Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos







Pamćenje vremena...17. studeni 1886.

Pamćenje vremena...17. studeni 1886.


Rođen: 17. studenoga 1886. u Pećinama pokraj Sušaka
Umro: 19. kolovoza 1910. u Barceloni

U doba kad većina hrvatskih pjesnika romantično oslikava svoju sredinu, početkom dvadesetog stoljeća javlja se Janko Polić Kamov.

Bio je to mladić pun energije i željan razviti dotad prihvaćene oblike pisanja i razotkriti život s one divlje, bizarne i prljave strane, što će Matoš nazvati lirikom lizanja i poezijom pljuckanja.

Josip Baričević i Janko Polić Kamov

U biti autor danas poznatog romana Isušena kaljuža i drame Mamino srce toliko je odskočio svojim djelom od suvremenika da ga tadašnja sredina nije ni mogla shvatiti.

No, Kamovljev nastup na hrvatskoj književnoj pozornici trajao je prekratko. Život mladog pisca ugasio se tek što se brod njegova života otisnuo iz luke dječaštva u more zrelosti.

Zbog toga je Kamovljevo djelo brzo zaboravljeno pa stoga sve do nedavno nije uraslo u hrvatsku književnost, već je desetljećima putovalo s njom kao izraslina.

Janko Polić Kamov rođen je 17. studenoga 1886. u Pećinama pokraj Sušaka - danas je to mjesto dio Rijeke. Istjeran iz sušačke gimnazije, nastavlja školovanje u Senju, gdje u bogoslovnom konviktu proživljava svoju pubertetsku i prvu vjersku krizu u obliku pobune protiv dogmi, Boga i društvenih konvencija.

Kad je protjeran i iz senjske gimnazije, prelazi u Zagreb, sudjeluje u protukhuenovskim demonstracijama pa je kažnjen na tri mjeseca zatvora.

Piše već kao dječak, a njegov zreli rad počinje 1905. pjesničkim zbirkama Psovka i Ištipana hartija te dramama Tragedija mozgova i Na rođenoj grudi, a završava samo nekoliko godina poslije romanom Isušena kaljuža.

Polić se iskušao u svim književnim vrstama, ali on kao da stvara negaciju tih vrsta - antipjesme, antidrame i antiromane.

Verizam njegova izraza šokantan je u ono vrijeme, a socijalni, antiklerikalni i anarhistični bunt teško je razumjeti. Zato je Polić usamljen i neshvaćen. Njegov nemirni duh odvodi ga u putujuće glumce, ali se ubrzo zasitio pozornice i otišao u trgovačke putnike te na kraju postao novinar.

Oboljevši od upale pluća, odlazi 1906. u Veneciju, a 1910. putuje u Španjolsku i već iste godine umire u Barceloni 19. kolovoza.



Silovat ću te, bijela hartijo, nevina hartijo;
ogromna je strast moja i jedva ćeš je podnijeti;
izmičeš se bijesu mojem i blijeda si od prepasti;
cjelov na bljedoću tvoju - moji su cjelovi crni.
Nema zakona vrhu tebe i umrli su zakoni za me;
bježim ih i bijeg je moj strelovit;
onud sam prošao, gdje plaze pognute šije,
gdje pseta slave orgije i lizanje je njihov blud.
Izmičeš se, plašna košutko, i dršćeš ko prvi stid;
zamamna je nevinost i ludilo je njezina jeka;
mahnit sam, o hartijo, i srdžba mi plamsa u oku.
Pobožan je narod i uvinuti su u njega repovi;
nema iskrenosti u očima i vucaranje je njegov hod;
njuškanje je posao njegov i bogata mu je plaća;
nema ni mjesta među njima i kažnjiva je moja riječ;
gutam misli i zagušit će me stid.
Stani, ljubavi moja, poslušaj bol moju;
ti primaš ljudsku riječ i magare još nije razumjelo čovjeka;
volovi vuku plug i ropstvo im donaša sijeno;
konjče nosi boljara i sjajna je dlaka njegova;
bogato se pita krmak i tečno je meso njegovo:
vitki su zakoni i oštri i krcate su staje zobi.
Ne izmiči se, poljubljena djevojko, nema žene za mene;
ne daju se one za nervozne cjelove i napetu put;
o nema zlata u mene, ni diploma nema bez njega.
Ljubim te, hartijo, i topla je ljubav moja;
topla ko moja krv i mahnita ko srdžba moja.
Podaj mi se zauvijek - crni su cjelovi moji;
crni su cjelovi moji, a rumena je u njima krv.


