Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član mlabos








Postoji jedna stara indijanska priča koja govori o dvoje mladih indijanaca: o mladiću i djevojci.


Postoji jedna stara indijanska priča koja govori o dvoje mladih indijanaca: o mladiću i djevojci. 

Jednom se njih dvoje uputiše do velikog poglavice svoga plemena i rekoše mu odlučno:

“Mi se volimo! Hoćemo da nam daš svoj blagoslov i da nas poučiš što treba da činimo da bi naša ljubav trajala vječno.”

“Dobro”, – odgovori im poglavica.

“Reći ću vam, što da učinite.

Ali prvo pođite sa mnom gore u planinu, no prije toga pronađite mi dva orla i ponesite ih sa sobom, a poslije ćemo vidjeti što dalje.”

Dvoje mladih krenuše u različitim pravcima i nakon kraćeg vremena svatko od njih donese po jednog orla.

Kada stigoše na vrh planine, poglavica im ovako reče:

“Uzmite sada ovo kratko uže i zavežite njegovim krajevima po jednu nogu svakom orlu.”

Zaljubljeni ga poslušaše i vezaše noge pticama.

“Sada ih pustite da lete!” – reče poglavica.

Mladić i djevojka baciše ptice u vis ka nebu, ali orlovi ne mogoše da polete, jer im noge bijahu međusobno vezane.

Oni padoše na zemlju i počeše da kljuju jedan drugoga, želeći da se oslobode užeta kojim su vezani. Tada stari indijanac reče:

“Sada presijecite uže!”

Mladi izvršiše i tu naredbu, presjekoše vezu i ponovo baciše orlove u nebo.

Ovog puta ptice se brzo izdigoše u visine, zavrtiše se par puta u krug pa uzletiše ka snježnim vrhovima obližnje planine.

A mudri poglavica im reče:

“Eto, to je tajna vječne ljubavi i sreće: ako su ljudi zavezani jedni za druge, nikada im neće uspjeti da polete.

Vi možete slobodno letjeti i zajedno, ali ne da budete vezani.

A ako se ipak vežete, nikada nećete moći da spoznate ni ljubav ni sreću.” 

Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!




Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 11.09.2018. 12:04h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada je netko u potpunosti.....

    .....odvojen od Bića tada je i izgubljen u "svom Umu" ali to najčešće znači i apsolutno snalaženje u "svom Svijetu"?

    Da bismo nekome oduzeli njegovu Ljudskost dovoljno ga je svesti na "predmet" a to onda podrazumijeva i prvenstveno uskračivanje Prostora?

    Kada se trujemo Pesticidima i kažnjavamo zbog Kopriva tada mi zapravo i odajemo priznanje Koprivi i njezinim ljekovitim svojstvima ali i pod uslovom da je u Našim rukama?

    Neče nam trebati puno vremena da sada desig'niramo i "koprivu u prahu" pod Sloganom "batina iz Raja" a koju če reklamirati naše slatkoriječive Glasnogovornice i najljepše Manekenke baš i po uzoru na Shifericu koja svojim "auspuhom" frizira "das Auto"?

    Prosto bi mogli uprostiti i ono da prostiš Odašiljanje i Privlačenje pa bi se tu po Plodovima poznali Sijači a na Mučenicima i Junaci?

    "Zbrisati sa Stola" bi uključivalo i Trpezu jer ono što je jednome Zavežljaj to je drugome "u zavežljaju"?

    Dakle mi bi mogli više saznati o "trenutnom stanju Čovječanstva" proučavajuči "Goli Otok" a gdje stoji da "sami su se tukli" i pod kumstvom nekoliko "stražara" jer "Brijuni" si nikada neče "obrijati Glavu"!?

    Biti pak "PoGlavica u Svijetu"...... ostavlja mogučnost i za "Ja i moj Otac smo Jedno"???

    Mada če i opet prevagnuti "drugi" i bratstvo u "jedinstvu"..... tojest Faschizam/Fasio je Snoplje žetelaca a Komunizam udruženje Srpova i Ćekiča??

