Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član JosipJankovic







OD 14.01.2018.

4 bazična elementa dobrog zdravlja - Edgar Cayce

Za nekih fizičkih smetnji Cayce je opisao primarne uzroke koji je tada , kao i sada , ostaju neprepoznati od strane medicinske struke .
  • 4 bazična elementa dobrog zdravlja - Edgar Cayce.docx


ovo je ubačeno u prevoditelj koji još nije dovoljno pametan, a ispod je tekst za print na enegleskome

Najveće iznenađenje Edgar Caycea zdravstvenim čitanjima su prividni uzroci dao za razne bolesti . Izvor , govoreći kroz spavanje Cayce , naveo razloge bolesti koja se kretala od onoga što se sada može se smatrati staromodno , kao što je dobivanje nečije noge mokri ili izloženosti elementima , na više neobična razloga , kao što su pranje nečije hrane dolje uz piće bez to žvakaća ispravno . Izvor skrenuo najdalje od prihvaćenim medicinskim filozofije kada je ponudio više kozmičke odnose na razloge - kao što su karmičkim posljedicama odluke donesene u prethodnom životu . Možda baš kao što neobično u njegovo vrijeme , Cayce često povezani bolest s mentalnim i emocionalnim stanjima bolesnika . U jednom čitanju on je citiran kako kaže: " Tako možete ... [ pate ] loš hladnoću iz dobivanje ljut ... [ ili ] od ... [ psovanje out ] nekoga . "
Za nekih fizičkih smetnji Cayce je opisao primarne uzroke koji je tada , kao i sada , ostaju neprepoznati od strane medicinske struke . Među njima su uvjeti, kao što su psorijaza koja tvrdi Cayce je uzrokovano stanjivanje crijevnih zidova i rezultat curenja toksina natrag u sustav . Tijelo tada pokušava odbaciti one toksine kroz drugi sustav eliminacije - kože ; migrene, koje je izgovarao bile su čestoposljedica zagušenja u debelo crijevo ; i jutarnje mučnine u trudnica , što on pripisuje nedostatku nekih minerala koji su se poduzimaju od majke graditi djetetovo tijelo . On je kazao da su uzroci i simptomi su slični onima od teething djeteta . I liječenje je isti za oba . On je također rekao da je ozljeda leđne mogao uzrokovati probleme kao što raznolik kao astme , mucanja , pa čak i nasilnog ponašanja .
Caycea četiri osnovna elementa dobrog zdravlja
Prilikom proučavanja čitanja , liječnici koji rade s Cayce bili prisiljeni proširiti svoje razumijevanje uloge koju je odigrao četiri osnovne procese u upravljanju zdravlje tijela . Ove četiri procesi , koji je Cayce rekao pogođene sposobnost naših stanica da se razmnožavaju i ispravno raditi su :
1 . asimilacija
2 . eliminacija
3 . Naklada i
4 . Opuštanje .
Asimilacija , koji se pojavio u gotovo jedna četvrtina medicinskih čitanja , iz ne samo na tijelu unos hranjivih tvari , ali i da se proces probave . Cayce često upozorio protiv jedenja kad uzrujani , ljuti ili uznemireni , rekavši da je zbog nastalih fiziološke promjene u organizmu , hrana će ostati neprobavljene i postali otrovni za sustav . Cayce je također govorio o izbjegavanju određene kombinacije hrane , a posebno one namirnice koje zahtijevaju različite kiseline se probavlja . Ako su takve namirnice jesti zajedno , Cayce je rekao , jedna vrsta bi se probavlja , adrugi će sjediti i fermentira u želucu postajući toksični za tijelo .
Baš kao što su masovno proizvedena hrana počinju pojavljivati i desetljeća prije pokreta cijelog hrane postala popularna , Cayce je izdavanje upozorenja . On je više puta izjavio da rafiniranih namirnica , šećer, crveno meso i pržena hrana općenito štetno za tijelo . " Ono što mislimo i što jedemo - kombinaciji zajedno ", rekao je Cayce , " učiniti ono što jesmo , i fizički i psihički . "
Cayce nije samo upozoravaju pacijente od određenih namirnica , on je potaknuo potrošnju drugima . Na primjer , u skladu s onim što je danas poznato o važnosti uzimanja hrane aktivne enzime , on preporuča jesti jedan obrok dnevno od svega sirovog povrća . On je također dosljedno upućen pacijenata jesti cijeli umjesto rafiniranih žitarica , rekavši da rafiniranih proizvoda ne samo da nisu imali hranjive tvari koje tijelo treba , ali da takve namirnice , sa svim enzimima i drugim elementima uklonjen, su zapravo otrovni za ljudsko tijelo . I premda nije koristio suvremeni je izraz fito -kemikalija - prehrambene elemente u vezi s bojom namirnice - on često preporuča namirnice određene boje za pojedine bolesti .
