DOBRA MISEL za BOLJŠI SVET Živijo,Verjameš v moč prijazne misli?
Verjameš, da si lahko vsak izmed nas in vsi skupaj zamislimo boljši svet?
Naredimo to skupaj.
V trenutku enakonočja - v petek 20. marca ob 12.44 uri za kratek čas pomisli na nekaj tebi in svetu PRIJAZNEGA. (Povsod po svetu nastopi enakonočje v istem trenutku, ob različnih urah glede na časovni pas; takrat nastopi pomlad na severni polobli oz. jesen na južni polobli.)
Čez 24 ur - v soboto 21. marca ob 12.44 ponovno za nekaj trenutkov pomisli na nekaj prijaznega. Ob prijazni misli lahko tokrat tudi posadiš kakšno rastlino, zapoješ, se zahvališ, sam ali v skupini moliš, meditiraš,. kar ti je najbližje.
Prosim, oba datuma in uro si označi na koledarju. ČE ŽELIŠ, pošlji to sporočilo ČIMPREJ svojim prijateljem, partnerjem in drugim. (To sporočilo je namenjeno ljudem vsega sveta. Sporočilo naj bo vedno najprej v tvojem jeziku, nato v angleškem jeziku. Prosim, če si dobil sporočilo v tujem in angleškem jeziku, ga prevedi v svoj jezik ali pa koga prosi za prevod v tvoj jezik. Sporočila v angleščini ne spreminjaj.)
A Good thought for a better world Hello Do you believe in the power of a good thought? Do you believe every single one of us and all of us together can imagine a better world? Let's do it together.
At the instant of the equinox - on Friday, March 20th, at 11.44 GMT (please, check your local time), think of something kind to you and the whole world. (equinox occurs at the very same time all around the world, at different hours regarding the time zones, it means the beginning of spring on the northern hemisphere and the beginning of autumn/fall on the southern hemisphere)
24 hours later, on Saturday March 21st, at 11.44 GMT, repeat the deed, think of something kind. With the kind thought on your mind try to do something nice, maybe plant a flower, sing, thank, pray, meditate,. whatever suits you best.
Please, mark both dates and times on your calendar. If you wish, forward this mail as soon as possible to your friends, colleagues, partners, etc. (This mail is devoted to all the people on this planet. It should be written in your language first, followed by English translation. If you have received it in a foreign language and in English, translate it into your language or ask someone to do it for you. Please, do not change the English version.)
Good luck
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-- On Fri, 3/13/09, alenka ribič wrote:
From: alenka ribič
Subject: Fwd: Fw: enakonočje
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 5:11 PM----------
hvala dragoj alenki.
pozdrav ljubljani, boro
U Rijeci, 13.03.2009. godine Borivoj Bukva