Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos








Život je sam po sebi neutralan. Mi ga činimo lijepim, mi ga činimo ružnim. Život ovisi o energiji koju unosimo u njega.

Unosite li ljepotu u život, on je prekrasan.

Ako jednostavno sjedite i želite da on postane prekrasan, tada on to neće biti.

Vi morate stvoriti tu ljepotu.

Ljepota nije neki predmet, kao stijena, na primjer.

Ljepotu morate stvoriti, morate joj dati viziju, morate joj dati boju stvarnosti, pjesmu stvarnosti - tada ona postaje lijepom.

Gdjegod sudjelujete u stvaranju ljepote, ona se tamo i nalazi.

Kad prestanete stvarati, ljepote više nema.

Ljepota je stvaranje.

Kao i ružnoća.

Sreća je stvaranje kao i bijeda. Vi dobivate samo ono što stvarate, nikad ne dobijete ništa više.

To je cijela filozofija karme. Dobivate samo ono što učinite.

Život je tek prazno platno - na njega možete naslikati prekrasan san, ili noćnu moru.

Kad se to shvati, stvari postaju vrlo jednostavne.

Vi ste gospodar, vi ste odgovorni.

Obično mislimo da život ima neku objektivnu ljepotu ili je objektivno ružan.

Ne! Život je samo prilika.

On vam daje sve što je potrebno - učinite nešto iz njega sami.

On je prilika u kojoj se morate dokazati.


Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!




Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 30.08.2018. 15:10h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada bi Bog.....

    ....bio samo Jedan ili i TroJedini!

    Tada bi Njegova antiteza bilo "sveto dvojstvo" a gdje kako god okreneš "dva loša" moraju ubiti/pojesti "Miloša"?

    A "učinite to sami" bi u Digitronu bilo isto što i Računati na Prste!

    Palac = Il je Samnom.....

    Kažiprst = Il je protiv Mene....

    Srednjak = Il je Lud.....

    "1(5)0" = Pet intimnih + Deset dobrih +150 poznanika.....

    Također bi bilo važno napomenuti da bi nam za TO trebao i Celi Bat a možda i Njezino Devičanstvo!?


    *“Naša stvarna situacija je da smo energetski blokirani, što je posledica onoga što čarobnjaci nazivaju ‘kolektivna učvršćenost skupne tačke.’ “

    “Neobična posledica te učvršćenosti je način na koji se specijalizujemo. Kada se pripremamo za profesiju, na primer, umesto da proširimo svoje poglede, mi uglavnom završimo postajući pasivne, dosadne osobe, lišene kreativnosti i motivacije. Za nekoliko godina, naš život postane umršen, ali, udaljeni od preuzimanja odgovornosti za sopstvenu promenu, mi okrivljujemo okolnosti.”

    “Jedna od najozbiljnijih navika koja uobličava naš popis je navika da pričamo drugima o svemu što radimo ili ne radimo. To je važan deo socijalizacije. Mi želimo da stvorimo originalnu sliku samih sebe, ali ta slika završava kao oblikovanje sebe prema isčekivanjima drugih ljudi tako da postajemo imitacije onoga što drugi žele da budemo. Jednom kada su nas oni definisali kao činjenicu, mi moramo da postupamo po određenim šemama ponašanja, čak i kada su nam se smučile ili čak i ako ne verujemo u njih, zato što nas svaka želja za promenom navodi da se sudarimo sa zidom.*

    I' sada bi mogli i sve poslati u pizdu materinu..... ali bi se tome usprotivio svijeti otac koji je po duhu svetomu???

    Onda bi se Osho i složio sa "Alcatrazom" i time da se moramo iskrasti na "prstima"..... kao tati koji bježeči od Grabežljivca iznose svoju Živu glavu??

  • 30.08.2018. 15:26h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    O anti'tezama - šta'la'ma.....