Cayce je također govorio o ravnoteži kiselina - alkalni u tijelu , koji je rekao da je bio pod utjecajem hrani koju jedemo - površinu od prehrane koja je gotovo nečuveno u 1920 , a tek je nedavno postala popularna . Opće smjernice dijeta Caycea preporuča potrošnju dvadeset posto kiselih proizvodnju hrane , kao što su meso , škroba i šećera , a osamdeset posto alkalna proizvodnju hrane, kao što su povrće , voće i mliječne proizvode . U četrdeset osam - year-old žena , Cayce je rekao : "manje fizičke vježbe ...veća trebao bitialkalna reagira hrana uzeti . Energije ili aktivnosti može izgorjeti kiseline , ali oni koji vode sjedilački način života ne može ići na slatkiše ili previše škroba . "
On je također predložio da se povrće iz ispod zemlje , poput mrkve, repe i krumpira , trebao predstavljati samo dvadeset pet posto nečije dijeti od povrća , a iznad zemlje povrće, kao što su salate , tikvice i rajčice , mora uzeti u obzir drugi sedamdeset i pet posto . On je preporučio da samo deset posto naše prehrane biti masti, još deset posto bjelančevina , pet posto rafiniranih škroba i šećera i drugih sedamdeset i pet posto složenih ugljikohidrata , kao što su povrće, voće i žitarice .
Dugo nakon Cayce smrti , mnogi od naizgled radikalne smjernica je ponudio u 1930 će se vidjeti da ima zasluga . No, neki od Caycea preporuka i dalje činiti čudnim da ovaj dan . Na primjer , naveo je on u nekoliko čitanja da dok Rajčica sadrži više hranjivih tvari nego bilo koje druge hrane , kada nije vinariji zrelo , oni su otrovni za ljudsko tijelo . On je također izjavio da su gazirana pića su da se gotovo uvijek izbjegavati , ne samo zbog šećera ili umjetnih sladila u njima , nego zato što bi zadirali u interakciji između jetre i bubrega . Ostali dragulja nude Cayce uključene takve izjave kao što su: jabuke ne bi smjeli biti jedu sirove , samo pečena ili kuhana , osim ako se koristi za potrebe posta ; samokora od bijelog krumpira je bilo pravi prehrambene vrijednosti ; i kava i čaj otrovne kombinaciji s mlijekom ili vrhnjem .
Slabo eliminacije se navodi kao na korijen velikog broja bolesti , a reference na njemu se pojavio u više od polovice Caycea medicinskih čitanja . Osim uzimanja u prehrani , ljudske stanice također mora eliminirati otpadne tvari i toksine da ostanu zdravi , a prema Cayce čitanja , " [ ako ] su assimilations i eliminacije ... [ su ] zadržao bliže normalno u ljudskoj obitelji , dani bi mogli biti proširena na bilo razdoblje kao da je želi, nasustav je ... u stanju donijeti reanimaciju , tako dugo dok su eliminacije ne ometa . "
Cayce predložio mnogo različitih pomagala za eliminaciju . Jedan od najjednostavnijih je popiti čašu tople vode s iscijediti sok od limuna svako jutro nakon izlaska i prije jela , što je očito pomoglatijelu eliminirati toksine raspe tijekom spavanja . Isto tako , on preporuča raditi vježbe dubokog disanja svakog jutra eliminirati toksine curila iz pluća iz plitko disanje obilježje sna . Prehrambene mjere su također preporuča da se poboljša aktivnost crijeva , što je uključivalo jede lisnato povrće i pirjane voće kao što su smokve i grožđice . On je također predložio piti čak šest do osam čaša vode dnevno .
U ekstremnim slučajevima toksemiju Cayce preporuča ispiranje crijeva i colonics , dodavši da su to također može biti korišten od strane zdravih ljudi . " Jer svi - svi - treba uzeti unutarnju kupku povremeno , kao i vanjski jedan . " Cayce također često preporuča trodnevne jabuka posti , a povremeno Četverodnevni grožđa posti ili pet dana narančasta posti za ekstremnijim slučajevima toksemije . Dokjabuke brzo osobito je bio namijenjen da se učinak čišćenja na crijevima , što bi također, prema Cayceu , " očiste aktivnosti jetre , bubrega i cijeli sustav . "
Treći aspekt održavanje dobrog zdravlja , prema Cayce je cirkulacija . "Cirkulacija ... jeglavni atribut u fizičko tijelo , ili ono što čuva život u cijelom sustavu ", rekao je on često u transu , a reference na cirkulaciju pretvorio se u oko šezdeset posto od čitanja . Ističući ulogu koju ima u cirkulaciju asimilacije i eliminacije , on je istaknuo da " ne postoji uvjet postoji u tijelu kojiodražava ista ne može se pratiti na prokrvljenost , što ne samo dakrvotoka nose obnovi snage na tijelo , ona također uzima se koriste snage i eliminira isto svojim kanalima " u isto čitanja , Cayce je napravio nevjerojatnu proročku primjedbu : " .dan još može stići kada netko može uzeti kap krvi i dijagnosticirati stanje bilo fizičko tijelo . "
Cayce je referenca ne samo da arterijske cirkulacije , ali limfe , koji je smatrao da će biti jednako važno . Izvor iz tekućine u limfni sustav kao "bijele krvi " ili " limfnog krvi ", te naglasio da je za razliku od arterijskog sustava koji ima i srce i zid mišića - postrojilo arterija da se presele krv zajedno , limfni sustav nema crpku svoje, a to se oslanja na druge metode da se presele otpadne tvari iz tijela . Jedna od metoda Cayce preporučljivo je masaža . Iako je mnogi smatraju da se ništa više od praznog hoda maženje , Cayce vidio masažu kao ljekovito , posebice za neaktivnih osoba .