Pođimo, Ciganko moja, crna ljubavi moja;
potamnjela je put tvoja i oči su tvoje crne;
noge su ti išarane i masna je kosa tvoja;
sva si crna, sva si divlja, o crna ljubavi moja.
Ljubim krik iz očiju tvojih i ljubim krik iz grudiju tvojih;
u njemu je ljubav naša i u boli se ljubi žena i bol rađa djecu,
o gola ljubavi moja.
Velika si u slobodi i veća je ljubav naša,
naša je ljubav tamna ko šuma i krvava ko božanstvo;
žena je moja prva od žena: crna ko noć, tajanstvena ko oblak,
divlja ko cjelov moj i prevratna ko stihovi moji.
Naša će ljubav biti kaos: mutna i izmiješana i ljudi joj ne nađoše dolične riječi;
mi ćemo se cjelivati goli i topli i štipaj će biti krvava pjesma naša,
čupat ću ti kose, a ti ćeš tiskati oči svoje u dušu moju i bijes će biti
prokleta pjesma naša;
svijat ćemo se ko zmija i plaziti ko ideal - i tragika će biti očajna pjesma naša;
zatravit će nas ljubav naša - šibat će nas strahotom i bol će biti grozna pjesma naša;
šuma će biti hram naš i trava postelja naša - kaos božanstvo naše,
a duše naša žrtva.
Iz kaosa će se izviti dijete, naše dijete - o nezakonska ženo moja i
nezakonska ljubavi moja;
i njegovo će ime biti: nezakonsko dijete;
i gacati će svijetom gladno ko strast naša, prokleto ko pjesma naša
i krvavo ko ljubav naša;
i lomit će se kletva na nj i neće imati među ljudima mjesta;
proklinjat će i oca i majku i ljubav njihovu, a psovku će dizati od ljudi do boga;
čemer će i groza drhtati kuda prođe noga njegova i neće imati mrve suhoga kruha;
hvatat će ga i vezati, i zločin će biti hrana njegova.
Mrtav je svijet, ljubavi moja, i crno je u dosadi njegovoj;
mrtav je narod, ljubavi moja, i sanljiva je pjesma njegova;
suluda je šutnja, ljubavi moja, a šutnja je govor njihov;
gle, pospani su i zijev im je glazba dana;
njihova je duša prazna ko smijeh bludnica, a smijeh beživotan ko slovo zakona;
zakoni su njihovi ko bog njihov - o nema srca božanstvo njihovo;
jednolična je žrtva njihova ko dim cigara i miris njezin ko miris strvine;
nema zvijezda na nebištu njihovom i oblaci su drugi;
njihovo je sunce blijedo ko mrtvačka svijeća i zidovi su šuma njihova;
pusto je, crno, ljubavi moja, i dani su im jednaki ko misli;
nema nemira u njihovome oku i njihovo je oko ko oko krmače;
nema bune u kretnjama njihovim i njihove su kretnje ko kretnje volova;
nema krvi u tijelu njihovom i prazna je duša njihova ko bog.
Tamo ćemo baciti dijete naše, o crna ljubavi moja;
onuda će gacati noge njegove i bljeskati psovka njegova;
tamo će drhtati plamen duše njegove: misao prevrata, kretnja bune i dah srdžbe;
on će biti onaj koji će buditi zaspale i uskrisivati mrtve;
i okovi će biti vjerenica njegova.
Nezakonsko dijete naše, o nezakonska majko njegova -
bezimeno ko zločin i osamljeno ko glad!
I klicat ćemo glasom cjelova naših i punoćom krvi naše:
O bezimeni, naše si dijete!
I naš će klik biti klik zanosa i drskosti: ogroman ko vječnost,
strastven ko štipaji i zamaman ko žena u mraku šumskome.
Pođimo, Ciganko moja, crna ljubavi moja;
ljubit ćemo se u kaosu, a iz kaosa će nicati dijete,
dijete krvi naše, dijete duša naših, dijete života našega.
Pođimo, Ciganko moja, gola ljubavi moja;
i rodit ćemo dijete, bezimeno dijete;
i nadjest ćemo mu ime, najljepše ime od lijepih:
Prevrat će biti ime njegovo, o nezakonska ljubavi naša!




  • 17.11.2020. 18:30h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Pošto je Pjesnik i bio kratkoročan treba mu dodati:*The Power of the Word

