Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član JosipJankovic







OD 14.01.2018.



Broj: 3229.                  

Godina: XI                

15. lipnj(juna)  2015.





Borislav Bogdanovic



Dragi prijatelji,

Duhovnim rastom covjek dostize tocku duhovne ravnoteze, koja je ujedno i ishodisna tocka mira. Sve to nam, sebi svojstvenim metaforama, kazuje poruka pjesme iz "Bijele kule" za danasnje tihovanje. Za svrhu mira, odrecimo se svega suvisnog, a sto je suvisno, ucimo iz ovog dvogovora s Bogom:




        Na golomu brijegu odricanja, na vrhu mu i sljemenu, raste drvo mira.

        Ono ne moze rasti ni na padini, ni u dolini. Ono nije vidljivo s podnozja brijega.

        Korak po korak uspona, list po list krosnje; pedalj po pedalj visine, sum po sum lisca; vidik po vidik sirine, plod po plod grane.

        Ono je drvo koje raste i cvjeta od penjanja k njemu; a brijeg se korak po korak svlaci, od podnozja prema vrhu.


"Bijela kula", knjiga 69. Zapisala Vesna Krmpotic


Puno pozdrava iz Sombora od Josipa














  • 15.06.2015. 10:00h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    That cannot fly......

    Dakle:Mi njih osiječamo a oni su nas bezosiječajno svijesni?
    Postoji jedna batina ali i nijanse koje život znače?
    Batina ima dva kraja a od kojih je ili jedan deblji ili drugi tanji?
    Pa onda oni koji drže tanji kraj ili na čijoj je strani batina kažu da je bolje biti na "pravoj" strani?
    To je kao kada je jača vrsta dala slabijoj vrsti pamet i slabiči su se zacopali u sebe?
    Tako su jači mogli ostati izvan igre jer se više nitko nije bunio pošto je pametnije popuštati?
    Naravno da kad je netko pametan onda mu taština ne dozvoljava da sagleda svoju glupost?
    Onda smo tamo neka stvorenja nazvali životinjama a da bismo ih mogli klati kao životinje?
    Mi smo i dalje ljudi jer i tko bi to mogao osporiti?
    Pa po sistemu prenamjene zemljišta možemo urbanizirati i ljude?
    Samo im damo drugo ime i odmah na njima možemo graditi svoje ambicije pa i mijenjati lični opis?
    U suštini im je krvna grupa ostala ista ali je naše mišljenje o njima drugačije i nepobitno?
    Tako smo otkrili i ameriku a neki se boje da bi nam biblija mogla pomoči i u otkrivanju svemira?
    Nismo baš sveci ali možda imamo pogrešne uzore na nebu ali uvijek se nađe i "kukolj u žitu"?
    Pa je tako jednom a inače u kontinuitetu otac poslao Pericu u kuhinju da sa prozora broji prolaznike i jedan prolaznik=jedna kuna dok on i mama u spavačoj malo odmaraju.Perica je ipak morao naglas da se lokalizuje da bi bilo po pravilima.I tako je tog sudbonosnog dana Perica vrisne:tata! tata! evo ideee sprovod i ova jebačina če te skupo koštati!!
    Nagradno pitanje glasi:dali je Perica požalio što se je izlanuo ili čak htio biti pametniji od Oca a ipak kao dijete (i ostale poniznosti)!?
    A ovo je za engleze koji sanjaju u hrvatskoj (ili se pravimo pametni a da bi oni ispali pametniji tojest gluplji):
    An Interview with Renata Murez and Nyei Murez
    1) I have a dream, something I very sincerely want to accomplish in my lifetime. When I am in a state of supporting and acting out that dream I can feel how everything is so right with my world. But then, there are times when I go long periods doing nothing to support my dream and I feel lost and overwhelmed by the daily world. What can I do to remain in that state of supporting my dream and not get stuck in that place of overwhelm?
    Reni: Manifesting a dream is an interplay of several different levels within ourselves….
    On the level of our essential energetic core, we may already know what we want to dream or create and carry it deep inside of ourselves as a longing until we begin to manifest it in the physical realm of our daily lives. Coming from the level of our physical experience, we may see, taste, touch, hear or smell something in our daily lives that inspires us to get involved because it ignites our essential core inside to act.
    With either approach, manifesting a dream includes a spark from our spirit as well as the steps to practically manifest it – a plan, a back-up plan, a financial strategy, supporting participants, and the ability to stay ‘on point’, or focused on our dream, even when setbacks and seeming setbacks and interruptions to its accomplishment appear.
    And when those interruptions to our dream occur, and they will – when our family needs doctors; when we’ve lost income; when someone else needs our attention – it is perfectly fine to put our dream on ‘the back burner’ in the safe trusting arms of our spirit. After all our dream comes from there, while our expertise and attention is focused elsewhere.
    And when we are ready to live our dream again, we can always dip back into our essence and retrieve it and again feel that amazing feeling of being carried along on a ‘magic carpet,’ an energy current that runs through us and our project, making small setbacks pale in comparison.
    Our dreams are our magic – they will always be within us within reach. Let’s not judge our success or progress with them as we do running a race. As magic, our dreams have a life and timetable of their own. If we can sync ourselves up to it, rather than it to us, we may stand a better chance at accomplishing it.
