Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član mlabos








Suptilno i uobičajeno sanjarenje o nečemu drugom od onoga što trenutno jeste je postalo automatski mehanizam, koji se nesvjesno uključuje i smatra se normalnim, nebitnim dnevnim sadržajem.

Vrste misli i stanja svijesti

Postoji više vrsta misli koje se mogu podijeliti u tri glavne grupe. 

Praktične misli koje se odnose na fizički aspekt stvarnosti, koje nakon što obave svoju funkciju koordinacije akcije odlaze.

Zatim misli koje bi se mogle nazvati „duhovnima“, to jest, misli koje dolaze iz nepoznatog donoseći nešto novo, misli koje se bave propitivanjem što je stvarno, koje imaju meditativnu/kontemplativnu vibraciju.

 Tu spadaju kreativne misli, povezane s intuicijom i inspiracijom, koje vode uvidima i stvaranju nečeg novog.

Može se raditi o umjetničkim ili znanstvenim djelima, ali i puno šire od toga. 

I postoje misli koje nemaju ni praktičnu, svakodnevnu funkciju, niti vode istini ili stvaranju nečeg novog. 

Tu spadaju sve vrste osuđivanja i takozvano dnevno sanjarenje, ili „wishful thinking“. 

One se mogu javiti na prijelazu iz jedne od gore spomenutih kategorija misli, kada čovjek pokušava preraditi neko iskustvo, ali nespreman zagledati se dublje u nutrinu i prihvatiti iskustva bez dodatnih interpretacija, gubi kompas i ulazi u vode ovakvih misli. 

Ta treća vrsta misli je najvažnija za tragatelja za istinom, jer upravo u njima se krije prividna udaljenost između onoga koji traži i traženoga. 

Suptilno i uobičajeno sanjarenje o nečemu drugom od onoga što trenutno jeste je postalo automatski mehanizam, koji se nesvjesno uključuje i smatra se normalnim, nebitnim dnevnim sadržajem.

 Samo kada se radi o mislima kritike, ili nekim takozvanim negativnim osjećanjima kod tragatelja se pali alarm, signalizacija da je negdje krivo skrenuo.

 No, radi se o suštinski istoj vrsti misli. 

Jer nije bit u razvrstavanju „dobrih“ i „loših“ misli i osjećaja, nego u istinitosti, svjesnosti, budnosti; viđenju onoga što jeste, kako jeste. 

Zato je vrijedno obratiti pažnju na sve misli, na njihovu funkciju, na njihov doprinos općem životu.

 S većom budnošću i manjom identifikacijom s mislima, moguća su naravno suptilnija razlikovanja misli i provođenja mentalne higijene koja stanje svijesti održava bistrim i mirnim. 

Pod tragateljem za istinom se već podrazumijeva stanje svijesti u kome je identifikacija, njeno težište, pomaknuto s grubo materijalne razine, na finotvarnu razinu misli i osjećaja i na njihovo promatranje i pokušaje razidentifikacije i s tim područjem.

U toj fazi, stanju svijesti, prihvaćanje i iskrenost spram vlastitog iskustva, shvaćajući neosobnost svih misli, je ključ provođenja procesa i produbljivanja uvida, koji inače lako može skrenuti u samoosuđivanje i nastavak zaplitanja u misli.



Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!




Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 16.03.2018. 05:33h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Zapanjiti = Posiječi.....

    .....ili otuđiti deblo,grane i listove za fotosintezu!?

    Biti pak Zapanjen bi bilo nalik onome da pčele najžešče svršavaju kad su silovane ili izbacuju Mladice a trutovi bi pak ostajali Zapanjeni i čekali Godoa?!

    U čemu bi bila razlika između vilikog i malog egoa ako smo ego-isti/identični nego u sadržaju?

    A onda bi veliki egoisti bili pristalice tradicionalnih ili ustajalih vrijednosti dok bi mali egoisti naginjali anarhizmima pod okriljem duhovnosti,nacionalizma ili ideologije tojest dok se na najedu na svoj modus?

    Začuđujuče je i da komunisti u svojoj svijetloj budučosti nisu vidjeli dalje od materijalnog blagostanja a koje su ostvarivali putem "ideološka predstava-biološko razmnožavanje-diktatura samovažnosti" ili bi nas kao ateisti mogli i zapanjiti ako nas je posijeklo da su također izvodili i rituale?

    P.S:Ima onih pak koji se čak i hvale Algoritmima za očitavanje Emocija!