    ....*EvanđeljeMt, 5, 43-45

    Čuli ste da je rečeno: "Ljubi svoga bližnjega, a mrzi neprijatelja."
    A ja vam kažem: "Ljubite svoje neprijatelje, molite za one koji vas progone." (Isus)*

    P.S:"Antiteza (grč. anti- = protiv, thesis = položaj) stilska je figura koja se zasniva na opreci, odnosno suprotnosti. Dva se suprotna pojma stavljaju jedan uz drugi, da bi se naglasio kontrast."

    htt ps://miss7.24sata.hr/stars/kakvo-obozavanje-ova-je-djevojka-je-istetovirala-lice-maje-suput-21741


    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFJHt60cQS8

    I sada kada nas ostaviše na Miru..... ostadosmo saMi!

  • 30.08.2018. 15:51h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0


    ***The Power of the Word 

    The modern man has renounced the magical world in favour of reason, and in so doing "was cast out of paradise": he has lost his connection with intent. The first step one needs take to return to the natural state is therefore to wholeheartedly desire such a return. Then, step by step, through warrior’s training, one begins cleaning one’s connecting link with intent and bringing it back to life. Energy is cumulative. Each act that exercises the will, every instance of choosing to behave impeccably helps the next act and makes it easier. Making the connecting link operational again is the way to achieve integration. We learn that we create the world by attention and keep it stable by means of will. We say that things are like this or like that, we believe in this or in that and thus ensure that things are in this or that way. Sorcerers say that by doing so we decree the world, we set its parameters. Doña Silvia clarified this point for us, saying: "Decreeing is like sowing seeds of intent so that they germinate later.” What she meant was that if we put our intent into a certain thing it later becomes reality, which is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and the words that come out of our mouths, because, unless we have control, the intent coming to us will be blind. She advised: “You must be very careful when you decree, because it works in both directions. Love and hate are decreed with equal intensity, and so are forgiveness and revenge. Those who choose evil condemn themselves because we are bound to our commands, and whatever we decree comes to us later. It’s not that there are two kinds of intent, but rather the continuity that one decrees. To decree the future deliberately is to decree what will happen next. One does it by activating intent. For that purpose sorcerers generally use gestures and words concealed within other techniques. What really matters here is that, having set up intent, the warrior maintains inner silence and patiently hopes. The results will happen. By being attached to one’s habits, addictions, and emotions, one unconsciously decrees their continuity. The only way to break away from that chain is to decree the opposite.***

    **A Different View of the World 

    An apprentice knows without the shadow of a doubt that he is part of a group of real sorcerers from the very start because he lives immersed in the mystery of a magical world, in direct contact with power and magic at all times. Indescribable and fantastic, the world revolves around wonder. Even the most stubborn of apprentices at some point clearly understand that something unusual is going on. It is sad to see opportunists solicit knowledge not in order to attain enlightenment or freedom, but for their own profit or the enhancement of their egos. Worst of all, their duplicity discourages genuine seekers who become disillusioned with the quest. That is, however, how charlatans serve as flawless filter for effective elimination of those who do not have freedom as their unbending intent, thereby separating the wheat from the chaff – that is to say, separating those who will progress in their quest from those who are stuck at the level of the intellect. Even when uttering words of wisdom, charlatans don’t have any real power. They only reflect what they have read or heard before. Never having achieved real results, they can only pass on to their disciples what they themselves have received: rumours. Working together is not undesirable for people who experiment with becoming healers, but the problem arises when someone takes over and seeks to gain control over the others; freedom-seeking warriors then turn into sheep. Don Melchor used to say, “If someone can profit from you, watch out! Only a fool can confuse sincere friendship, born of an energy link, with a friendship offered by a shopkeeper who hopes to do business with you." *** The way in which we were programmed to see the world is very exclusive, which is why we perceive only what lies within a very narrow set of parameters. Just as one needs training to understand and operate a machine, we need training to use certain latent abilities we all have but which remain inactive for our entire lifetime simply because, in the first place, no one ever told us we had them and could use them, like in the story of the eagle that was raised by chickens and did not know its true potential. We have many hidden abilities just waiting to be explored, but we first need to become aware that such possibilities really exist. One way to achieve this is to expose oneself to tales of power because they help create a precedent in our view of the world. Once we know the feasibility of something we had never even dared imagine, that possibility becomes real for us. That is the case with the healing gift which we all have to a greater or lesser degree. All one needs do is intend helping another with total detachment. In fact, the hardest part of healing is the detachment required to channel healing energy. Out of the umbilical region then issues a force which can perhaps be referred to as sincere desire to help and heal the patient, or perhaps the same energy gets directed by the healing hands. At other times, detachment generates healing procedures suitable for the particular complaint of the patient. Healers-seers perceive the human energy field in the same manner as described by don Juan, as an area of luminosity. In addition, they focus on the balance and the functioning of the organic-energetic aggregate as a whole. Don Melchor said once, “It is essential to bear in mind that, just like fire needs firewood as fuel in order to exist, the luminous body, which is our true essence, uses the physical body as the primary source of energy. Hence, the better one tunes one’s organism, the more one can do at the energy level.” Concentrating on the energy, healers are thus able to cure the problem at the root, and not just in the palliative form typical of Western doctors who try to eliminate the symptoms without giving attention to the actual cause of the disease.**