    American poet and social activist, Langston Hughes, expresses your same sentiment in his poem: Dreams:
    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.
    Hold fast to dreams.
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.
    Nyei: Yes! As Reni said, let’s not judge ourselves! On a practical, physiological level, that kind of judgment affects the nervous system, and one of its various responses is “freeze” mode—where one is barely moving, with shallow breath, and caught in a loop of repetitive inner dialogue—and therefore not able to dream!
    Fighting or fleeing a predator or threat involve the sympathetic nervous system, which responds by increasing the adrenal flow, stimulating the heartbeat and muscular movement, and opening the bronchials. Freezing, or “playing dead” in response to a predator or danger involves the parasympathetic nervous system, which is normally responsible for digestion, rest, elimination, and other restorative or releasing functions. In “freeze” mode, the parasympathetic response slows down the breathing and muscle movement, sending the nervous system into a state known as “tonic immobility,” often a lifesaving response to a real threat.
    Once the predator has moved away, the animal will spontaneously shake itself off, returning its nervous system to homeostasis. We human being animals, however, can sometimes get stuck in freeze mode, repeatedly replaying our scenario of fear in our minds when the actual danger is no longer present—or when it’s simply danger to our self-image, and not really to our person.
    If you can breathe more deeply, get up, shake off, and practice some Tensegrity® movements to get the blood, lymph and energy recirculating—your thoughts and experiences will get renewed as well.
    And from here you can take a new look at what you really want to dream, and as Reni mentioned, plan accordingly. You can write down what you felt overwhelmed by, and sort what is essential for you to do, what isn’t, and what help you need.
    This way the chaos is no longer inside of you, overwhelming your nervous system—and you are available to dream—to imagine and live new possibilities.
    Our nervous system is designed to dream. That’s how our ancestors survived—and how we have survived—we had something to dream, to live for. So it’s vital, as the poet Langston Hughes says, to hold fast, with love and care, to our dreams.
    2) It’s hard to achieve a dream when it seems everything in life is flowing against that dream. What can I do to keep that dream alive and thriving?
    Reni: It’s interesting to note that throughout the course of human history, more was achieved through struggle and the facing of challenging odds than when our ancestors went on vacation!
    The feeling that everything is flowing ‘against our dream’ may be a blessing and an indication that we have to question – our dream itself, the timing of our dream, our readiness to accomplish it, and our route of manifestation.
    For instance, we could find a quiet moment, get into a state of silence, and ask our essence: How am I interpreting this dream? Is this the right time to start working on bringing forth my dream? How can I best prepare for my dream? Could my dream come to fruition by means other than the ones I am currently using and possibly with other individuals involved?
    And with the answers received, we can then move forward in the realm of the practical with our dream.
    Keeping an ongoing connection between our essence and the practical implementation of our dream is crucial – otherwise we can get lost in the highs and lows of either.
    Nyei: Yes! Each dream, and each facet of a dream, has its time and season. Whenever you feel blocked, disappointed or frustrated, it’s helpful to look at your expectations. Do you expect a big struggle? Or conversely, do you expect things to always go your way, or for your dreams to just “happen” with no clear intention or engagement on your part?
    As we will explore in our workshop in New York, we have different styles of expectation in this regard. For example, we might expect instant praise for our help, or agreement from others for our ideas, or instant practical help from others, as evidence that our dream is progressing. And if we don’t get these, we might go into generalizations that “nothing is happening” toward our dream…or that we are “struggling.”
    If you are watching a silent film of a bean growing, unless you have a perceptual filter that passionate effort is negative, you don’t think that the bean, as it sprouts and breaks through the soil, is being obstructed.
    We don’t know what “struggle” is without “ease” and vice versa. So we can appreciate both, without getting too caught up in either.
    Many have the idea, or cultural contract, that everything should be smooth and pleasurable at every turn. Yet growth means going into the unknown—and therefore into unfamiliar sensation!!! It’s helpful if we can acknowledge those sensations—allow all the feelings involved—while keeping our heart on where we are going.
