Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član mlabos







NEVEZANOST - Što kaže Osho?

NEVEZANOST - Što kaže Osho?
Ja nisam za požrtvovnost. Uživajte u svemu što vam život pruža ali ostanite uvijek slobodni. Ako se vremena promijene, da stvari nestanu, vama će to biti svejedno. Možete živjeti u palači, u kolibici.... možete biti sretni pod otvorenim nebom.


Neprestana svijest da ne treba prianjati ni uz što čini život sretnim.

Čovjek uživa u svemu što mu je dostupno.

To je uvijek više od onoga u čemu može uživati i uvijek je dostupno.

Ali um je previše vezan za stvari – postajemo slijepi za blagodati koje su nam uvijek pri ruci.

 Ima jedna priča o nekom zen redovniku koji je bio učitelj.

Jedne je noći provalnik ušao u njegovu kolibicu, ali u njoj se nije imalo što ukrasti.

Učitelj se vrlo zabrinuo što će provalnik pomisliti.

On je prešao barem četiri do pet milja od grada i to po takvoj mračnoj noći...

 Redovnik je imao samo jednu plahtu koju je koristio  - ona mu je bila i odjeća i pokrivač i sve ostalo.

Stavio je plahtu u kut, ali provalnik nije ništa vidio u mraku.

Zato mu je učitelj morao reći da uzme tu plahtu, molio ga je čak da je uzme kao dar, rekavši da se ne smije vratiti praznih ruku.

Kradljivac je bio vrlo zbunjen.

Osjećao se tako strašno da je jednostavno pobjegao s plahtom.

Učitelj je napisao pjesmu u kojoj je rekao da bi bio dao čovjeku i mjesec s neba da je samo mogao.

Sjedeći te noći pod mjesecom gol, uživao je u njemu kao nikad prije.

Život je uvijek dostupan.

Uvijek ima više stvari nego što ih možete uživati.

Uvijek imate više nego što možete dati. 


 Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!




Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 29.10.2019. 15:00h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Upravno tako....

    ......ili i k'o kad netko kaže:To je toliko strašno i kao da psima bacimo kost a sa kučkama je još i gore jer imaju neposrednost"!?

    Tojest i' : Ja sam svijest koja je svijesna da postoji vezivanje!

    Naravno da bismo se i Putem do Nadnaravnog morali i spustiti i do nekih "Pizdarija" ?

    I neka se ne osiječaju zakinutima Verbalisti jer bi ih i Psihološki satro da sam Fizički "pouzdan" ???

  • 29.10.2019. 16:26h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada kažemo "Kolakušić"......

    ....to je nalik onome "Vremenska primjena ovog Heksagrama od Životne je važnosti" !?

    Naravno da:Ljudska svijest je nalik ogromnom EU parlamentu naseljenom duhovim ?

    A onda i "naše riječi" koje opasuju Zemlju:*Razum im smeta da upamte da je opis samo opis i prije nego što shvate,ljudska biča skroz upadnu u začarani krug iz kojega rijetko izađu za života.
    Ljudska biča opažaju ali svijet koji opažaju je obmana;obmana stvorena opisom koji slušaju otkako su se rodili.
    Tako je u suštini svijet koji njihov razum hoče da održi svijet stvoren opisom i njegovim dogmatičnim i neprikosnovenim pravilima,koja njihov razum uči da prihvata i brani.*

    Tako da i nije do Pedagoginje iz HNS-a nego do....... Listaj iza Smokve ?!


    A za Reportere "iz prve ruke":**"Everyone of us can 'see' energy - even now - but you are no longer aware of it. Infants on the other hand perceive energy directly. However, as they get older the 'Usher' introduces them to the world of ordinary reality. Instead of seeing amorphous energy, the infant one day will assemble the energy configuration into...a table. A toy. A dog. A tree. Each time the transformation comes from the Usher.**


    ***Naravno da mi sami sebe socijalizujemo u naš svakodnevni svet, ali parametre socijalnog reda i razuma koji nama rukovodi ne određujemo mi, nego nama nadmoćnija bića, koja u nama vide svoje kućne životinje. ***


    Kada je Oddenino pitao svojega i "crescita personalea" gdje vidi ovaj S/Cvijet...... pa mu je i trebalo nekoliko dana da sklopi oči i shvati da "koherentna slika naše spoljašnje stvarnosti se sklapa u našoj glavi" ???

