego is to remain locked up in the chosendetail. Lack of awareness makes the masses behave mechanically and follow stereotypes.Watching them, one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.”


    in something like that is tantamount to believing inchildren’s stories, like the story of Santa Claus which is presented to the infants as truth andlater ends up as the first great disappointment of their lives, not so much because Santa doesn’texist but because their parents lied. It is at that point that lying becomes part of the child’s worldand it is actually the moment when children lose their innocence.To reach God, we need to recover our original purity which gave us the ability to believein Santa Claus. The only way to conceive of God is abstractly because everything is vibratingenergy. When we realize that we are part of that same energy, we integrate with God.Consider the billions of galaxies that exist in the universe, each with its billions of suns,each of them with planets revolving around it, all of it moving like clockwork. It is obvious evento atheists that there is a powerful creative force at work behind all that. Even they intuit thateverything exists as part of something immeasurable and incomprehensible. That something iswhat people call God. Each religion and each culture has a different name for this infinity.





    tamo negdje "gore" piše (negdje se zagubilo u redovima pa treba po redu) da mračne sile žale zaustaviti ljudski napredak..

    Moguče je da če to biti učinjeno na napredan način!?

    Tehnološki! jer če nam se činiti da napredujemo?

    Prvog Prvog Dvije i Petnaeste!

    Upisao: Emilio 1.01.2015 10:30h
    Pripadajući članak: ODA LJUDSKOME RODU

  • 01.01.2015. 13:02h

    Član mgracanMerlin6 Friedrich Hölderlin, njemački pjesnik iz doba romantizma: "...i kad bi samo mogao probio bi granice svoje rodne zvijezde pa se izgubio u bespućima svemira; jer za divlje grudi čovjeka nema zavičaja!"
  • 01.01.2015. 13:45h

    Član iridaMerlin41

    Poanta je u; ne stati pred problemima, a ne odsustvo problema: "No, njegov će već prvi korak izdubiti korito budućih promjena..."


Član cuneMerlin3 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana cune dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



Najnoviji članci


Napiši nešto, ostavi trag

Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba





  • Član iridairida

    rujan samo što nije....-)

    29.08.2024. 08:59h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, sretan vam današnji blagdan Velike Gospe! Lp

    15.08.2024. 07:59h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Šaljem vam lijep pozdrav iz suncem okupanog Ždrijelca. Lp

    05.08.2024. 07:49h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Kada ti zaželi netko nešto lijepo, barem mu kaži hvala. To te ništa ne košta!

    29.07.2024. 07:08h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Sretnu i radosnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    28.07.2024. 06:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, jedan podatak o posjećenosti naše stranice., sa 21.07.2024.g. posjetilo je magicus 61.065.690 čitatelja. JUčer je bilo 22.352 pregleda. Lijepo zar ne?

    21.07.2024. 06:54h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako proživljavate ovu vručinu? Želim vam svako dobro. Lp

    13.07.2024. 06:32h
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