Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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OD 14.01.2018.


Tuga nije pokazatelj da nešto činimo krivo, već nagovještaj izlaska, proces kroz koji se krug pretvara u put.


Začarani krug

Znati što treba učiniti i zaista to učiniti
su dva različita procesa.

Tuga nije pokazatelj da nešto činimo krivo,
već nagovještaj izlaska, proces kroz koji se
krug pretvara u put.

Sigurno vam je poznata rečenica: „Sve znam, ali ništa ne poduzimam“. To je ono kada nam je jasno što nije u redu i što bismo trebali promijeniti kako bi se počeli osjećati bolje, ali nikako da svoje zaključke sprovedemo u djelo i poduzmemo neke konkretne korake. Još uvijek se hvatamo u istim obrascima, ponavljamo iste greške, vrtimo se u začaranom krugu bez ideje o tome gdje je čarobni štapić koji bi taj krug mogao prekinuti i pretvoriti u liniju, smjer, put koji nekamo vodi.

Znati što treba učiniti i zaista to učiniti su dva različita procesa. Prvi proces je relativno lako probavljiv jer se odvija na razini misli, dok je ovaj drugi teži jer su u njega uključeni osjećaji. Uvid u to kako stvari stoje nas dovodi do spoznaje da se od nečega moramo odvojiti. To može biti dugo građeno uvjerenje, pogrešna slika o sebi, neutemeljena nada, navika koja nam daje osjećaj ugode ili sigurnosti. To može biti bilo što uz što smo vezani i što iznutra (a zatim i izvana, u konkretnim situacijama) ne želimo izgubiti. Kada se nalazimo u začaranom krugu, zapravo nismo spremni podnijeti tugu zbog gubitka s kojim nas izlazak iz tog kruga suočava.

Dublju promjenu je nemoguće ostvariti bez perioda tuge. Nakon što smo stekli uvid (došli do oslobađajuće spoznaje, aha-doživljaja, ideje o izlazu) nastupa proces realizacije koji je obojan tugom zbog gubitka ili odvajanja. Ta tuga može biti duža ili kraća, ovisno o kakvoj je promjeni riječ. Mnogi ljudi velik dio svog života provedu u istom začaranom krugu: u lošem partnerskom odnosu, u nezadovoljstvu na poslu, u mukotrpnom odnosu s roditeljima. Nakon godina i godina tabanja jedne te iste staze, začarani krug se održava sam od sebe. U njega je uložena ogromna količina emocija, truda i iluzija i izlazak iz njega značio bi promjenu koja je teško zamisliva.

Što je začarani krug kratkotrajniji, što smo manje sebe uložili u njegov nastanak i opstanak, to ga je lakše napustiti. Mada, nikada ne napuštamo sasvim olako ono što asociramo s osjećajem sigurnosti ili ono što doživljavamo preduvjetom za sreću. Izbjegavajući žalovanje koje nastupa nakon uvida samo produžujemo agoniju. Zbog toga možemo imati osjećaj da nas to nešto ne pušta, ne da nam van začaranog kruga, a zapravo smo mi ti koji ne puštaju uvjerenje, sliku, naviku, ideal ili nešto treće što nas drži na toj istoj, „začaranoj“ putanji.

Kada si tugu napokon dopustimo, počinje proces prihvaćanja novog stanja u kojem to nešto što smo voljeli, njegovali ili smatrali preduvjetom za sreću više nije prisutno. Kroz proces tugovanja, uvid postaje istina. U konačnici, ono za čim tugujemo i što moramo predati je vezanost za sebe, za vjerovanje tko smo i kakvi smo. Ako je riječ o razvodu, to može značiti prihvaćanje sebe kao samca, kao nekog „čiji brak nije uspio“. Ako je riječ o iskazivanju potisnute ljutnje, to može znači prihvaćanje sebe kao nekog tko „ne želi uvijek svima dobro“.

Uvid i tugovanje idu jedno s drugim. Uvid dolazi prvi jer ne možemo odustati od onog što ne razumijemo. Tek kada nam je jasno kakve nas to čarobne niti drže unutar kruga imamo priliku izaći iz njega. Pri tom, puštanje onog što nas je držalo vezanima nije stvar odluke, već suočavanja s osjećajem gubitka. Kada otpuštanje koristimo kao formulu, ono ne funkcionira. Ako negdje u glavi čuči misao „pustim li, bit će onako kako želim“, onda to nije puštanje već samozavaravanje. Kada zaista napuštamo začarani krug i puštamo da stvari budu onakve kakve jesu, osjećamo tugu. I to je u redu. Tuga nije pokazatelj da nešto činimo krivo, već nagovještaj izlaska, proces kroz koji se krug pretvara u put.

Autor: Tomica Šćavina

Izvor: http://www.poticaj.net






  • 12.11.2015. 13:37h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    Glavu Dolje - Ruke Gore.....

    Moglo bi se reči da Riječi opisuju/opasuju Svijet ili da službena Sintaksa odgovara "Čovjeku":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfGMYdalClU


    Oprezno sa Poduzetništvom?