  • 11.09.2018. 15:23h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Angel of death own this World?

    **He pointed at something in the sky high above the cathedral. At first I saw nothing, but then something adjusted itself and my eyes took in what he was indicating. It was a black shadow of deformed and sinister appearance, floating like a giant balloon over the buildings. I immediately grabbed don Melchor’s arm. He told me to calm down and not show fear or surprise. He called it 'the shadow', but I knew what it was I was seeing. That ‘shadow’, as he referred to it, was neither more nor less than one of the flyers Carlos Castaneda spoke about. That was the first time I had ever seen one. Trembling from head to toe, I felt nauseated and vomited

    "Everyone of us can 'see' energy - even now - but you are no longer aware of it. Infants on the other hand perceive energy directly. However, as they get older the 'Usher' introduces them to the world of ordinary reality. Instead of seeing amorphous energy, the infant one day will assemble the energy configuration into...a table. A toy. A dog. A tree. Each time the transformation comes from the Usher.

    "First and foremost we live in a world of energy. Only secondarily do we live in a world of objects. The position of the assemblage point determines the reality that we assemble of the energy.

    "This world is not as important as we make it out to be. Our language is biased; we call it 'reality' when it is really only one of many modes of the assemblage point. For convenience though let us refer to it as 'ordinary' reality.

    "Ordinarily once the Ushers do their work of helping us perceive the various energy configurations as 'objects,' the assemblage point is fixed once and for all and the assemblage point does not move thereafter.

    "We are forced to maintain a world of everyday life until we die

    ljudska svest je kao jedna
    velika kuća naseljena duhovima. Svest svakodnevnog
    života zapečaćena je u jednoj sobi te ogromne kuće,
    čitavog života. U tu sobu ulazimo kroz magični otvor:
    rođenje. I izlazimo kroz drugi sličan magičan otvor:smrt.

    Take back the energy used to support the everyday world [by using death as an advisor and paying back debts]. The everyday world is a gigantic edifice but it rest on just three cornerstones:

    "’Honour thy father and thy mother.’ Unfortunately there are those who hate and deny their very source – their parents – and then extend their grudge against all that exists, including the very earth that gives them shelter. This original resentment is the cause of many diseases. A warrior is aware of the tremendous price that was paid for his life, and in the most detached manner honours and respects those who gave him existence. Only then can he fly free.

    In one of our meetings, the lecturer spoke at length about the modern man’s situation, saying that the society had lost its way and that evil had taken root in the hearts of people. Dark forces were seeking to stop human evolution, and those enemy forces worked tirelessly to cloud people’s minds and to change the purpose for which humans had been created in such a way that the old commandments based on morality and justice got swapped for those of the man in the street that go something like this: * First me, and next I. * Love thy possessions and cling unto them. * Lie and cheat to achieve thy goals. * Satisfy thy desires by any means. * Obtain profit at any cost. * Always seek pleasure and personal gain. * Take advantage of others. * Crush the weak. * Destroy that which thou canst not get. * If thou canst not accomplish something, do not let others accomplish it either

    »Vidiš,letačev um nema suparnika«, nastavi don Juan. »Kad ne što tvrdi, složi se s vlastitom tvrdnjom i navodi te da povjeruješ kakosi došao do nečega vrijednoga.
    Letačev će ti um reći da je sve što te Juan Matus uči čista glupost, a potom će se isti um složiti s vlastitom tvrdnjom: 'Da, svakako, to je glupost', reći ćeš ti. Tako nas oni pobjeđuju.«
    »Letači su bitan dio svemira«, nastavi, »i valja ih prihvatiti takve kakvi stvarno jesu - grozni, nakazni. Oni su sredstva pomoću kojihnas svemir iskušava.«»Mi smo energetske sonde koje je stvorio svemir«, nastavio jekao da je zaboravio na moju prisutnost, »i zato što posjedujemo energiju koja ima svijest, mi smo sredstva pomoću kojih svemir postaje svjestan sebe.
    Letači su neumoljivi izazivači. Treba ih uzeti kao takve. Ako uspijemo u tome, svemir će nam dopustiti da nastavimo.«