Najprirodniji način za održavanje dobre ukupnu cirkulaciju , obje limfe i krvi , Cayce je rekao , bila je vježba . Kao što je istaknuo u čitanju za četrdeset i šest - year-old žena , " Vježba je prekrasna , i potrebno i malo ili malo potrajati onoliko koliko je potrebno , na sustavan način . " Za drugog pacijenta , rekao je vježba " nije nešto samo da bi se probio ili stečen osloboditi . " Dnevni proteže glave i vrata role i šetnje , po mogućnosti od dvadeset minuta , bili su sve preporuke Cayce je dao .
Četvrti proces Cayce smatra vitalnim za dobro zdravlje je ono što on naziva opuštanje . U transu , Cayce je izjavio da je "aktivnost mentalnog ili duša snagu tijelu može kontrolirati u potpunosti cijelu fizičku [ tijelo ] kroz djelovanje ravnotežu u simpatički živčani [ ] sustava , za simpatički nervni sustav je na duši i duh snagama kao i cerebrospinalnog je fizičkim silama jedan entitet . "živčani sustav bio je vozilo kojim Caycea " um kao graditelj " mogla najizravnije utjecati na tijelo .
Caycea fizičke čitanja podijeliti na živčani sustav na tri dijela:cerebrospinalnog sustav , sastoji se od mozga i leđne moždine ; senzorni živčani sustav , koji je uključivao osjetilo ; isimpatički živčani sustav , iliautonomni živčani sustav , nad kojimaosoba nema svjesnu kontrolu . Prema čitanjima ,simpatički živčani sustav se može smatrati "mozak manifestacija duše sila u tijelu . " Cayce je također predložio da se u tom sustavu , navike - i dobro i loše formirana i zadržao . Ove navike upravljaju veze između našeg uma i naše tijelo . I očito netko mogao " ispraviti navike formiraju drugima ! To [ vrijedi i za ] svima ! "
Iako moderni liječnici često gledati na snazi " sugestije " kao pseudo znanosti , Cayce često se preporučuje da se pozitivna sugestija bitidio pacijentovom svakodnevnom tretmanu . Cayce je rekao da su emocije , i pozitivne i negativne , preselio kao električne energije kroz živčani sustav , koji utječu na cijeli organizam . Njegova je poruka ovdje je da je živčani sustav djeluje kao kanal i nosi impulse i upute za svaku stanicu u tijelu . Pozitivne i negativne misli , dakle, mogao fizički mijenja funkcioniranje svake stanice a . Opet , Cayce je bio daleko ispred svog vremena u ističući ulogu da stres igrao u nečije cjelokupno zdravlje . U jednom čitanju Cayce - u trance - izjavio je da je " zabrinutost i strah [ su ] najveći neprijatelji na [a ] normalnom zdravom fizičkom tijelu . " Na drugom pacijentu , rekao je, " Jer misli su stvari ! I oni imaju svoje djelovanje na pojedinca ... baš kao što je fizički zabada iglu u ruci ! "
Ta ista tema je proširena nakon u čitanju Cayce učinio za četrdeset i četiri -godišnjeg liječnika . " Dok [ to je ] istina [ da ] lijekovi, spojevi, mehanički uređaji , zračenja , svi imaju svoje mjesto i od kreativnih snaga , ali... [ sposobnost ] buđenja nade , stvaranja povjerenja , dovođenja u svijest vjere u svijesti pojedinca vrlo je potrebno ", rekao jeizvor . " Tek kada se bilo koji dio anatomijom ljudskog bića je stavio u skladu s božanskim utjecajima ... može doći u realnom ozdravljenje . "
Cayce je također rekao da jezaokupljenost određenu bolest može dovesti u manifestaciji te bolesti u vlastitom životu . Za održavanje zdravlja , Cayce je predložio da " mirno , meditacija , za pola do jedne minute , donijet će snage ... [ akoće tijelo ] vidi fizički to teče kako bi mirno sebe , bilo hodanje , stoji dalje , ili se odmarate . " A Cayce pozvao pacijente pronaći ravnotežu u svom životu : " Proračun vremena , tako da mogu bitiredoviti rok za održavanje fizičkog bića i također za održavanje mentalno i duhovno biće . Kao što je potrebno ... za rekreaciju i odmor zafizičko , tako da je potrebno da bude rekreaciju i odmor zamentalno . "
SVE kurativne snage moraju biti IZNUTRA