    Pa bi takvima valjalo napomenuti da ni terorizma nebi bilo bez antiterorizma ili i mjesta za devijacije izvan okvira neke strukture a koja je i sam najčešče devijantna oli kao umotvorina za isisavanje energije???

    *I asked Carlos if he knew my thoughts. Seeing my look of apprehension, he smiled and
    jokingly said that I was a soul in love. I blushed, like a child caught doing something illicit.
    Carlos also told me of people who would approach him so they could boast they knew a
    celebrity. They were easy to recognise as the first thing they did was ask for his autograph.
    Others tried using their relationship with him to attract followers to their own schools. There
    were also those who came in the hope of being discovered and recognized by him as his
    successors. I would have fits of laughter watching him mimic their begging doggy eyes which
    said, “Here I am! Please look at ME!”"As if! When I 'failed' to realize how wonderful they were, they’d get angry and go away,
    spreading slander not just about me but about all of us,” he said, referring to his cohorts.

    The Only External Help We Can Have

    Once, as we discussed my possible commitment to the path, Carlos said:
    “Self-pity and self-importance are the real tyrants; they prevent people from seeing things
    clearly. Therefore, if you really want to do something for yourself, start fighting those enemies
    right now, today!”
    “But how can I do that?”
    “By being deliberate, staying alert and being aware of every act, every thought and
    emotion that assaults you; by stalking yourself tirelessly and by not giving in to your vices.”
    He went on:
    “If you begin now, you will have taken your first big step. True, it can take you years of
    struggle, but at least you won't be inert.”
    By my various vices he meant the concessions we all make to ourselves when we say
    things like, "I cannot live without that”, or “I’ll allow myself the luxury of this” – or our old excuse,
    when we tell ourselves, "I deserve this!”
    To be aware of one’s every thought, word and action is undoubtedly a huge challenge
    but I accepted it. He had been right: it took me years of work. For me, the process was gradual.
    When I finally realized that my actions were no longer based on self-pity, I felt I had truly cast off
    a heavy burden. The most incredible thing however was that previously I did not even notice it
    was there.
    This task is really a twenty-four hour a day battle the warrior fights against himself,
    against his self-importance and self-pity, and is ultimately the battle against his own stupidity.
    To win it, one must force oneself at all times not to relax one's vigil and to sustain round-theclock awareness, since, if one lowers one’s guard for a single moment, one looses protection
    against the onslaughts of the ego.
    Now I understood what Carlos meant when he said that one had no need of teachers.
    He maintained that fighting self-importance was like going to the toilet, something one had to
    do on one’s own, since it was strictly personal business. The struggle was against one’s own
    ego and no one could help us with that.
    The only external help our peers can, perhaps, provide is to make us aware of our
    weaknesses. That, however, gives rise to a new problem: we often see those who warn us of
    our faults as adversaries or enemies when in fact we should be grateful to them, for they are our

    ** Whenever someone throws a tantrum, you can be sure that there is a flyer around
    to take advantage of such a waste. **

    ***This task is really a twenty-four hour a day battle the warrior fights against himself,
    against his self-importance and self-pity, and is ultimately the battle against his own stupidity.
    To win it, one must force oneself at all times not to relax one's vigil and to sustain round-theclock awareness, since, if one lowers one’s guard for a single moment, one looses protection
    against the onslaughts of the ego.***  !O'O!

  • 16.03.2018. 05:39h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Tako đe......

    .....bi i ono "biti u svijetu ali ne i od svijeta" bilo dvojako jer i "vražji trik je da ga nema" tojest je i tu ali se je izuzeo?

    Baš kao i kada zakone primjenjujemo na niže a pravda je nešto sporija ali svakog sustiže?

    Dakle šta nas to izbacuje iz Takta a ubacuje u Formu......... pa čak je i uvijek na Snazi?!

    Bjelodano..... a zamračuje!?

  • 16.03.2018. 05:46h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Grozno je.......

    .....pomisliti da nam i tako malo treba za aktiviranje sustava tumačenja a onda i puno fali tojest kad se ispraznimo ili ako smo falili u punjenju?

    Užasavajuče je pak pomisliti da bi i Instutucija radila po istom principu i trebala Malo za održavanje Velikog?

    Inače je i stupidno misliti da se Veliki bakču na malo jer oni operiraju na veliko a na malo interveniraju samo u slučajevima kada "goli i sami su se tukli" zakaže pa neka Malenkost digne glavu iznad prosijeka ili gomile???