    Ali je i opet naša glava pod opsadom "strane instalacije" jer inače i nebismo bili k'o Izviđači koje misli primoravaju na Tjelesnosti ??

    Za našeg bi Hipnotizera bilo i bolje da se udalji iz Big Bradera i objelodani Orwela ili je i opet interesantnije ono da tko Ima još če mu se dati ?!

    Pa i u smislu da su djevice zajebane a kurve sjebane.... ali i u okvirima "liberalne demokracije".

  • 29.10.2019. 17:06h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Za "3+" jer i uvijek se o'cjenkujemo....

    .....odnosno bi i "nevezanost" bila kada izgubimo svaki pojam o onom što smo htijeli Reči !

    A naravno je to poslijedica našeg i laprdavog zakonodavstva koje pogoduje prdežima ?

    Tojest bi i "panov labirint" bio samo "birokratski mehanizam" a "svemirski program" i "demokratski komunizam" !?

    To što neki "mudro šute" može značiti i da se boje kamenovanja ali/ili i da "to prostranstvo tamo gore nema granica" ???

    Kada i "Indijanac" kaže da je naša "prva pažnja" možda i jedino stvarno preimučstvo koje posijedujemo tada bi kudikamo bio gore zalutati u drugu pažnju bez sidra iliti i kormilara ??

    Ono što nas ovdje dakle jebe jesu upravo jebači jer oni samo žele popuniti svoje nesigurnosti pa čak i silovanjem ?

    No centralna ideja i nije njihova ako ih pokreče Strah a e Lijubav ?!

    Ostalo bi trebali riješavati Neurolzi iz nekog Centralnog sistema i pod uslovom da nisu Živčani.....

    Mada i po običaju Regruti bivaju bezecovani još i kao Jaganjci..... pa čak i po Janjičarima ako je suditi po onom "več tisučama godina".

    Osnovno bi ipak bilo da kada govorimo da Se pritom i koristimo........... a ne da nas koriste:.