Za razliku od prevladavajućeg stava da liječnici liječe isključivo putem lijekova ili operacije , Caycea pogled trance je da "ako to bude za uklanjanje uvjeta koji su postali akutni zanemarivanjem ili drugih uzroka iste prirode , sve ljekovite snage moraju biti unutar samouprave te su u cjelini od fizičkog bića : . zaljudska anatomska tijelo je kao rad u savršenu cjelinu " u tom smislu , Cayce gleda ljudsko tijelo kao čudo od stvaranja u svojoj sposobnosti da se izliječi . Njegov je pogled postao vidljiviji u izjavi koju je dao za grupu poduzetničkih liječnika koji traže informacije o zdravstvenim proizvoda su željeli proizvoditi . U ovom čitanju traži u njihovo ime po Caycea sina Hugh Lynn i nećak , Tommy House , rekao je Cayce , " Nema veće tvornice u svemiru nego da u ljudskom tijelu u svom prirodnom , normalnom reagira države . Za tu su ti strojevi i žlijezde u tijelu za proizvodnju, od samog zraka ili vode i hrane vrijednosti uzetih u tijelo ... bilo koji element na sve što je poznato u materijalnom svijetu ! " Cayce također će reći , više puta , da je " svaka stanica u tijelu jesvemir u sebi . "
U drugim čitanjima , Cayce je plodonosan svojstva tijela jedan korak dalje , da ukazuju na to da , akoosoba koja su se održavati pravilan stav i zadržati svoje organe pravilno koordinirani jedan s drugim , oni mogu živjeti dokle god su htjeli : " Za , što može biti rečeno od strane bilo patolog , ne postoji poznati razlog zašto svaki pojedinac subjekt ne bi trebao živjeti tako dugo dok to želi . I nema smrti , osim u tvojoj svijesti . Budući da su svi drugi umro , vi očekujete da se i ti !
Sposobnost ljudskog bića da im se produži život , prema Cayceu , ovisi o pravilnom funkcioniranju endokrinog sustava . Žlijezde , Cayce je rekao , bili su "ono što omogućuje tijelu , fizički tijekom da se razmnožavaju . " Endokrini sustav i , prema Cayceu , služi kao fizičkom dodiru osobe živčanom sustavu i njegovim " duhovnim tijelima . " očitanja identificirali sedam žlijezda koja se također naziva sedam centara , ili" čakre ", koji djeluju kao oba centara za rast fizičkog tijela i velikih duhovnih središta . Ovih sedam su gonade - također naziva stanicama Leydigov ili Leydena - nadbubrežne žlijezde , timusa , štitnjače , pinealna i hipofize . U 1930-ih , kada je Cayce činio čitanja o tim žlijezdama , njihovu namjenu su se vruće je i do određenog stupnja , niti bi se u potpunosti razumio medicinske struke dopola stoljeća ili više kasnije .
Kao i živčani sustav , Cayce je opisao kako su emocije neke osobe utječu na aktivnosti žlijezda ' : " Jer, kao što je navedeno u nekim manira , neke aktivnosti , tu jedjelatnost unutar sustava u produkciji ljutnju , strah , veselje , radost , ili bilo od onih aktivnih sila , koja proizvodi kroz lučenje iz žlijezda one aktivnosti koje se ulijevaju u cijelom sustavu . " Te emocije izazvao izlučevine mogao iskaliti pustoš sa nečije zdravlje . " Ljutnja uzrokuje otrovi koji se izlučuje iz žlijezda , " rekao je on . " Joy ima suprotan učinak . " Drugom prilikom je istaknuo : " Nitko ne može mrziti svog susjeda, a ne imati želudac ili problema jetre . Nitko ne može biti ljubomoran i dopustitignjev isti i ne imati prevrnut probavu ili srčani poremećaj . " Moždanajradikalnija tvrdnja je on napravio u tom pravcu je reći da su svi bolest uzrokovana grijehom , od kojih su najpoznatiji grijeh straha , za koji je predstavljao nedostatak vjere . " Strah jekorijen većine bolesti ljudske vrste ", rekao je on u čitanju dane u lipnju 1928 .
Cayce bi i država, dok je u transu , da dokduhovno tijelo zapravo se ne nalazi u fizičkom tijelu , " ne postojiobrazac u materijalu ili fizičkom planu svake stanju, kao što postoji u kozmičkom ili duhovnom planu . " Bilo je iz tog razloga , možda, da Cayce nisu vidjeli bolesti kao strogo uzrokovana fizičkih problema , ili je vidio njezin lijek samo u fizičkoj stvarnosti . Vjerovanje i očekivanje je igrao važnu ulogu u procesu ozdravljenja , previše . On je podsjetio da je pacijente " .. što ćete pitati u Njegovo ime , vjerujući , a to i sam život, [ um će graditi ] . " On je također rekao da je "dobar smijeh ,izazvavši čak ... hilariousness , je dobro za tijelo , fizički , psihički , i daje priliku za veću mentalnu i duhovno buđenje " u drugom čitanju , rekao je : " . jedna je ikada baš kao mladi kao srce i svrhu . Držite slatko . Držite prijateljski . Držite ljubavi , ako hoćete zadržati mlade . "
Prema Cayce ,stav koji zaista liječi je" Krist Svijest ...jedini izvor iscjeljenja za fizičko i mentalno tijelo . " Kaoizvor je jednom rečeno : " . Postoje u istini , nema neizlječive uvjeti ... ono što postoji, a proizvedena je od prvog uzroka , a mogu biti ispunjeni ili poništiti ili mijenjati " U drugom čitanju Cayce je rekao da je " sve snage , sve ozdravljenje svakog prirodi jemijenjanje vibracija iznutra, u attuning Boga u živom tkivu tijela do kreativnih energija . To samo po sebi iscjeljuje . Bilo da se postiže korištenjem droga, nož ili ... [ nešto drugo ] , to jeattuning atomske strukture žive sile na svojoj duhovnoj baštini . "