  • 16.03.2018. 06:18h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    E motivno......

    .....bi bilo i zapitati se hoče li se Istanmbulska Konvencija ako ju usvojimo onda odnositi i na Lijepu našu Hrvatsku !

    Jer šta ako ju onda nečemo moči podvoditi strancima ili turistički a pod okriljem vanjskog duga ili "namještaja"?

    Šta ako ta Konvencija onda zavlada i planetarno jer i Zemlja je žensko... rekli bi zemljaci!?

    Tojest ima vulkane,brazde, rasjedline i vlažnost..... rekli bi vlaji koji su bili na golom pimpeku???

    I koji sam to "ja" koji sve to "vidi"...... ili je sve i u najboljem redu po "razmišljaj globalno jer djeluje lokalno"??

  • 16.03.2018. 06:48h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    E ko.....

    .....ili da nije "ćirilice" bio bi MiroSlav  !?

    htt ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ8buO3ozzY

  • 16.03.2018. 07:17h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Well well - hee hee.....

    ......ili za opuštanje naših Imenica na "mrtvoj straži" a možda i radni Glagol ???

    Linearno..... ili i ne postoji uredan niz logičnih koraka nego Čekići i Sačekuše za "parče mesa" koje kaže "ako nemate kruha jedite......"??

    ***** The Wheel of Time
    On one occasion I mentioned to Carlos that I’d been on an excursion to the area of Bolsón de
    Mapimi in the north of Mexico, to a place known as The Silence Zone. He told me that he had
    already been there and added that the reason inexplicable phenomena happened in that place
    was because of powerful confluences of Eagle's emanations. He said:
    “The confluence of emanations is what causes the well-known phenomena of distortion
    in compasses and other electronic devices. It is also responsible for the visual and auditory
    hallucinations in those who visit that area.”
    Our conversation moved on to a topic that interested me greatly; Carlos called it the wheel of
    “Time is the essence of Eagle’s emanations,” he told me. “The emanations are
    perceived by sentient beings as time. Time is our subjective sensation of the emanations.
    Sorcerers see time as constant flow, as if it were a giant wave with everything caught up in its
    crest, making it all move in unison. That effect makes the passage of time seem real and
    unchangeable to us.
    If we could perceive everything at the same time, we would not see time as something
    that passes but as the absolute, as an experience of eternity. The nature of our organs of
    perception is such that we select bundles of emanations in sequence, and that gives us the
    impression of the passing of time.
    Sorcerers have discovered that time is not something rigid. The manner in which we
    perceive it depends on the way we fix the position of the assemblage point. The human beings
    of our time are imprisoned in a collective position that makes us oscillate around the position of
    reason where time is linear, a single recurrence moving ever forward in an unchanging
    "We all long, however, to break that linearity. That is why fiction stories are written about
    characters who travel through time. Deep down, we all know that the experience of time in
    which we are immersed is only a mirage shared by all of us who belong to this particular cluster
    of Eagle’s emanations.
    Once they have learned to fix their assemblage point in diverse positions, sorcerers
    experience different types of time: continuities that can flow slower or faster, or in several
    directions simultaneously. The sorcerers call this omnidirectional[9] flow the supremacy of the
    wheel of time.
    Due to their experience in the labyrinth of time, the shamans of antiquity came to the
    conclusion that the real nature of time was cyclical, with no straight lines in the succession of
    events. That is why, in essence, all beings and events are cyclical, because everything recurs
    time and again.
    They saw that there were certain patterns or moulds in energy. They also saw that
    cycles superimposed themselves on one another, interacting in indescribable ways and
    mingling to form new cycles. That is why all beings are connected like the beads of the rosary
    and absolutely everything that exists forms part of the same weave of eagle’s emanations. That,
    for sorcerers, is the essential nature of the universe.”
    Although I did not fully understand what he had said, I marvelled at his explanation while
    the scope of his level of awareness astonished me. Just to say something, I remarked that
    scientists had made significant discoveries about the texture of time and space. He replied:
    “Theoretical physicists are advanced explorers who use mathematical logic to
    investigate the universe, but even they feel it to be an ineffective and inappropriate tool. The
    proof is that they can’t agree even among themselves, and the unified theory is a fallacy
    explaining nothing.
    Real and tangible worlds exist where time passes in a way different from what is normal
    to us. I know; I have already been there.
    Here on Earth, sorcerers recognize anomalous points where emanations change their
    texture as places of power. In those places, energy behaves in ways different from the usual