    Many also have the cultural contract that struggle is what gives value to our experience. Carlos Castaneda tells the story of his efforts—his long journey, filled with enormous risk, uncertainty, and twists and turns in the road, to find don Juan at the place where he lived. He finally succeeded, and as he wrote:
    Don Juan didn’t seem surprised to see me. I wanted to tell him how difficult it had been for me to find him. I would have liked to be congratulated by him on my titanic efforts, but he just laughed at me, teasingly.
    “Your efforts are not important,” he said. “What’s important is that you found my place.”
    (from~ The Active Side of Infinity)
    3) In pursuing my dream, I often have to do things that are completely unrelated to the dream, for example, working at a job I don’t like because I have to pay for rent, groceries. How can I keep from getting stuck in a rut where I keep doing things that are the complete opposite of my dream?
    Reni: Supporting ourselves and learning self-responsibility is lesson #1 for the manifestations of our dreams.
    If we cannot accomplish the care and feeding of ourselves in our daily life then we will not be able to accomplish the care and feeding of our dreams.
    It is one thing to dream and have a dream…and another to bring it to life.
    Receiving lessons on the way to fully accomplishing our dream can only help us to live our dream more fully at some later time.
    Let’s not hate the lessons…Let’s view the lessons as ‘preparation’ and thus keep an open mind and keen, ever-alert eye looking for an opening to the fuller implementation of our dream – an ad in the newspaper; an invitation to a workshop from a friend; a conference on the very same idea we want to dream.
    Nyei: Yes!!! You can learn so much! I would add: If you feel a rut in your experience—you can see if there’s a rut in the way you are viewing things—are you giving your attention to boredom, inconvenience, repetition, not feeling seen or heard, etc.? Then you’ll get more of that! Instead of being annoyed with the job, you could see what happens if you shift your attention to what you appreciate about your job, and that apartment and those groceries—what a blessing and miracle they are!!!
    And see if you can get more specific about your dreams. Our tendency is to be very specific about what we don’t want, yet vague about what we actually do want. So put your specific attention on your dream, identify some steps you can take toward it, and as Reni says—be on the lookout for opportunities to grow it.
    And notice what types of activities you resist. Do you resist coordinating with a team, or schedule planning, or filling out reports, or keeping accounts? Or serving or assisting others in some way? Do you resist taking greater responsibility? My teachers asked me: Do you want to show up only for the party, without doing any of the planning or cleanup? Resistance takes a lot of our vital energy—energy we need for dreaming. So if you are resisting something, generally you will have to spend more time with it! On the other hand, actually turning around and accepting it might be exactly what you need for your dream to start to flow.
    This brings us to one of those comical “types” or categories that don Juan identified—the “know-it-all.” This is the part of us that believes that we know everything there is to know about our situation, our possibilities—and about what we should or shouldn’t be doing. For the seers of don Juan’s line, this is a completely impossible stance. They spoke about the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. And they believed that if we want to live our full possibilities, it’s our job to assess what we know, set about reallocating our energy resources so that we can enter and explore the unknown—and to recognize that beyond that point is the unknowable, the vast portion of infinity that is inaccessible to our human awareness.
    So we can never know the full picture of why we are in a certain job at a certain time. Yet there are aspects of it we might know, or learn later on. We might discover that we were there to learn a certain skill—one of those skills we might have been resisting—and which later proved invaluable to realizing our dream. Or we might discover we were there to get very clear about what we didn’t want to do, so we could focus on what we did want. We might have been learning to appreciate others who do this job.
    4) I find that when I want something. I Intend, intend, intend. This may go on for an extended period of time. Eventually I let go and …. bam, what I had been intending happens! Is there a formal method to this process that one can apply? Is this part of the mastery of intent?
    Reni: The power of our intention works in manifesting our dreams…
    For instance, I can intend, intend, intend, to have a girlfriend…and consciously or subconsciously my intention for a girlfriend occupies so much of my daily ‘attention,’ that I knowingly or unknowingly look for a girlfriend everywhere until I find one.
    The quality of that girlfriend, however, is a measure of the quality of my intending….