    They are like automatons: they get up and go to work
    in order to sell the best time of their life to the highest bidder in exchange for the means to go on
    living with the sole goal of being able to carry on working to produce more energy for the benefit
    of the third party.
    Ili bi se reklo "o burzi rada kao o man-ipulativnoj rezervi" ali u konačnici bi bilo i Nemilosrdno ono što je rekao Duwall u "Lonesome Dove" (usamljena golubica?) ;S kim jašeš sa tim i visiš!?
    Nego u Cjelosti a "poglavito":
    Sealed Units of Energy
    Speaking about the luminous egg in one of our conversations, Carlos stated that we all were
    sealed units of energy. He had, however, previously said something that appeared to contradict
    that statement: he had said that self-importance drained our energy. At the appropriate moment,
    I asked him about it.
    “It’s not a contradiction at all,” he replied, smiling. "It’s just another misunderstanding due
    to the inadequacy of our vocabulary. And if we throw the usual difficulty of using words and
    semantics to refer to energy phenomena into the bargain, you can get an idea of how
    complicated it can sometimes be to explain these topics.
    The fact is that our speech really lacks words capable of describing certain phenomena
    of sorcery. Because of that, poor interpretations occur. To try and avoid that problem, I have
    borrowed words from several languages and even created some new ones, but the situation is
    more serious than it appears to be since the modern man believes that if one cannot express
    something in words, it doesn’t exist.”
    To make me see that not everything can be transmitted by means of language, he
    introduced me to a number of words that did not have a literal translation and required long
    explanations in order to clarify their meaning. As an example, he said that the oriental concept
    of ‘Ch’i,’ when taken to mean ‘energy’ conveyed only part of its deeper meaning. Another
    example he mentioned was that, in the English language, there was no intrinsic difference
    between the Spanish words ‘ser’ and ‘estar’, as both concepts were expressed by the verb ‘to
    be’. He added that in some northern countries there was no equivalent for the word ‘passion’,
    which meant that even if people felt that emotion, they were unable to express it. He said all
    that to make me realise how easy it was to get lost in the labyrinth of words and their meanings,
    which was the source of the confusion. He went on to say that at the moment of birth all of us
    received a basic bequest of energy, which amounted to the sum of the passion our parents
    expended during our conception.
    “That energy was encapsulated as part of the gift of life. It is all the capital we have; it is
    what we are. Now, what we make or don't make of it is the individual responsibility of each one
    of us.
    The process of being alive transforms our basic energy into a by-product: our perception,
    which generates experience, stored as memory. Together, they produce the coveted
    The level of an individual’s awareness can be measured in terms of his aptitude to be
    attentive to himself and to his environment. Attention is therefore the key element in the
    transformation and enhancement of gross energy into refined awareness.
    Growth of awareness is the sorcerers’ goal. That is why they constantly exercise their
    attention. They deliberately design exercises in avoiding distraction. By doing that, they
    significantly increase their ability to concentrate.”
    He remarked that he had found sculpting to be a very useful tool for cultivating attention.
    Through sculpting, he learned that, when the internal dialogue is cancelled, one gives the best
    of himself to the task at hand.
    “How can awareness be enlarged?” I asked.
    “During our lifetime, each one of us develops our basic energy in different ways.
    Knowing the importance of looking after it, warriors save their energy and accumulate it through
    acts of impeccability. Their basic energy is to them like a seed that sleeps, dreaming dreams of
    abundance. In those dreams, it frees its tremendous potential and transforms into a luxuriant
    fruit-bearing tree.
    By the same token, warriors know that their potential energy can likewise grow, and
    expand beyond its limits. In theory, there is no limit to enhancement of awareness. It could keep
    on growing and growing, perhaps forever. To achieve this, all one needs is impeccability. That
    is the purpose of the sorcerers’ continuous effort to be impeccable: they are fighting to become
    more aware.
    But watch out! Because the energy can also be spent until nothing remains.”
    Carlos explained that energy can be exhausted unconsciously, as it generally happens
    to people in the pitiless hands of the ego, who spend all their time firing off their emotions in
    interactions they maintain.
    “Instead of spending their life dissipating their personal power in sterile relationships,
    sorcerers have discovered that it is possible to gather personal power through acts of sobriety
    and impeccability. They use the art of stalking to stalk themselves, not to deceive others.”
    He said that with a touch of sarcasm, aware of my own feeble attempts in that direction. He
    went on:
    “For seers, awareness has the appearance of a very bright, sticky, transparent elastic
    shell forming a cloak around the luminous egg. It is like an enveloping brilliance. Even though it
    should be abundant, that luminescence is almost absent in our species. That is so because
    awareness generated by the experience of being alive gets constantly obliterated by the
    quotidian, by our routines. That is the price the predatory Universe charges for giving us life."
    As I gazed at him, hungry for more, Carlos continued:
    “The Universe charges us tax through flyers, the predatory aspect of cosmic energy. We
    are like chickens for them; they see us exactly as we see cattle: as a source of food. Just like
    we take advantage of other species, we are milked and eaten without compassion by the flyers.
    Do you ever wonder why people have emotional ups and downs, or difficulty remembering their
