Hi, everyone. Just want to say hello to that beautiful day that God has give to us. I want to say that I come in one destination by my road (everyone has it's own road) and I've started from here. One day when I was 17, I have decided to read books about meditation. So, people around me felt some strength from me. From my inner being. That is pure happiness. To the stage of 21, I started working. Then I've learned one big thing. That is emotions that we don't show, that is our illness. Emotions that we are showing to other people, that is health. To show emotions is healthy way to be open and to know what you want to do in life. So, next level is practicing. Doing exercises for your body. Then you're body is healthy. The one thing that is most important is to love someone. Even if that person is not good for you. Then you must have consciousness that one person is right for you, and the other one is not. The next level is to do things for your own self. And then, work things you don't love to have what you love. And last thing is to have faith, but most important thing. So, I just want to share my path with you, that, so and you know that. Sometimes it's not predictable, but it's surely that things need to be. And to be always on next level. Thanks if you are interested in reading. I hope that you're level grows as I hope that mine grows, too.
Dakle, što bih vam mogao reći u tom trenutku? Svatko od nas može dati jako puno ovom svijetu. Previše malih stvari, često, ali vrlo važnih. I taj osjećaj ne traži ništa zauzvrat, i na taj način, to je istina. Ljubav.