25. 05. 1947.
Dragi moj! Primio sam svu poštu koju si mi poslao. Nalazim u njoj bujicu tvoje odanosti i ljubavi kao i pritajene sumnje i tjeskobu.
Dopusti mi da ti kažem kako je nemoguće otvoriti srca i otkriti prirodu jnanija, yogija, asketa, svetaca, mudraca itd. Ljudi su obdareni mnogim osobinama i mentalnim stavovima, pa tako svatko prosuđuje ovisno o svom kutu gledanja, te govori i raspravlja u skladu sa svojom prirodom.
Kao što kaže poslovica: samo drvo koje daje plodove gađaju kamenjem. Dobro uvijek izaziva zlo da ga kleveće. Zlo uvijek izaziva dobro da čini još više dobra. Takva je priroda svijeta. Bilo bi iznenađujuće da se takve stvari ne događaju.
Ljude bi prije trebalo žaliti nego osuđivati. Oni ne znaju. Nemaju strpljenja da ispravno prosude. Previše su ispunjeni žudnjom, srdžbom i taštinom da bi jasno vidjeli i znali u potpunosti. Pa tako pišu sve i svašta. Kad bi samo znali, odustali bi od takvog pisanja i govorenja. Ni mi ne bismo trebali pridavati nikakvo značenje takvim komentarima, niti ih uzimati k srcu, kao što ti izgleda činiš. Istina će sigurno pobijediti jednoga dana. Neistina ne može nikada pobijediti. Može se činiti da je neistina nadvladala istinu, no njezina će pobjeda izblijediti i istina će se potvrditi.
Ja imam zadatak: čuvati cijelo čovječanstvo i osigurati svim ljudima život pun blaženstva.
Ja imam zavjet: povesti sve koji su skrenuli s pravog puta natrag ka dobroti i spasiti ih.
Ja sam vezan za 'posao' koji volim: uklanjati patnje siromašnih i podariti im ono što im nedostaje.
Dok sam tako zaokupljen svojim zadatkom za dobrobit svih, kako bi moje ime ikada moglo biti uprljano, kao što se tebi čini? Savjetujem ti da ne obraćaš pozornost na takav besmisleni govor. Mahatme ne stječu veličinu time što ih zovu velikima, niti postaju mali zato što ih proglašavaju malima. Istina će urzo pobijediti.
Nitko ne može pojmiti Moju Slavu, tko god to bio, kojom god metodom istraživao i koliko god to pokušavao.
Ti sam ćeš vidjeti punu Slavu kako se razotkriva u narednim godinama. Poklonici moraju imati strpljenja i ustrajnosti.
Ja nisam zabrinut niti mi je stalo da ove činjenice budu objavljene. Ja nemam nikakve potrebe da ovo pišem. Napisao sam to zato što osjećam da ćeš biti nesretan ako ti ne odgovorim.
Tvoj Baba
25th May, 1947
My dear One! I received all the communications that you sent. I found in it the surging floods of your devotion and affection, with the undercurrents of doubts and anxiety.
Let Me tell you that it is impossible to plumb the hearts and discover the nature of Jnanis , Yogis, ascetics, saints, sages, and the like. People are endowed with a variety of characteristics and mental attitudes; so, each one judges according his own angle, talks and argues in the light of his own nature.
As the proverb says, it is only the fruit-laden tree that receives the shower of stone from the passers by. The good always provoke the bad into calumny; the bad always provoke the good into doing more good; this is the nature of the world. One must be surprised if such things do not happen.
People too have to be pitied rather than condemned. They do not know. They have no patience to judge right. They are too full of lust, anger, and conceit to see clearly and know fully. So, they write all sorts of things. If only they know, they would refrain from writing or talking like that. We too should not attach any value to such comments and take them to heart, as you seem to do. Truth will certainly triumph some day. Untruth can never win. Untruth might appear to over-power Truth, but its victory would fade away and Truth would establish itself.
I have a Task: To foster all mankind, and ensure for all people lives full of Ananda.
I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them.
I am attached to a ‘Work’ that I love: To remove the suffering of the poor and grant them what they lack.
When I am thus engaged in My beneficial task, how can My Name be ever tarnished, as you apprehend? I would advise you not to heed to such absurd talk. Mahatmas do not acquire greatness through someone calling them so; they do not become small just because some calls them small. Authenticity will soon win.
No one can comprehend My Glory, whosoever it may be, whatever be the method of enquiry, and no matter how long the attempt.
You will yourself see the full Glory unfolding in the coming years. Devotees must have patience and forbearance.
I am not concerned, nor am I anxious that these facts should be made known. I have no need to write these words. I wrote them because I felt that you will be pained if I do not reply.
Thus, yours, Baba.