    Did I simply intend to have a girlfriend, or did I intend to have a girlfriend with whom I have a shared intent on career, children, long or short-term relationship, etc.
    There are no shortcuts to manifesting our dreams….We can intend from our essence what we want, but the more practical steps we take while intending, the better the outcome….
    Nyei: If you plant a seed, you don’t go and dig it up to see if the roots have sprouted.
    The me-me mind gets anxious: Is that plant doing anything? I better go and see.
    Better to give the plant the water and light it needs—and then let go, go and rake leaves, and let the plant grow. It’s the same with dreams.
    You can become more conscious of, and set aside, certain expectations you might have learned from your culture or family such as: “This plant, or this dream, should be better by now,” or “It should be done.” Or, “This is not really working!”
    How do you know it’s not working? Is that an energetic fact, derived from perceiving energy as it flows in the universe?
    It’s likely your dream had room to grow because you stepped away and let your dream, and yourself, have a rest, a wintertime–storing, reflecting, sifting, reviewing, rather than following the cultural push to be “on, on, on, on” all the time. That’s a vital part of self-care, and dream care!!!
    5) Of the three personality identities, I spend most of my life as either a ‘helper’ (Piss) or a ‘daydreamer’ (Puke). But it seems that to bring my dream forward I need to occasionally play the role of a ‘advice-giver’ (Pedo). This doesn’t always feel natural, comfortable, or productive; sometimes it feels like I am hurting others. How can I more easily take on another identity when the situation calls for it? How can I navigate in this role without judging myself?
    Reni: Let’s remember that these ‘identities’ have dark and light aspects, and to manifest our dream we may find it easier to accomplish them if we stay or strive for the light side because then we are working directly from our spark and connection with spirit.
    For example, if we find ourselves in the shadow side of the ‘helper’ (Piss) – the one who does not love themselves enough and therefore seeks love from others in exchange for their help – how can we ever know our own dream if we are consumed with assisting in the dreams of others. If we find ourselves in the dark side of the ‘advice-giver’ (Pedo) – the one who lacks confidence in their own intelligence and therefore must prove their ability to others by barking out orders – how can we ever see the full picture of our dream beyond what we currently know. And if we find ourselves settling into the ‘day-dreamer’ (Puke) – the one who questions their ability to act and thus remains the detached dreamer never actualizing their dream, afraid of possible ridicule – how can we ever get started beyond the idea of our dream.
    Being aware of these ‘identities,’ or insecurities within ourselves, and connecting then with our essence to find more expanded ways of being, can propel us quickly to the light side of each of these types.
    For example, the former ‘helper,’ now inspired to love themselves, can learn to say not only ‘yes’ to other’s dreams, but ‘yes’ to their own; the former ‘advice-giver,’ now accepting their own intelligence, can learn to say ‘I know’ when they do and ‘I don’t know” when they don’t so as to confidently navigate their dream forward into un-chartered territory; and the once ‘day-dreamer,’ now with the courage and desire to act, can ask others for help in order to start living their dream.
    Once transformation from the dark to the light side of these ‘identities’ occurs, movement between these ‘identities’ is possible. Now in the state of self-realization and humility from the identification of our pattern-type, our evolved ‘helper’ or ‘day-dreamer’ can move gracefully towards our evolved ‘advice-giver,’ for connected to our essence, we now know our dream, can ask others for help, and explain to them our view in full readiness of receiving their input.
    Nyei: I agree. And that describes true leadership. Leadership does not mean switching from one of these shadow roles to another—for example, from taking orders to giving orders. Because if we look closely at these roles, we can see that they are all just various ways of trying to control or manipulate situations—by hiding behind someone else, or compulsively trying to dominate—or retreating into our dreams without acting on them.
    Rather, leadership means, whatever the part it is you are called to play—play it from your essence. Gather your energy and your courage, take off your shadow mask, and open up to the new, more collaborative and integrated ways of being that Reni describes—trusting a bigger player—infinity—to guide you.
    6) I see people (including myself) switching roles depending on the environment and situation; for example I could say that at work I am more ‘submissive’ while at home I tend to be the ‘leader.’ There are many reasons for this; I guess the main one is a fear of losing my safe position at work which sometimes gets in the way of my dreams and goals.
