Moderne vještice
Vjerujem da će onima zaista zainteresiranima to uspjeti,bar malo odškrinuti vrata nepoznatog poimanja stvarnosti iza maglene zavjese i ublažiti odbojnost,jer uvijek se bojimo onoga što ne poznajemo.Kada shvatimo o čemu se zaista radi,sav strah nestaje(mada ima razloga za strah,ukoliko se neinformirani i needucirani upustimo u Umijeće,zato,molim,pazimo što radimo!).Kada shvatimo koliko su stvari ustvari svakodnevne,prisutne,dostupne,kroz naše misli,stavove i sl.bivamo iznenadjeni.Zato,evo,mali kutak za radoznale,za one koji bi htjeli znati trunčicu više.
FROM ANCIENT VERSE TO CRAFT CYBER LINKS Become wise in the ways of the Witch,with the Encyclopedia of Wicca&Witchraft.This comprehensive book contains hunreds of enties on Craft lore,practices,beliefs,and deities,all arranged in an casy -to-use format.From "adept"(one who has mastered the disciplines of their system of salf-development)to"year and day"(a commob theme denoting a mystical or magical period of time)you ll find this guide indispensible. APPLE is an ancient symbol of totality.In later times,it has also come to symbolize desire and indulgence.An apple sliced in half vertically has the apearance of female genitalia,and if sliced horizontally,a pentagram is apparent.Because of the latter,it was used as a secret sign of the Inquisition.In modern fairy tales an old woman appaering at one s door,bearing an apple,is often a Witch in disguise... Apples reveal symbolisms both within and without.