The greatest surprise of Edgar Cayce’s health readings were the apparent causes given for various illnesses. The Source, speaking through the sleeping Cayce, cited reasons for illness that ranged from what now might be considered old-fashioned, like getting one’s feet wet or exposure to the elements, to more unusual reasons, like washing one’s food down with a drink without chewing it properly. The Source veered furthest from accepted medical philosophy when he offered more cosmic-related reasons—such as the karmic repercussions of choices made in a previous life. Perhaps just as unusual in his time, Cayce frequently connected illness to the mental and emotional states of the patients. In one reading he was quoted as saying, “Thus you can …[suffer] a bad cold from getting mad…[or] from…[cursing out] someone.”

For some physical disturbances Cayce also described primary causes which then, as now, remain unrecognized by the medical profession. These included conditions such as psoriasis which Cayce said was caused by the thinning of intestinal walls and the resulting leakage of toxins back into the system. The body then attempts to throw off those toxins through another system of elimination—the skin; migraine headaches, which he said were frequently the result of congestion in the colon; and morning sickness in pregnant women, which he attributed to the lack of certain minerals which were being taken from the mother to build the baby’s body. He said that the causes and symptoms were similar to those of a teething infant. And the treatment was the same for both. He also said that spinal injuries could cause problems as diverse as asthma, stuttering and even violent behavior.

