Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član karlo







OD 14.01.2018.

Water Powered Kinetic Sculpture and Spinning Art Easel

Water Powered Kinetic Sculpture and Spinning Art Easel
I have launched an exciting project to create affordable, water powered kinetic sculptures with an open source component. My sculptures can be enjoyed in three ways:

I have launched an exciting project to create affordable, water powered kinetic sculptures with an open source component.
My sculptures can be enjoyed in three ways:
1) As a kinetic sculpture
2) As a kinetic sculpture customized by you
3) As a spinning art easel for children

Various Sculptures

Hi, my name is Rod Herdman and I'm an inventor, kinetic artist and creator of Kinart Studio. For the past several years I have used my talents and ingenuity to create large water powered sculptures, "aqua-kinetic".  In recent months, my focus has changed to create smaller open source kinetic sculptures that anyone can afford to purchase. 

Here is How it Works: The waterwheel sits above a reservoir of water. The water is pumped up from the reservoir through a tube in the sculpture frame where it is dispensed by the water can. The falling water "kinetic energy" is captured by the cups on the wheel and converted to torque energy at the axial. Attached to the waterwheel axial is a round 3" steel platform. The main aluminum disc is attached to the platform by a powerful magnet. This is the fascia art component that can be detached and customize to create an entirely new theme or illusion.  By changing the component's color, shape, texture or design, you can change the mood and emotion of your kinetic sculpture. The creative possibilities are endless!

The inspiration for my project comes from several realities.
 Few people can afford to commission an artist to create a unique kinetic sculpture.
 Fewer artists will permit their sculptures to be altered in anyway; not open source. 
 Most art is static. I wanted to create a platform that could quickly be changed to reflect a new mood, motif or season.
Art easels don't rotate.

The motivation for my project comes from a desire to share my passion for water powered mechanical devices. There is something magical and hypnotic about watching a waterwheel in motion. There is something very peaceful and calming about the sound of trickling water. Through my sculptures, I wish to transform a place in your home into a tranquil space.

Rotating Art Easel for Children: Use the magnet to attach a blank piece of paper on the plain aluminum disc and turn your sculpture into a spinning easel.  Water powered art! Unleash the creative genus within your kids as they create unique swirling patterns and designs. They will be entertained for hours. Art supplies not included with rewards.

Rotating Art Easel

For centuries, waterwheels have harnessed the kinetic energy of falling water to power grist mills, saw mills and electric generators. Now, you can harness the power of water to create art.

Kid Safe: I designed my waterwheel sculptures to be safe for children. There are no gears, sprockets, chains, pulleys or belts to create pinch-points. The power produced by the waterwheel measures less than 1ft lb of torque. A small child can easily stop the motion of the waterwheel. With that said though, it is not a toy and access should be restricted to older children.

The Power of Kickstarter:  It's the crowd of supporters, backers and friends like you that make this project possible! The more sculptures I can build at one time, the more affordable they become.

Use of Proceeds:  Although many of my parts are salvaged, I will need to purchase raw materials, pipes, fasteners, tubing and packing supplies. In addition, I will be hiring several art and design students to help with fabrication, assembly and testing. This is an incredible opportunity for students to learn how to safely build kinetic art sculptures. No two sculptures will be made exactly the same. They will be unique, 1/1 art pieces.

Regrettably we have not located a supplier that can give us a large quantity of matching water cans. Each sculpture will have a different water can design, material or color . From plastic to powdered coated steel.

Meeting the challenge:  I have an extensive background in manufacturing and I know how to pull a project together. I know how to marshal the resources of time, materials and personnel to produce a quality product on time.

A Moment in Time: Imagine for a moment you have arrived home after a hard day. You kick off your shoes, grab a refreshing drink and slip into a room made more comfortable by one of my waterwheel sculptures. The slow movement of the waterwheel and reflection of light off the metal surfaces will quickly distract you from your days thoughts. In no time, the sound of trickling water will relax you and wash the day away. You're in your quit place, you're in a tranquil zone.

Completes any Space: Your sculpture will become a focal point for guests, drawing their interest and sparking great conversations. Before their next visit, change the mood of the piece by replacing the fascia art component with a different color scheme or design. Once refreshed, your sculpture will once again become a focal point for guests, drawing their interest and sparking more great conversations. Perfect for any deck, garden, foyer, lobby, library or room.

Very Green:
Many of my sculpture parts are salvaged from bicycles, printers and other appliances that were destined for a landfill. With a little ingenuity, engineering and gravity, these machines begin a new life as a piece of art in perpetual emotion
Although my sculptures are shipped with a small 110v electric fountain pump, it could be replaced by a solar or battery powered 12vdc electric pump system.

Fun Teaching Tool: My sculptures are a great addition to any classroom or school lobby. It's a fun way to teach art and science at the same time. Perhaps you will create different "detachable" components to reflect new seasons or various holidays. I hope you will share photos of your creations with me.

More Sculpture Pictures

Psychedelic Illusion: As an option, I offer a very cool art component that has a helix background and a rotating helix foreground. While spinning, they create a mind-tingling illusion. 

Optional Spiral-Helix Component

REWARDS: Three Waterwheel Sculpture Sizes: Unpack, snap together, add water, plug-in and relax. Instantly your sculpture will begin filling the air with the tranquil sounds of trickling water.

I will build for you one of three different size waterwheel sculptures. These amazing open source sculptures make perfect holiday gifts. Place them in your garden, on a deck or in a pond. Like all my sculptures, the main art component can be removed, replaced or repainted!  I will be able to ship the first few orders prior to the December holidays. If I receive a lot of reward pledges, most of my sculptures won't ship until late December or January. GET YOUR PLEDGE IN EARLY!

Waterwheel Rewards

For less than the cost of a good bicycle, you can own a hand-crafted, kinetic art sculpture made unique by you.

Rewards are shipped free with in the continental US. We would be happy to ship outside the continental US for an additional shipping fee. See rewards. Each sculpture is shipped sub-assembled and will require some assembly.

REWARDS: Kinart Studio T-shirts:

Kinart Studio T-shirt Reward. Copy right 2012 Kinart Studio

Commissioned Sculptures: If you are interested in a custom, large scale water-powered kinetic sculpture for your gallery, library, office lobby, pond or business, please send me an email requesting a quote. Make sure to provide dimensions of the area you would like covered and a couple of pictures. If the project is large enough, I will bring a team to your site to install it. Once I give you a proposal and approximate delivery/install date, you will be able to place your order through my rewards.

Intellectual Property: All designs are protected by copy right, trademark or pending patents. Reproductions of the sculptures, sculpture designs or logo is expressly forbidden.

I will create the kinetic art canvas and you make it unique. Together we'll build a sculpture with perpetual emotion! Together we'll build a master piece!

Thank you,  Sincerely, Rod Herdman



Q: Is there any maintenance?    A: Yes. Oil the wheel bearings occasionally and add a tablespoon of bleach to the water to discourage algae growth.

Q: Will the sculpture rust?   A: Although many of the materials I use are non-ferrous like plastic, brass, stainless steel and aluminum, some of the components are made of steel. Although plated or painted, some surfaces will rust, especially when used outdoors. Personally I like the patina of rust, it blends well with my earthy rustic garden motif.

Q: You mentioned using solar energy to power your sculpture; is this something you sell. A: Yes, once my Kickstarter project is over you will be able to purchase a number of accessories and parts from my web site.



Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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