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OD 14.01.2018.

{Armageddon} Torsion waves, Easier readings on Daniel Winter

{Armageddon} Torsion waves, Easier readings on Daniel Winter
Torsion waves Nikola Tesla around 1900 was the first to experiment with two spiral coils (caduceus shaped). He fed the two coils with opposing alternating currents such that they would create electromagnetic fields that would be self-canceling. Although the electromagnetic fields were cancelled out, he demonstrated that his Tesla coils were able to transmit nonetheless energy over long distances. He had actually discovered a new form of energy. Remarkably Tesla’s waves did not loose its energy at the inverse square of the distance as normal electromagnetic energy does, even over long distances there was no loss of energy to be noticed.

Torsion waves, Easier readings on Daniel Winter



Torsion waves

Nikola Tesla around 1900 was the first to experiment with two spiral coils (caduceus shaped). He fed the two coils with opposing alternating currents such that they would create electromagnetic fields that would be self-canceling. Although the electromagnetic fields were cancelled out, he demonstrated that his Tesla coils were able to transmit nonetheless energy over long distances. He had actually discovered a new form of energy. Remarkably Tesla’s waves did not loose its energy at the inverse square of the distance as normal electromagnetic energy does, even over long distances there was no loss of energy to be noticed.

Tesla’s work on this revolutionary new form of energy was almost forgotten in history. It retrospect it seems his work was to revolutionary to be accepted by society in the last century especially its application of free-energy. This is why his work nearly went down in history to be forgotten. Fortunately the same form of new energy was independently rediscovered in the nineteen fifties during the cold war behind the Iron Curtain by Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983). Kozyrev’s discoveries were kept secret by the Soviet Union during the cold war. It was only after the fall of the Iron Curtain that Kozyrev’s discoveries were slowly revealed to the West. In the Soviet Union thousands of academics have delved into this subject after Kozyrev’s initial discovery of this new form of energy. Kozyrev proved the existence of the ether once and for all.

This new energy is neither electromagnetic in nature nor does it relate to gravity as it stands on its own. The new form of energy discovered by Kozyrev is a spiraling non-Hertzian electromagnetic wave that travels through the vacuum at super-luminal speeds, a billion times (10? C) faster than light. Due to the spiraling nature of the wave, the wave is called a torsion wave since it traces a spiraling path! According to independent researcher David Wilcock the torsion wave also traces a perfect Phi spiral! Torsion waves are called non-Hertzian waves since they do not obey to the classical theory of Hertz and Maxwell.

Einstein and Dr. Eli Cartan predicted the existence of static torsion fields in 1913 in a theory that became known as the Einstein-Cartan Theory, or ECT for short. Torsion fields never got very much interest in physics until Kozyrev discovered their very existence.

We already discussed torsion waves in chapter 4 about the zero point field, where we mentioned that Tom Bearden discovered that the fundamental wave in the electromagnetic wave is a scalar wave. The scalar wave is the wave that remains when two opposite electromagnetic waves interfere canceling out the electric and magnetic field components, just like Tesla did. The result is a hitherto unrecognized component in the electromagnetic wave, a longitudinal wave vibrating in the same direction it is traveling. (Classical electromagnetic fields are transverse wave, vibrating perpendicular to its propagation). Scalar waves and torsion waves are just synonyms for the same wave.

Torsion waves now seem to play a significant role in explaining our physical reality. Although torsion fields are very weak they can be measured using torsion beam balances that were first developed by Kozyrev. Torsion waves create minute forces in matter and that’s how they can be detected.

Torsion fields can be either static or dynamic. Static torsion fields can take on the form of vortexes like the one mentioned in the Phi physics of Daniel Winter. These static vortex torsion fields in the fabric of the vacuum space can stay in one place for a very long period of time. Kozyrev discovered that torsion fields can also propagate through space as torsion waves at tremendous speeds at least one billion times the speed of light (10? C).

He noticed that all physical objects both absorb and radiate torsion waves. By shaking, vibrating, deforming, heating and cooling physical objects they generate measurable torsion waves. Even the displacement of an object already generates torsion waves that can be measured. All movement therefore from the vibrations of atoms to the orbits of our planets and stars leaves their traces in the form of torsion waves in the ether.

A very remarkable phenomenon that Kozyrev discovered by rotating gyroscopes is that they loose very small but measurable amounts of weight. Also firmly shaking objects could make objects loose weight. Now from our current understandings of physics this is quite impossible! It violates all physical laws, how can solid matter loose weight when it is spun at high speeds or shaken? If we still believe that matter is made of little hard marbles called particles, yes this would be a great mystery! However Kozyrev showed that the gyroscopes shed more torsion waves when shaken or spun, so that etheric energy that sustains the object was shed back into the background sea of the ether. The momentary loss of ether energy accounted for the weight drop.

Dr. Harold Aspden of Cambridge University discovered a related phenomenon. He attached a powerful magnet to a gyroscope and spun it at high speeds. He measured the amount of energy required to accelerate the gyroscope to full speed to be a 1000 Joules. Now to his surprise when he stopped the gyroscope from spinning and restarted the gyroscope to spin again within 60 seconds after it stopped, it required 10 times less energy to spin the gyroscope to the same speed. The spin of the gyroscope had added extra spin to the ether that sustains the gyroscope that lasted for a while before it wears off, it’s like the momentum stored in the tea of a teacup after stirring it with a teaspoon. We now know that spinning magnets are strong torsion wave generators.

Another violation of the laws of Newton with respect to torsion fields comes from Bruce DePalma. He conducted experiments where he catapulted two identical steel balls at the same speed under the same angle into the air. The only difference between the balls was that one of the balls was rotating at 27000 revolutions/minute and the other was not. The spinning ball reached far higher into the air than the non-spinning ball. By the spinning of the ball torsion fields were created that caused a slight change in the total mass of the ball.

Kozyrev discovered that stars also radiate torsion wave energy and postulated that these torsion waves were generated due to the spinning of the stars. From his astronomical observations of stars using dedicated telescopes to measure the torsion wave radiation, he noticed that the star radiated this torsion wave energy from a location in the sky that must be the true position of the star whereas the visible light of the star reveals the position of the star many years ago since it took many light-years before this light reached the Earth. From this observation he concluded that the torsion wave must travel at super-luminal speeds. He even noticed that torsion wave radiation was received in a location in the sky that revealed the future position of the star! Since torsion waves travel at super-luminal speeds, they can cross the time barrier and ‘move’ into the future.

Since the Earth also radiates torsion waves and this torsion radiation is much stronger near the poles, Kozyrev’s experiments are geographical location dependant. He also noticed that his effects could only be measured during the cold periods of the year. In the summer the intense solar torsion waves interfered with the torsion waves of his experiments. Our Sun is the greatest torsion wave generator in our Solar System.


Torsion waves flow in and out of all physical matter and atoms are basically all torsion wave generators.

The counter rotating Phi spiraling electromagnetic waves in the Phi physics of Daniel Winter that spiral into the nucleus of the atom likewise cancel the electromagnetic components of the electromagnetic waves and results in a torsion wave. This is how I believe torsion waves can be explained in the vortex structures of electromagnetic energy that create the atom according to Daniel Winter. Anyhow, Russian scientists have proven that electromagnetic waves are always accompanied by their more fundamental torsion waves.


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  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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