Cayce’s Four Basic Elements of Good Health

When studying the readings, doctors working with Cayce were forced to expand their understanding of the role that four basic processes played in governing the health of the body. These four processes, which Cayce said affected our cells’ ability to reproduce and function properly were:

1. Assimilation
2. Elimination
3. Circulation and
4. Relaxation.


Assimilation, which appeared in almost one quarter of the medical readings, referred not only to the body’s intake of nutrients, but also to process of digestion. Cayce frequently warned against eating when upset, angry or distressed, saying that due to the resulting physiological changes in the body, food would remain undigested and become toxic to the system. Cayce also spoke of avoiding certain food combinations, specifically those foods requiring different acids to be digested. If such foods were eaten together, Cayce said, one type would be digested while the other would sit and ferment in the stomach thus becoming toxic to the body.

Just as mass-produced foods were beginning to appear, and decades before the whole-food movement became popular, Cayce was issuing warnings. He repeatedly stated that refined foods, sugars, red meat, and fried food were generally harmful to the body. “What we think and what we eat—combined together,” Cayce said, “make what we are, physically and mentally.”

Cayce did not just warn patients away from certain foods, he encouraged the consumption of others. For instance, in keeping with what is now known about the importance of ingesting active food enzymes, he recommended eating one meal per day of primarily raw vegetablesHe also consistently instructed patients to eat whole rather than refined grains, saying that refined products not only lacked nutrients the body needs, but that such foods, with all enzymes and other elements removed, are actually toxic to the human body. And although he didn’t use the contemporary term phyto-chemicals—the nutritional element related to the color of foods—he often recommended foods of a certain color for particular ailments.