  • 29.10.2019. 17:46h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    *The first expectation prospective healers must fulfil is that their intention be sincere. Some call it charity or love for one’s neighbour. Although incorrect, those terms do describe the healers’ empathy with the suffering of others. There are many whose motivation is twisted; such people can never become healers. Charity is something you either have or you don’t. One can, of course, pretend to be charitable, but it is not the same thing, since what counts here is a hard-to-explain feeling which serves to connect one with the spirit. However, in the final analysis, selfishness can be successfully used when applying healing techniques on oneself, with excellent results. The next item in the healers’ code one needs consider is one’s predisposition; that is to say, one’s desire, dedication, and the commitment of one’s time to the path. Those who embark
    on the path by their own decision face the great challenge of keeping the flame of their awareness lit. The challenge is the same for the chosen ones, but the work it requires is much easier in their case. Practice is the third requirement of learning how to heal. Clearly, it implies study and training with the help of a master healer who is not an ordinary teacher keeping a student seated before him while he rabbits on for hours, but rather a living example for one to follow, teaching through practice as he works. Being an assistant, which is the healers’ term for an apprentice, is an honour for me and one of the greatest gifts of fortune I’ve had in my life. The practice of healing opened for me a world of possibilities I had not even imagined existed. Healers very often quote the biblical proverb that says: "Many are called but few are chosen". They say that because they are always open and willing to attend to the needs of anyone crossing their path, as a gesture to the spirit. They know that every being is a reflection of the creative force; helping another thus represents the minimum amount of impeccability for them. Deciding on who stays as an assistant and who must leave, however, lies outside the healers’ remit. That outcome is always decided by the power. Doña Silvia told me that there were some lineages of sorcerers that eschewed engagement, and would do nothing even if someone appeared to be dying. For healers, however, life is precious and must be preserved. Taking the healers’ vows is in its essence similar to the vows of poverty taken by some religious orders, but not quite the same, as rich people can be healers if they wish, though it is very difficult for a rich person to set own ambition aside and help others. That doesn’t mean that healers are beggars with shaved heads. On the contrary, they are engaged in various professions in the everyday world. When they undertake to cure someone, they treat the patient with enthusiasm, goodwill and without expectation of reward. One doesn’t charge a tired and thirsty traveller who knocks on the door asking for a glass of water. To do that would be unworthy of the human spirit. The same is the case with the power of healing one receives as a gift that should not be exploited for one’s personal gain. It is thus the fourth requirement of the healers’ code that one does not charge for consultation. The healer who charges is cursed and is a step away from becoming a black magician. Those who turn their charity into a business need to repent, because healing the sick, just like illumination coming from the spirit, must never serve commercial purposes. Healers who do so are cursed forever and will eventually lose the gifts they received, with nothing left them but their trickery. Many are those who have succumbed to the pressure of fame and fortune. It is easy for sorcerers to perform miracles and acquire devoted followers seeking their presence and their words, but one should know that those who combine their personal interests with matters of the spirit will be punished with terrible curses. To sum up, I warn as I myself was once warned: “If you feel that your ambition is greater than your love for others, you’d best abandon the sorcererhealer’s path, since any deviation from its purpose could bring about your own destruction.” The healers’ path must be pure from the beginning. It tolerates no hidden agenda and no diversion, because greed is like cancer that starts very small, but grows and grows, polluting the entire body. There are stories of people who requested to be trained in healing techniques; while externally displaying the best of attitudes, within they were putrid with lust and desire for recognition. One such story I heard tells of a certain Galindo Ornela, who for years faithfully followed the steps mandatory for becoming a healer. When he felt he had acquired enough knowledge, he became a peddler of healing and even opened a clinic in his home town. He
    received money and favours from the residents until one day he was brought down by a mysterious illness. The healer could not heal himself. One may be punished by many calamities, bad luck, illness and even death for breaking the sacred vows of the healers. But none of that is really bad compared to what is yet to come, as the ancients say: when the moment to disincarnate comes, the corrupt healer enters a vortex from which there is no escape. That is his punishment – his sentence – for trying to use the higher powers for personal gain. Each prospective apprentice is therefore repeatedly warned of the dangers they expose themselves to when they take the healer’s oath. If, on hearing those words, one still decides to proceed, one would better be sure one’s purpose is genuine, because if it is not, one would be better off leaving well alone.*

    Dakle bi ovo bilo dosupno i ministarstvu "unutrašnjih poslova" koje dakako živi od "vanjskog prcanja" jer bismo inače i bili "sterilni ko Koreja" !?