    Apart from our work as apprentice healers, we were taught and trained in the way of the warrior. The healers called that path Xiuhyollotl ohtli, meaning the path of wisdom, or the path of the heart. Regardless of the terminology used, however, the goal is the same: the connection to the spirit. The modern man has renounced the magical world in favour of reason, and in so doing "was cast out of paradise": he has lost his connection with intent. The first step one needs take to return to the natural state is therefore to wholeheartedly desire such a return. Then, step by step, through warrior’s training, one begins cleaning one’s connecting link with intent and bringing it back to life. Energy is cumulative. Each act that exercises the will, every instance of choosing to behave impeccably helps the next act and makes it easier. Making the connecting link operational again is the way to achieve integration. We learn that we create the world by attention and keep it stable by means of will. We say that things are like this or like that, we believe in this or in that and thus ensure that things are in this or that way. Sorcerers say that by doing so we decree the world, we set its parameters. Doña Silvia clarified this point for us, saying: "Decreeing is like sowing seeds of intent so that they germinate later.” What she meant was that if we put our intent into a certain thing it later becomes reality, which is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and the words that come out of our mouths, because, unless we have control, the intent coming to us will be blind. She advised: “You must be very careful when you decree, because it works in both directions. Love and hate are decreed with equal intensity, and so are forgiveness and revenge. Those who choose evil condemn themselves because we are bound to our commands, and whatever we decree comes to us later. It’s not that there are two kinds of intent, but rather the continuity that one decrees. To decree the future deliberately is to decree what will happen next. One does it by activating intent. For that purpose sorcerers generally use gestures and words concealed within other techniques. What really matters here is that, having set up intent, the warrior maintains inner silence and patiently hopes. The results will happen. By being attached to one’s habits, addictions, and emotions, one unconsciously decrees their continuity. The only way to break away from that chain is to decree the opposite." One of the assistants asked, “Can you give us a concrete example of a decree?” She replied, "To decree is more than just tell yourself mechanically that something is this or that. To decree is to give yourself an order, and do everything possible and impossible to execute it. At first it may be difficult, but as you keep to your decision time and time again, there will come a moment when your command will become law. Giving yourself an order means giving yourself a command. A command is not a promise, it isn’t trying or testing. It is an order, something that must be obeyed. It is something much deeper than mere desire. Once the word has been spoken, once the commitment has been made, forces are unleashed that forge and mould the world, and thereby we engage our will with that of others. Now, if for any reason we go back on our word, we weaken our will and cloud our link with intent. *


    Ili je i intencija bila na:*"Free from what?" I retorted belligerently, feeling threatened by the simple idea of suppressing my feelings, and I even snapped at him that I wasn’t interested in repressing what I felt. Don Berna just laughed, and said nothing. I spent a lot of time pondering the matter. The next time I saw him, I reopened the debate on mental freedom. He accused me of having a closed mind, and said I was extremely inflexible with my cherished concepts. Naturally, I started defending myself. I told him I considered myself a reasonable person, open-minded and willing to receive and learn new ideas. "See?” he said reproachfully. “You always twist everything. Freedom of mind is much more than willingness to learn new things. To achieve freedom of mind you need to be the master of your emotions and of your thoughts. Look at the mind as if it were a wild horse that has bolted. You can only say you’ve achieved freedom of mind when you’ve put reins on that horse and are controlling it as you please. If not, you’ll always be slave to your sentimentalism.” I told him, without much conviction, that I believed I was master of my feelings. He laughed heartily and said: "It is common for people to confuse the concept of feeling with their sentiments." I looked at him, bewildered, and said that for me those two words meant the same thing. Don Berna explained: “It is very important not to confuse the two concepts, because if you do you’ll fall into every trap laid by your mind, and your energy will drain away as if from a punctured hose. Feeling is inherent to being alive. All living things feel. You can verify that in animals and even insects. If threatened, they are afraid. If treated well they feel affection, or even love." “Then what are sentiments?” I asked, now really confused.
    “Sentiments, on the other hand, are the result of the mental process in which we use our memory to evoke certain moods." He regarded me as if waiting for a comment. As I had none, he went on: "So you can see that our sentiments are neither more nor less than mental masturbation. We wallow like pigs in our own excrement and call that sensitivity. I say it is not sensitive at all, but a shameful way to indulge in our vices." I was speechless because of the implications of what he said. I felt that he was referring directly to my weaknesses. I saw myself cornered and threatened by something that I could not clearly define. "There is nothing wrong with feeling,” don Berna went on. “On the contrary, you’d have to be dead not to feel anything. But when you use your memory to recall what you should feel, then you are not feeling at all. What you perceive in that case is a second-hand feeling that has been sullied by passing through the sieve of the mind. “But how can I control my emotions?” I asked, knowing we all suffered emotional assaults from time to time. He replied, "By being deliberate, and not giving in to your vices. It is also most important to have a definite purpose in everything you do. Only idiots go through life reacting to their environment without the slightest control over themselves. They are like marionettes that let themselves be manipulated by every ‘hook’ they encounter. I asked what he meant by hooks. "By hooks I mean the lures of modern life. In the consumer society in which we live, it is hard to go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something, or trying to take advantage of you, or grab something from you. In the city it is hard to look anywhere without seeing an advertisement. All this is designed to get people to react to the environment. That is the way the powers-that-be hold people by the balls. To achieve emotional freedom one must be crystal-clear. When you feel a rush of emotion overtaking you, you must pull at the reins of that wild horse. By doing so you can save huge amounts of energy." I understood don Berna’s lesson. He was right. Most of the time, when talking to myself, I would evoke the feelings that corresponded to the course of my thoughts. I realized that the amount of energy I spent in doing that was indeed exorbitant.* ???