    Reni: Again, our answer lies in us reaching our spirit, or the light side of these roles, rather than us remaining in their lower vibration.
    Yes, you want to be a good employee at work, but does that mean that you stop thinking for yourself, adopt the role of the ‘helper,’ and only say ‘yes’ to whatever jobs come your way, all the while pining: ‘Oh I’m not living my dream and never will!’
    If you instead adopt the mood of your essence and begin to take responsibility for where you are – here and now – at your company, at this job which is giving you the ability to thrive and even have the idea of manifesting another dream, then you may just raise your head above your submissiveness to look around and see what aspects of your current job may help you towards your personal dream.
    For instance, knowing how your department and company runs – what is your product, how is it advertised, what determines a ‘good’ month from a ‘bad’ — could help you later as you grow your own business; or knowing about your fellow employees – how are they hired, how is their pay determined, what raises are given and not – can help you when you have your own business associates.
    As mentioned earlier in these answers – don’t stay in the negative about your dream. Stay in the positive or the light side concerning your dream and consider every single event in your life as a step towards accomplishing it.
    And in asking your current supervisors more about their company — wouldn’t you then be considered by them not just an employee, but a ‘leader,’ the light side of the ‘advice-giver,’ the one who has the broad-mindedness to see the whole picture, not grumble about the minutiae, and make suggestions on behalf of all.
    Nyei: I agree. We clearly would never learn anything, or get anything done if we were all happy only if we were the designated leader, or conversely, if no one was ever willing to lead.
    It helps in this to look at where your attention goes. The art of dreaming is the art of attention. Are you dreaming your present circumstances as a “sacrifice” or as an opportunity to learn and grow? Do you feel complaint, or appreciation? Appreciation connects you with your dream body, and your dreams. It’s like watering a plant. Do you complain to the plant, or do you smile to it and sing. Like the plant, your job and your life will grow the way you cultivate it!!!
    7) It seems that women in general from their upbringing learn to deny their true selves and become more the pleasing/ helper type (PISS). How can we overcome and embrace that upbringing and find our true voice?
    Reni: To begin finding your true voice, you need to practice ‘speaking up,’ and in order to do so, you need to be able to think and do for yourself!
    The pleasing ‘do-gooder’ type female, in her adult years, usually finds herself still beneath someone else. And although she may truly hate her situation and complain about it, in the face of her superiors she does nothing because she thinks it’s ‘their’ fault and not her own.
    What the ‘helper’ female needs to know is that she teaches everyone around her how to treat her, and if in her mind someone is treating her as a subordinate, it’s because she does nothing to redirect them.
    So instead of the ‘helper’ female raging up in angry emotion, which they often do because of feelings of helplessness, or act in defiant sabotage behind other persons’ backs, because they can’t go face-to-face telling them directly what they want, ‘helper’ females need to get to their essence, find a dream of their own no matter how small, and begin to put some steps of action towards it.
    What’s good about the ‘helper’ type is that they act, and from a place of heightened awareness, they can move the focus of their action, or ‘helping,’ to a dream of their own.
    And those small accomplished steps – those night classes that you take; those interviews with other landscape architects that are currently doing what you want to do; those meetings with web designers and art designers — will build, will accrue, and just as with silence, the more you practice the more it becomes the norm rather than the option, your confidence too will bloom.
    And at one moment, while still maintaining your relationships at home and at work, which you at one time thought ‘held you back,’ you will be discussing your ideas because your new life experiences, driven by your essence, will give you something to share.
    And women, please don’t be misled by some of the gender propaganda. Men too display this ‘helper’ syndrome – because they too had an overbearing parent – and as they step more and more into the expression of their emotions, they too will be working on getting themselves out of the dark side of this ‘type, and finding their true voice alongside of you.
    Nyei: Yes. You can’t really support or nurture another very well if you are not willing to support or nurture yourself.