    Bez šale iliti o Imunitetu pa i "Kujunđića":Don Melchor said once, “It is essential to bear in mind that, just like fire needs firewood as fuel in order to exist, the luminous body, which is our true essence, uses the physical body as the primary source of energy. Hence, the better one tunes one’s organism, the more one can do at the energy level.” Concentrating on the energy, healers are thus able to cure the problem at the root, and not just in the palliative form typical of Western doctors who try to eliminate the symptoms
    without giving attention to the actual cause of the disease. Turning off the alarm outside a building that is in flames does not solve the problem of the fire inside it. Palliative remedies may stop a headache, but that merely gets rid of the symptom while the problem itself lies dormant. Some doctors are more interested in examining their patients’ pockets than their health. Physicians should give more serious consideration to the famous Hippocratic Oath they take when they graduate, which includes ethics and honesty. There are currently doctors who like a taxi cab calculate their fees against a clock. Others may even offer price cuts for their services to attract more clients, as if they were ordinary merchants. Healing is a sacred art. Unfortunately, in the hands of modern medicine, it has become a health supermarket. The vast majority of science students do not enter the medical field as a vocation or out of dedication, but rather for financial interests and for the social status which goes with the doctor’s title. That is the main reason why poor people die queuing up in hospital corridors. Western doctors know nothing or almost nothing about energy, which is why they treat a subject as an object, as organic matter that has become dysfunctional for reasons seldom examined from any point of view other than the rational one. Very few doctors consider energy as an alternative cause of illness, simply because they cannot see it. One of my colleagues, a Zoque healer, once said: “When we first learned about the oriental healing technique of acupuncture, we were filled with enthusiasm and immediately adopted the use of the small needles. Our ancestors used thorns of the maguey plant[15] for this excellent practice. One needs to be careful, though, because there are many practitioners out there who are not healers but use the needles anyway. Sometimes they hit the target, but mostly they fail because they don’t see and thus cannot find the exact spot to insert the needle. To be a true ‘needle healer’, one must first be a seer." He said that acupuncture charts one could purchase merely identified the points by their names and by an approximate description of their location. But those tiny points vary their location from person to person, which is why it is so important to see the flow of energy if you want to use the needles. Acupuncture is certainly one of the most valuable resources healers use to help patients. The strange thing is that modern medicine does recognize acupuncture as a bona fide practice, not because it wants to but because its results cannot be denied. Modern medicine cannot explain how acupuncture works because it refuses to recognise the human being as conglomerate of energy channels invisible and undetectable to its instruments. Glorious will be the day when medical science puts aside their prejudices and benefits from the knowledge of the healers! But that will only be possible through a cultural revolution which alone can make ‘doctorates in energy studies’ acceptable to our universities. Unfortunately, as long as huge economic interests are involved, that revolution will not happen. Large pharmaceutical laboratories that commercialise medicines are the real villains. It is they who sponsor doctors, they who toy with the public health. Not only do they make medicines, they also create diseases for which they subsequently sell us cures. There is no denying that much good has been done by pharmaceutical products: they do help the sick recover. The same results, however, can be achieved much more simply and costeffectively by using natural means which do not have contraindications: plants, salts, massages, cleansing, and energetic balancing. It is simply the matter of choosing the most suitable treatment for each patient. Once people have learned to take care of themselves, everything will be different.
    People will be aware of themselves, and then there’ll be no need for doctors because everyone will know how to cure themselves. In fact, there will be very few diseases because people will know how to prevent them in the first place: how to avoid harmful habits, adopt a balanced diet and appropriate physical activities. That will be a true revolution, like the introduction of latrines, personal hygiene and regular washing of hands were in their time. It would be really great if schools, instead of endlessly teaching useless things, taught students about the functioning and the maintenance of the body as their basic subject. A simple action of this kind could prevent countless diseases. Self-healing is a matter of self-awareness. As our awareness increases, our energy increases with it, and so does our ability to act upon ourselves. That in turn further increases our energy and consequently our self-awareness, thus closing the circle. Healing is a matter of common sense; learning to look after oneself should be the benchmark for normalcy and taking responsibility for one’s own health should be the obvious thing to do. In one of our conversations, doña Silvia said: "People spend their lives putting up with pains here and pains there, but do little to solve the problem. When their suffering becomes unbearable, they begin to worry and look for help. Some do nothing even at that stage and thus become chronically ill. Lack of care towards one’s body results in all manner of misfortunes. People usually excuse their gross carelessness by the high cost of consultations and medicines. To them I say that a variety of highly beneficial alternative medicines exists and some of them are practically free, as are the procedures that apply to anyone. With corrective remedies, the progress of a disease can be halted and even reversed.” “Which corrective remedies?” “That depends on the dysfunction. The reason why our assistants are trained by performing the actual healing practices is to enable them to diagnose accurately any kind of disease, be it in the nervous, vascular, bone or digestive system, or in the functioning of the organs in general.” She told us: “Seeing is hard work. At first, an apprentice is like a good locksmith who knows he needs to get to the point where he can ‘see’ the inside of the mechanism of the lock. A healer starts by imagining and plotting out the patient’s organs, muscles, nerves and bones. He continues by feeling them, and finally ends up seeing them as if he had x-ray vision. Imagination plays a very important role in our work. One starts by imagining, and ends up seeing.” In the human body, there are many channels with their junctions. It is easy to find them: one just needs to feel where the nerves, the blood circulation and other circuits are. Properly identified within the body, those are the points where one seeks to apply intent. Just as the physical body responds to the environment, so does the energy body, although subject to different laws, respond to its own environment. That is why medicinal plants, nature’s true pharmacies, are so useful: they are true blessings for the patient’s physical body, while the vibrations of a friendly plant serve to heal the energy body." I asked, “How does one heal the energy body?” “By cleansing. What do you think we do when we use herbs on the body of the patient? That is the way we use the vibrations of the plants to heal the patient’s aura." It is easy to see that doña Silvia was right in what she said, since it is evident that each plant has its own active elements. It is however not my intention to turn this work into a
    compendium of healing. Those interested in the subject can find a lot of information on the use of medicinal plants and other alternative healing techniques in public libraries.**