    Ne možete sagledati svemir, niti ga čuti, dodirnuti, okusiti ili omirisati, pa kako onda znate da postoji? Ovo logično pitanje u sebi sadrži fundamentalnu grešku. Osnova svemira je nepredmetnost, tako da on ne „postoji" u uobičajenom smislu te reči. Postoje samo predmeti, oblici. Čak i to što ga nazivamo prostor može biti pogrešno jer ga imenujući ga pretvaramo u predmet. Da se izrazim ovako: u vama postoji nešto što iskazuje povezanost sa svemirom, zato i možete biti svesni njega. Svesni čega? Ni to nije u potpunosti tačno, jer ne možete biti svesni svemira/prostora ako ne postoji to čega treba da budete svesni. Odgovor je i jednostavan i dubok. Kada ste svesni svemira, zapravo niste svesni ničega, svesni ste svesnosti - unutrašnjeg prostora svesti. Kroz vas, univerzum postaje svestan sebe.

    . Have an integrity about it - don't brag or compete (competition is the worst thing in the world, it is a primary support for the third cornerstone of everyday reality, the sense of self importance).

    We are generally so confused by the hurly-burly of the world around us that it is very difficult to
    apprehend the tenuous oscillation that can be felt when we are silent

    “Theoretical physicists are advanced explorers who use mathematical logic to
    investigate the universe, but even they feel it to be an ineffective and inappropriate tool.
    The proof is that they can’t agree even among themselves, and the unified theory is a fallacy explaining nothing.
    Real and tangible worlds exist where time passes in a way different from what is normal to us.

    “According to seers, we have eight principal centres. The Rule says one must start from the bottom, from the first centre, pass onto the second and carry on successively until one reaches the last of the steps. That is how one discovers seeing. The energy climbs up the spinal column, bang! bang! centre by centre, until one reaches the full potential that we as luminous beings are destined for.” “Where does the energy move to?” asked one of the assistants. “As we have previously seen,” don Melchor replied, “for human beings, only sexual energy exists. It can be wasted the way ordinary people waste it, or it can be accumulated and transmuted to other levels. The challenge is to transform that energy, moving it from one centre to another until it has come round full circle.


    "Control your feelings and emotions and you’ll take control of your life. Only then will you be free." "Free from what?" I retorted belligerently, feeling threatened by the simple idea of suppressing my feelings, and I even snapped at him that I wasn’t interested in repressing what I felt. Don Berna just laughed, and said nothing. I spent a lot of time pondering the matter. The next time I saw him, I reopened the debate on mental freedom. He accused me of having a closed mind, and said I was extremely inflexible with my cherished concepts. Naturally, I started defending myself. I told him I considered myself a reasonable person, open-minded and willing to receive and learn new ideas. "See?” he said reproachfully. “You always twist everything. Freedom of mind is much more than willingness to learn new things. To achieve freedom of mind you need to be the master of your emotions and of your thoughts. Look at the mind as if it were a wild horse that has bolted. You can only say you’ve achieved freedom of mind when you’ve put reins on that horse and are controlling it as you please. If not, you’ll always be slave to your sentimentalism.” I told him, without much conviction, that I believed I was master of my feelings. He laughed heartily and said: "It is common for people to confuse the concept of feeling with their sentiments." I looked at him, bewildered, and said that for me those two words meant the same thing. Don Berna explained: “It is very important not to confuse the two concepts, because if you do you’ll fall into every trap laid by your mind, and your energy will drain away as if from a punctured hose. Feeling is inherent to being alive. All living things feel. You can verify that in animals and even insects. If threatened, they are afraid. If treated well they feel affection, or even love." “Then what are sentiments?” I asked, now really confused.
    “Sentiments, on the other hand, are the result of the mental process in which we use our memory to evoke certain moods." He regarded me as if waiting for a comment. As I had none, he went on: "So you can see that our sentiments are neither more nor less than mental masturbation. We wallow like pigs in our own excrement and call that sensitivity. I say it is not sensitive at all, but a shameful way to indulge in our vices." I was speechless because of the implications of what he said. I felt that he was referring directly to my weaknesses. I saw myself cornered and threatened by something that I could not clearly define. "There is nothing wrong with feeling,” don Berna went on. “On the contrary, you’d have to be dead not to feel anything. But when you use your memory to recall what you should feel, then you are not feeling at all. What you perceive in that case is a second-hand feeling that has been sullied by passing through the sieve of the mind. “But how can I control my emotions?” I asked, knowing we all suffered emotional assaults from time to time. He replied, "By being deliberate, and not giving in to your vices. It is also most important to have a definite purpose in everything you do. Only idiots go through life reacting to their environment without the slightest control over themselves. They are like marionettes that let themselves be manipulated by every ‘hook’ they encounter. I asked what he meant by hooks. "By hooks I mean the lures of modern life. In the consumer society in which we live, it is hard to go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something, or trying to take advantage of you, or grab something from you. In the city it is hard to look anywhere without seeing an advertisement. All this is designed to get people to react to the environment. That is the way the powers-that-be hold people by the balls. To achieve emotional freedom one must be crystal-clear. When you feel a rush of emotion overtaking you, you must pull at the reins of that wild horse. By doing so you can save huge amounts of energy."*****