    Kamov je ustvari bio "okovan vremenom" ili genetski potresan - "“The memories we usually access during our genetic recapitulation are in fact impressions that jolt the totality of our fibres, making us aware of why we are as we are, and why we react as we habitually do. Genetic recapitulation brings us into contact with the immense burden we carry, imprinted in us as the heritage from our ancestors*?

    A ono.... je ovo:*"’Honour thy father and thy mother.’ Unfortunately there are those who hate and deny their very source – their parents – and then extend their grudge against all that exists, including the very earth that gives them shelter. This original resentment is the cause of many diseases. A warrior is aware of the tremendous price that was paid for his life, and in the most detached manner honours and respects those who gave him existence. Only then can he fly free." We continued with the lessons through a number of sessions in order to learn the true meaning behind every Commandment so as to be able to understand what they really referred to. This made it much easier for me to commit to the work of religious conversion. I remember that doña Silvia gave us the task of hanging the Ten Commandments up on the wall in a visible place in our sleeping quarters, and learning them by heart. I thought I already knew them, but when I tried to write them down I realized I did not know them all that well, so I copied them down on a sheet of paper after checking the source. 1. Love the Lord thy God above all things. 2. Do not take God’s name in vain. 3. Keep the Sabbath holy. 4. Honour thy father and thy mother. 5. Do not kill. 6. Do not commit adultery. 7. Do not steal. 8. Do not bear false witness. 9. Do not suffer impure thoughts and desires. 10. Do not covet the possessions of another.
    Exodus (20,1-17) and Deuteronomy (5,6-21) In addition to the above, we were later given to learn the list of the seven deadly sins against which one must constantly be on guard. They are: Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Arrogance, Pride, Vanity and Envy[20]. *** In one of our meetings, the lecturer spoke at length about the modern man’s situation, saying that the society had lost its way and that evil had taken root in the hearts of people. Dark forces were seeking to stop human evolution, and those enemy forces worked tirelessly to cloud people’s minds and to change the purpose for which humans had been created in such a way that the old commandments based on morality and justice got swapped for those of the man in the street that go something like this: * First me, and next I. * Love thy possessions and cling unto them. * Lie and cheat to achieve thy goals. * Satisfy thy desires by any means. * Obtain profit at any cost. * Always seek pleasure and personal gain. * Take advantage of others. * Crush the weak. * Destroy that which thou canst not get. * If thou canst not accomplish something, do not let others accomplish it either. *** Part of that topic was the study of how the healers saw the world and what their Ten Commandments were. For that lesson, we walked up to some monumental caves the interior of which bore a strong resemblance to the vaults of Gothic churches. There, we were instructed in the commandments of energy or the Ten Commandments of the healers, which are: * Be good. * Be honest. * Be moral. * Be true. * Be impeccable. * Be patient. * Be detached. * Do good. * Cultivate energy. * Cultivate Silence. Here, don Melchor said: “The commandments of the healers are like a map to help us save energy.”**

    Ali bi i u tom svijetu postojao i "very hard bre(a)k" i "on je institucionalizovan2 sa ciljem da "pijesnici daju sve od sebe" a ignoranti ih i "komercijalizuju" ?!

    Zamislite si samo da "u osam dana povratili bismo svoju svijetlost" i u smislu nekih "rigotina".....

  • 17.11.2020. 18:49h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Recimo da je Kamov rođen i na nekoj "njivi" a onda ga danas i "mixaju" neki iz "staklenika" ?

    Kao i ostale "starogradske" u "turbofolku" ?

    Grozno je i samo pogledati neke "bildere" kao "pijesnike" ?

    A tek i njihove "kurve u percepciji" ?

    Stravično je več kada i "Premijer" sve to trpa u "politiku zapošljavanja" ?

    Tojest se je i neki stari pjesnik iščuđavao nad dramaticima rekavši "pa ovi koju ga dižu su upravo oni koji su ga i srušili" ?

    Upravo kao i kada bi sada i kritikovali one koji zatvaraju kafiće jer i to su oni koji su ih i otvarali ?

    A o "hipokratima" sve najbolje jer i oni jedva čekaju da im dopadnemo u šake pošto su se i školovali do vrha da bi zasrali do dna ?

    Svi rade za novac ali alkemija je u zlatu odnosno "da nisam ja njega bio bi on mene" i sukladno "bilateralnoj simetriji" koja nema oponenata iliti ni Alternative....


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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