    one. A sensitive person in the state of inner silence can extract a great deal of information about
    the mysteries of the universe from those sites."
    I asked him if he knew a place of power he could recommend. He replied evasively:
    “The world is full of such places; particularly here, because in this area Eagle’s
    emanations swirl like nowhere else I’ve seen.
    The difficulty lies not in finding such a place but in being able to recognise it and use it
    In fact, any place can be a place of power for the person who manages to reach silence.
    We are generally so confused by the hurly-burly of the world around us that it is very difficult to
    apprehend the tenuous oscillation that can be felt when we are silent. The vibration we
    perceive is Eagle’s emanations; it is time passing by.
    The ancients knew that the universe could be explained in part but never in its totality,
    because the universe is not there to be explained. The only sensible thing to do with Eagle’s
    emanations is to use them.
    Shamans are very practical persons. They don’t see the secrets of the wheel of time as
    theoretical knowledge but as possibility of action. They have designed practices that actually
    make it possible for them to travel through time, although not through the linear time of our
    everyday experience, but through the real time of the emanations.”
    “What could be the practical use of that knowledge?” I asked.
    “The sorcerer who has learned to use the emanations knows it is possible to assimilate
    the moment, to make oneself one with it and to extend eternally in any direction of his choice.
    Such is the freedom of perception, our real destination as luminous beings.
    Sorcerers struggle to break with the human form and to divest themselves of personality;
    ultimately, they do it to make themselves one with the emanations of time and flow with them.
    The goal is to establish a personal relationship with time, a harmonic relationship that allows
    them to flow with the emanations in perfect equilibrium, so that the human will and the will of
    the Eagle are the same.”
    Paraphrasing something that he himself had written, he said:
    "The knowledge of time is available only to those who investigate it deliberately.”
    I wanted to know what that type of investigation consisted of. He replied:
    "To flow with time, you have to learn to face it as it advances towards you, just like a bird
    which faces the oncoming wind in order to soar, never the receding one.
    By the same token, to face time, you must abandon the tendency to see yourself at the
    end of a line of events, as a participant in the chain of your personal and collective history. It is
    an illusion; the past and the future do not exist. The only thing that you really have is this
    If you want to deal with the oncoming time, you have to dare to live the present. To flow
    with time is to live this moment intensely, accepting or rejecting the challenges that appear on
    our path, learning and experimenting with every new day of our life.
    To live in the present does not mean abandoning oneself to the randomness of the
    moment; on the contrary, it means having the speed to grasp everything the second it happens,
    without passing it through the filter of reason. That way the world renews itself all the time and
    the most exciting possibilities open themselves to us. One thus becomes aware of everything
    that happens around him.
    Living in the present does not imply disregarding past experiences; it means learning to
    see them as they really are: events outside time in the flow of the cosmic intent. That allows one
    to extract accurate lessons from them, and even gives one the capacity to modify them as
    required. That is what recapitulation is for; through recapitulation, you can literally intervene in
    the energy flow of the past.
    A sorcerer who has learned to manipulate the wheel of time can deliberately interfere in
    events as much as the power allows and alter the future in his favour. By doing that, he puts
    himself in the best possible position for the completion of his task.
    The most dramatic effect the wheel of time has on a sorcerer’s experience is the
    realisation that he does not actually exist here or there, because time and space are not as
    absolute as we believe them to be. *****

    Copiright restricted ?..... but is = 

    htt ps://www.scribd.com/document/250038048/The-Secret-of-the-Plumed-Serpen-Armando-Torres

    P.S:Caru carevo a Bogu božji.... ili nije da bježim nego sam se Zaletio?!

  • 16.03.2018. 08:03h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Se dam.....

    .....ali da se ne dam !

    Tojest kada "poštar raznosi poštu u strahu od primanja vijesti" to je kao i kada "neopazivi Dio se krije u strukturi"?

    Te bi bilo "blago onom ko se uhljebi na vrijeme pa mu život u sitosti prođe".... ili "nemamo Dokaza ali Voditelj je tu samo što ne možemo do Njega"!?

    Dakle bi.... ali i ne Bi.

    (sve je Tu..... ali Mene nema???..... kao stojim ali kao pognut oli zagledan u vlastiti troto'ar??)))

  • 16.03.2018. 14:46h

    Član iridaMerlin42


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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