    “one must
    start with the principle that everything is energy, because otherwise we will always be stopped
    by the hardness of the physical world.”

    you feel that your ambition is greater than your love for others, you’d best abandon the sorcererhealer’s
    path, since any deviation from its purpose could bring about your own destruction.”

    Modern man has abandoned his good sense in favour of vanity. He has become a
    puppet of fashion and behaves like a clown, only without even the slightest sense of the
    ridiculous. It clearly shows how people continue to follow the propaganda blindly without ever
    questioning anything and are thus mercilessly manipulated by hidden forces.
    The price for emphasising any aspect of the ego is to remain locked up in the chosen
    detail. Lack of awareness makes the masses behave mechanically and follow stereotypes.
    Watching them, one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.”**

    Dakle u svijetu gdje je normalno isto što i ludo bi abnormalno bilo "obuzdati sebe" a normalno "pouzdati se u druge" ako smo ili da bi bili "Prvi"???

    I ako sadržaj ne može okončati tojest nema "kontent-enda" onda je na snazi recikliranje ili "Vortex" i po nekoj čvrstoj Osnovi a može biti i po vlasničkom/oružanom Listu ??

    *Naša normalna percepcija unutar uredenih društvenih odnosa zahteva slepu i vernu povezanost sa svim predmetima percepcije, od kojih ni jedan ne pruža mogućnost za neposrednom percepcijom energije*..... tojest znači li to da je u "crnom operalu" (tvorcu svega koji ne tvori ništa) jedino važno oli pitanje života i smrti "imati ili nemati Novaca"!

    P.S:Pitam se pitam  je'l to nečista savijest il' me progoni Nečastivi..... odnosno dali to ja nisam u stanju zaustaviti unutrašnji dijalog ili me to netko spriječava pa ne mogu vidjeti Svijest (koja sam ja da mi je djavo)?!


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je Međunarodni dan tolerancije, pa poradimo malo na tome. Lp

    16.11.2024. 03:29h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je martinje povodom tog dana želimo sretan imendan svim Martinama I Martinima!

    11.11.2024. 08:14h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Vrijeme leti, sve je hladnije, želim vam ovu nedjelju toplu i radosnu. Lp

    10.11.2024. 09:09h
  • Član iridairida

    Edine, ti se tako rijetko pojaviš, pa ne zamjeri ako previdimo da si svratio, dobar ti dan!

    30.10.2024. 12:33h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobro veče.

    28.10.2024. 22:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Blagoslovljenu i sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    13.10.2024. 08:02h
  • Član iridairida

    Dobro nam došao listopad...:-)

    01.10.2024. 01:57h
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