    Znači ili ImunoLogija:***

    Naočigled esencijalne neslobode i izrabljivanja kojem podležemo, možemo i aktuelnu diskusiju o primerenom uzgoju domaćih životinja da pogledamo u novom svetlu. Jer, kao što kaže Kerol Tigs, mi životinjama činimo samo ono što Voladoresi nama čine - kao učeni robovi svojih gospodara besramno ih izrabljujemo: muzemo ih, sisamo i koljemo, krademo njihova jaja i povrh toga činimo ih poslušnima na najrazličitije načine. Vezujemo ih, trpamo u kaveze, podrezujemo im krila, rogove, kandže i kljunove, dresiramo ih, činimo zavisnima i ubijamo u njima agresivnost i prirodan nagon za slobodom.

    Naše celokupno ponašanje je prožeto time, jer mi ne samo da izrabljujemo domaće životinje, nego i celokupnu živu i neživu prirodu – uključujući ljude oko nas. Uprkos ukidanju ropstva i opštem načelu modernog sveta, koje propagira slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo, ti uslovi vrede tek za one retke, koji su u socijalnom sistemu izborili gornje položaje. Većina još uvek živi i radi u zavisničkim odnosima, u kojima su manje ili više dobrovoljni robovi, iako danas više ne nose lanac oko vrata. Njihova jedina uteha leži najčešće u činjenici da postoji neko ko je još niže na hijerarhijskoj lestvici, koga mogu da izrabljuju i ugnjetavaju, sasvim u stilu bicikliste: gore pognut, dole gazi.***

  • 29.10.2019. 18:18h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ipak smo mi braća....

    Ako nikada dosada Dubrovnijek nije bio "slobodniji" onda bi taj "Libertas" trebao zahvaliti Hrvatskoj koja bira sboga Premijera svake Četiri godine a ne za Punog mijeseca ?

    Eksponencionalno bi onda bile u svezi i Zidine i Slavonija po Kanalizaciji nekakvog TurIzma !?

    Sa druge strane nikad se nezna jer ako se brže izgubimo prije čemo se i pronači..... recimo i na Arktiku a gdje otoci niču kao gljive prije Potopa.

    ....ili i Slaveni kada treba slaviti ???

    Sve ostalo su bili ili naši promašaji ili i njihovi pokušaji ??

    Ali bi OnO o čemu bih i rado zucnuo barem "e" ?

    Bilo u vašim očima kao "trunka u oku brata svojega"......

    Tojest da nisam "brvno".

    *"’Honour thy father and thy mother.’ Unfortunately there are those who hate and deny their very source – their parents – and then extend their grudge against all that exists, including the very earth that gives them shelter. This original resentment is the cause of many diseases. A warrior is aware of the tremendous price that was paid for his life, and in the most detached manner honours and respects those who gave him existence. Only then can he fly free."*

    Naprezanje je iz neznanja a lakoća je u krilima/letu ?!

    Zaista ništa nebih rekao da sam i Mogao:*Znaš li da se možeš zauvek rasprostreti u bilo kom od pravaca koje sam ti pokazao?« nastavi on. »Znaš li da i jedan tren može biti večnost? To nije zagonetka; to je činjenica, ali samo onda ako se vineš do tog trenutka i iskoristiš ga da zauvek ponese tvoju sveukupnost u bilo kom pravcu*


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu


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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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