Cayce also spoke of the acid-alkaline balance in the body, which he said was affected by the foods we eat—an area of nutrition that was virtually unheard of in the 1920s, and has only recently become popular. Cayce’s general diet guidelines recommended the consumption of twenty percent acid producing foods, such as meats, starches and sugars, and eighty percent alkaline producing foods, such as vegetables, fruits and dairy products. To a forty-eight-year-old woman, Cayce said: “The less physical exercise…the greater should be the alkaline reacting food taken. Energies or activities may burn acids, but those who lead the sedentary life can’t go on sweets or too much starches.”

He also recommended that vegetables from below the ground, such as carrots, beets, and potatoes, should constitute only twenty-five percent of one’s diet of vegetables, while above the ground vegetables, such as lettuce, squash, and tomatoes, should account for the other seventy-five percent. He recommended that only ten percent of our diet be fats, another ten percent proteins, five percent refined starches and sugars and the other seventy-five percent complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and grains.

Long after Cayce’s death, many of the seemingly radical guidelines he offered in the 1930s would be seen as having merit. But some of Cayce’s recommendations still seem strange to this day. For instance, he stated in several readings that while tomatoes contain more nutrients than any other single food, when not vine-ripened, they are toxic to the human body. He also stated that carbonated drinks were to be almost always avoided, not just because of the sugar or artificial sweetener in them, but because they interfered with the interaction between the liver and the kidney. Other gems offered by Cayce included such statements as: apples should never be eaten raw, only baked or cooked, unless used for fasting purposes; only the peel of the white potato was of any real nutritional value; and coffee and tea become toxic when combined with milk or cream.


Poor elimination was cited as being at the root of a great number of illnesses, and references to it appeared in over half of Cayce’s medical readings. Apart from taking in nourishment, human cells must also eliminate waste products and toxins to remain healthy, and according to the Cayce readings, “[if] the assimilations and eliminations…[were] kept nearer normal in the human family, the days might be extended to whatever period as was so desired, for the system is…able to bring resuscitation so long as the eliminations do not hinder.”

Cayce suggested many different aids to elimination. One of the simplest was to drink a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lemon juice each morning upon rising and before eating, which apparently helped the body eliminate the toxins thrown off during sleep. Similarly, he recommended doing deep breathing exercises each morning to eliminate toxins pooled in the lungs from the shallow breathing characteristic of sleep. Dietary measures were also recommended to improve bowel activity, which included eating leafy vegetables and stewed fruit such as figs and raisins. He also suggested drinking as much as six to eight glasses of water a day.

In extreme cases of toxemia, Cayce recommended enemas and colonics, adding that these could also be used by healthy people. “For everyone—everybody—should take an internal bath occasionally as well as an external one.” Cayce also frequently recommended three-day apple fasts, and occasionally four-day grape fasts or five-day orange fasts for more extreme cases of toxemia. While the apple fast in particular was intended to have a cleansing effect on the intestines, it would also, according to Cayce, “cleanse the activities of the liver, the kidneys and the whole system.”


The third aspect of sustaining good health, according to Cayce, was circulation. “The circulation…is the main attribute to the physical body, or that which keeps life in the whole system,” he often said in trance, and references to circulation turned up in approximately sixty-percent of the readings. Highlighting the role that circulation plays in assimilation and elimination, he pointed out that “there is no condition existent in a body that the reflection of same may not be traced to the blood supply, for not only does the blood stream carry the rebuilding forces to the body, it also takes the used forces and eliminates same through their proper channels.” In the same reading, Cayce made a startling prophetic remark: “The day may yet arrive when one may take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of any physical body.”