    Yet some of us have been socialized to be the pleaser, the caretaker or the silent muse who assists or inspires others and yet somehow has no need for support, no voice for his or her own expression—who helps others find abundant resources yet deprives himself or herself. We may do this simply out of convention, or the desire to please (i.e. to be rewarded, validated or protected in some way by someone we perceive to have power).
    However: Guess what? This kind of ‘help’ is very often not appreciated!!! You know why? Because it doesn’t really help!!! It can actually hinder the other person’s growth, their ability to develop and trust their own resourcefulness. Or the unhappy ‘helper’ might be filling the atmosphere with a grumbly mood of complaint, or neediness. Remember the movie, “Like Water for Chocolate” where the heroine baked all her feelings and intentions into the food she cooked? Fortunately, her feelings were usually empowering and uplifting! Whatever we do, our feelings are cooked into it, so to speak. So we want to be conscious of them when we give help!!!
    All this being said—We can’t do very much in life without help, and we certainly can’t learn much or be a viable part of a team, community, or relationship if we don’t learn how to give help. An effective parent, teacher, partner, or leader, or visionary is also a helper, a supporter!
    8) Growing up I was told I had no character or personality, a part of me is very nurturing and ‘submissive’ and takes everyone into account. How can I embrace being this way without forgetting about myself and accepting it for what it is, meaning that although some people look at nurturing caring people as weak, for me it’s quite the opposite, it takes a lot of strength to act in a more loving caring way.
    Reni: Yes, agreed, it takes a lot of strength to act in a caring and loving way if indeed you are conscious of your own dream, acting on its behalf, and lending your help because you truly have something to give, wishing nothing in return.
    This is the ideal….which the norm usually falls behind!
    So please make sure that when you give, that giving isn’t the only attribute that defines you – that besides ‘helping’ others, you help and express yourself through your artistic endeavors, your teaching language at a junior college, your having and experiencing your own interests.
    Each of us is on our own journey of awareness this life…and it’s best to ‘help’ others while keeping our own journey in sight!
    Nyei: Yes. Love is the highest form of intelligence, Carol Tiggs said. The worthy challenge is to learn how to be an intelligent, loving supporter, whose support is truly enhancing! And to let that love inspire you to grow. Any parent, for example, can tell you love empowers you do things you never thought you could!
    9) Do our personality types transfer into the dreaming asleep world? I have had very few dreaming asleep experiences and I am curious if that’s because my personality type limits my field or gets in the way.
    Reni and Nyei: Yes. The dark and light sides of our personality types enter into our sleeping dream space.
    Carlos Castaneda talks about two levels of dreams – the first level is so connected to our daily world that our loved ones, work colleagues, and people that we know show up in our sleeping dreams for us to interact with. Many people actually go to sleep and finish solving some of their daily challenges and situations in this first level kind of sleeping dream.
    However, regardless of whether most of our dreams are of this first kind, they still engage our essence, or in the terminology of seers, our dreaming body, and as such act as a catapult to second level sleeping dreams – dreams where we visit new landscapes, interact with new beings, and momentarily exist in the place of the unknown and unfamiliar.
    And because our daily life is so connected to our first layer of dreaming, if we are ‘do-gooders,’ ‘advice-givers,’ or ‘day-dreamers’ in our day, we will more than likely act the same in our night dreams.
    However, the same is true for the light side of our types – if in our day we manage to transform or transcend our type to its energetic side, then we will more likely do and be the same in our sleeping dreams as well! We can be envisioning, initiating, and assisting in creating new possibilities in those dreams—in realms both familiar and unfamiliar!!!
    So if one of our purposes in this life is to dream as seers do or just dream as we do, it behooves us to spend some time in the self-study of our types because the effects of them can be far greater and reach further than we imagine.



    .....a bogme neče ni oni ako su popili ovo "olovo"!

    Bratsko prizemljivanje?


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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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Magicusov besplatni S O S tel. 'SLUŠAMO VAS' za osobe treće dobiMAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinuPitajte Tarot, besplatni odgovori DA/NEPitaj I ChingAnđeliProricanje runamaSudbinske karte, ciganiceOstvarenje željaLenormand karteLjubavne poruke


Harša knjigeDamanhurSpirit of TaraIndigo svijetPranic HealingSharkUdruga magicusUdruga leptirićiInfo izlog

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