    dreams and sometimes even the details of the previous day’s events? That is the work of the
    predator who extracts our very best from us.”
    I asked him how much energy a person had left after being thus “milked.” He replied:
    “What we have seen is that the level of awareness in people generally doesn't grow
    above the height of the big toe. We can measure the energy level of a person by the amount of
    time they can keep their attention fixed. You can verify this yourself. Observe those around you
    and you will see that hardly anybody manages to concentrate for any length of time. That’s how
    fucked we are as a species!
    Even if someone does try to be more attentive, he can only manage to do so with
    difficulty, because the awareness accumulated by the process of being alive is constantly cut
    back by the flyers; consequently, the sheen of awareness never gets to develop, because the
    flyers do not let it.
    Our mind is actually the flyer advising us minute-by-minute to behave as imbeciles.
    That's why we spend our life wasting our energy on self-indulgence and useless outbursts of
    ego. Why do you think almost nobody manages to stop the internal dialogue? This shouldn’t be
    so difficult for an aware species like ours; however, the predator that consumes us leaves us
    only just enough awareness to keep us alive.”
    “And how do they consume us?” I asked with a lump in my throat.
    Imitating the constrained tone of my voice, he replied jokingly:
    “They eat us with a knife and fork.”
    He laughed heartily, and then added in a more serious tone:
    “They consume our energy whenever it is dissipated in the form of feelings and
    “Any type of emotion?” I asked.
    “Sure. Emotions act as ejectors of energy and there is always a flyer around, ready to
    take advantage.
    This goes for any type of emotion we generate. Be it love, hate, repulsion or tenderness,
    the intensity of the energy is frontally ejected out of the fibres of the luminous egg in the form of
    waves. The expelled energy is what the flyers consume.
    Using our ego as front in our interactions with the world forces us to carry on exhausting
    our energy. Whenever someone throws a tantrum, you can be sure that there is a flyer around
    to take advantage of such a waste. The same happens when strong emotions arise during
    sports competitions, or when we go to the movies or the theatre where the feelings of fear,
    anxiety, love, tenderness, and so on arise within us. Those emotions, too, attract the eaters.
    That's why sorcerers recommend investment instead of entertainment.
    We are really under cross-fire. The society and the way we live are designed so that we
    can be constantly “milked”. Reacting to the world, we drain our luminous mass, our precious
    energy of self-awareness. Generally speaking, what is left barely suffices us to maintain our
    day-to-day life.
    That is why people live as they do. They are like automatons: they get up and go to work
    in order to sell the best time of their life to the highest bidder in exchange for the means to go on
    living with the sole goal of being able to carry on working to produce more energy for the benefit
    of the third party. It really is a terrible vicious circle, very hard to break.”
    In answer to my question whether it was possible for an ordinary person to realise the
    truth about their situation, Carlos confirmed that it was theoretically possible to reach the
    condition of emotional indifference towards oneself through reasoning and coming to
    conclusions regarding our energy priorities. In practice, however, there is no way a person
    embroiled within the context of luminosity deterioration can react in time.
    “One would never find sufficient energy. One would always be a step behind the
    necessary action,” he pointed out.
    “What can we do, then?” I mumbled.
    “Since we are left to our own resources, we have only one option: to preserve the energy
    we were born with. Impeccable warriors don’t need anyone to guide them, as saving energy
    becomes self-explanatory to those who are attempting to be more aware.”
    “Then the flyers do consume our basic energy?” I enquired. I wanted to know if the flyers’
    predation irretrievably harmed our energy, or if we could reverse the process. He explained:
    “In normal circumstances, the process of energy predation can definitively be reversed
    so that we can recover our full luminosity. That is possible because what the flyers consume is
    not the basic energy as such, but the energy processed and transformed into feelings and
    emotions. That is what gets ejected out of our energy mass when we fire our emotions off. The
    basic energy remains within us like the root of the tree of life. As I have already said, that
    energy is sealed.”
    We remained silent for a few moments. My head was spinning; the implications of what
    Carlos was saying were astronomical. Anticipating my thoughts, he continued:
    “Energy is there to be used. It is like a fire whose flame, once ignited, can only be used
    or wasted. Impeccability means using the energy to generate more awareness. In that process,
    the warrior always chooses the path every step of which he enjoys, living intensely through
    every minute because he knows that the flame of life is not eternal.
    We are truly immersed in a world of mysteries, and the greatest of all pleasures is to
    unveil those mysteries one by one, like when one is a child and everything is new and vibrant.
    That is how saved energy enables us to make increasingly longer jumps each time, until we
    end up taking off and flying.
    The possibilities for those that manage to save energy are truly extraordinary, as they
    can get to the point where their awareness increases to levels inconceivable to the average
    man. It is in fact possible to reach total awareness this way.”
    Treba samo u kontekstu onoga "ta duhovna istina je dijametralno suprotna vrijednostima naše savremene civilizacije (ili domicilnosti").... provjeriti na terenu ili u praksi!?


Član HIPNOTIZERMerlin6 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana hipnotizer dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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