  • 30.08.2018. 21:16h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    * 'Naj me briga!'......

    .......Njena Milena ne bira, kako kaže u jednom trenutku, između sreće i nesreće nego između nesreće i ničega, i ide 'sama kontra svih'. Njena Milena se hvata za Sandija, kao za slamku, a to potvrđuje riječima: 'Očajnici zavole druge očajnike. Osvetnici zavole nešto čime mogu upravljati. Cinici zavole nešto što im ne može nanijeti bol. A oni koji žele živjeti? Oni zavole ono što nipošto ne smiju. Takvi smo jedino živi'. Na kraju, osnažena dubokom boli, usprkos tome što je Sandi u komi, Milena pronalazi u sebi nadljudsku snagu i optimističnim riječima 'Probudil bu se on' i 'Sve bu dobro' izražava nadu i vjeru u mogućnost sretnog završetka.*

    https://www.tportal.hr/kultura/clanak/ciganin-ali-najljepsi-jedna-od-najsmjelijih-ljubavnih-prica-suvremenog-hrvatskog-teatra-foto-20171231   )

    **»Naravno. Možeš je izlečiti i odvesti iz te smrtonosne
    mišolovke«, rekao je.
    »Kako?« upitah.
    »To je vrlo prosto«, odgovori. »Treba samo da je
    podsetiš na to da je neizlečiv bolesnik. Pošto je stigla
    do kraja, ona poseduje moć. Nema više šta da izgubi.
    Sve je već izgubila. Kad čovek više nema šta da izgubi,
    postaje hrabar. Bojažljivi smo samo onda kad imamo
    za šta da se zakačimo.«
    »Zar je dovoljno samo da je na to podsetim?«
    »Nije, ali to će joj uliti snage koja joj je potrebna.
    Onda mora bolest da odgurne levom rukom. Mora da
    ispruži ruku sa stisnutom pesnicom, kao da u njoj nešto
    drži. Mora neprestano da gura i da govori: "Napolje,
    napolje, napolje." Pošto više nema šta drugo da radi,
    kaži joj da svaki trenutak života koji joj preostaje
    treba da posveti izvođenju tog pokreta. Uveravam te
    da može ustati i otići iz bolnice, ako to želi.«
    »To izgleda tako jednostavno«, rekoh.
    Don Huan se prigušeno nasmeja.
    »Izgleda jednostavno«, odvrati on, »ali nije. Da bi
    to tvoja prijateljica postigla, potreban joj je besprekoran
    Gledao me je dugo. Činilo mi se da pokušava da utvrdi
    koliko mi je stalo do te prijateljice i koliko sam
    tužan zbog nje.
    »Razume se«, produži, »da tvoja prijateljica ima
    besprekoran duh, nju to ne bi ni snašlo.«
    Ispričao sam svojoj prijateljici šta mi je don Huan
    rekao. Ali ona je bila već toliko slaba da nije mogla
    ni ruku da pomeri.**

    Kao paralelni svijetovi a u istoj svakodnevnici ili bi moglo biti i "Romeo - Romeo zašto si Romeo" pošto i nigdje ne piše "Julija Julija zašto nisi Roberts"!?

    I' još se treba odlučiti da'l treba samo pomeriti ruku ili bi trebalo i odgurkati Tipkovnicuuuu--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:..........................................o'O!


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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