Cayce made reference not only to arterial circulation, but lymphatic circulation, which he considered to be just as important. The Source referred to the fluid in the lymphatic system as “white blood” or “lymph blood,” and pointed out that unlike the arterial system which has both the heart and the muscle-lined wall of the arteries to move the blood along, the lymph system has no pump of its own, and it relies on other methods to move waste matter out of the body. One method Cayce recommended was massage. Although it was considered by many to be nothing more than idle pampering, Cayce saw massage as curative, particularly for the inactive.

The most natural way to sustain good overall circulation, both of the lymph and the blood, Cayce said, was exercise. As he pointed out in a reading for a forty-six-year-old woman, “Exercise is wonderful, and necessary—and little or few take as much as is needed, in a systematic manner.” To another patient he said exercise “is not something merely to be gotten through or gotten rid of.” Daily stretches, head and neck rolls and walks, preferably of twenty minutes, were all recommendations Cayce gave.


The fourth process Cayce considered vital to good health was what he referred to as relaxation. In trance, Cayce stated that “the activity of the mental or soul force of the body may control entirely the whole physical [body] through the action of the balance in the sympathetic [nervous] system, for the sympathetic nerve system is to the soul and spirit forces as the cerebrospinal is to the physical forces of an entity.” The nervous system was the vehicle through which Cayce’s “mind as the builder” could most directly influence the body.

Cayce’s physical readings divided the nervous system into three parts: the cerebrospinal system, made up of the brain and the spinal cord; the sensory nervous system, which included the sense organs; and the sympathetic nervous system, or the autonomic nervous system, over which a person has no conscious control. According to the readings, the sympathetic nervous system could be considered “the brain manifestation of soul forces in the body.” Cayce also suggested that within this system, habits—both good and bad—are formed and retained. These habits govern the links between our mind and our body. And apparently anyone could “correct habits by forming others! That [goes for] everybody!”

Although modern-day medical practitioners often look upon the power of “suggestion” as pseudo science, Cayce often recommended that positive suggestion be a part of a patient’s daily treatment. Cayce said that emotions, both positive and negative, moved as electric energies through the nervous system, affecting the entire organism. His message here was that the nervous system acts as a conduit and carries impulses and instructions to every cell in the body. Positive and negative thoughts could therefore physically alter each cell’s functioning. Again, Cayce was far ahead of his time in pinpointing the role that stress played in one’s overall health. In one reading Cayce—in trance—stated that “worry and fear [are] the greatest foes to [a] normal healthy physical body .” For another patient he said, “For thoughts are things! And they have their effect upon individuals…just as physical as sticking a pin in the hand!”

This same theme was expanded upon in a reading Cayce did for a forty-four-year-old physician. “While [it is] true [that] medicines, compounds, mechanical appliances, radiation, all have their place and are of the creative forces, yet the…[ability] of arousing hope, of creating confidence, of bringing the awareness of faith into the consciousness of an individual is very necessary,” the Source said. “Only when any portion of the anatomical structure of a human being is put in accord with the divine influences…may real healing come.”

Cayce also said that a preoccupation with a particular illness could result in the manifestation of that illness in one’s own life. To maintain health, Cayce suggested that “quiet, meditation, for a half to a minute, will bring strength…[if the body will] see physically this flowing out to quiet self, whether walking, standing still, or resting.” And Cayce urged patients to find balance in their lives: “Budget the time so that there may be a regular period for sustaining the physical being and also for sustaining the mental and spiritual being. As it is necessary…for recreation and rest for the physical, so it is necessary that there be recreation and rest for the mental.”


In contrast to the predominant view that doctors healed exclusively through medicine or surgery, Cayce’s trance view was that “unless it be for a removal of conditions that have become acute by neglect or other causes of the same nature, all curative forces must be from within self and are of the whole of a physical being: for the human anatomical body is as the working of a perfect whole.” In this sense, Cayce viewed the human body as a miracle of creation in its ability to heal itself. His view became more apparent in a statement he made to a group of entrepreneurial doctors seeking information on health products they wanted to produce. In this reading requested on their behalf by Cayce’s son Hugh Lynn and nephew, Tommy House, Cayce said, “There is no greater factory in the universe than that in a human body in its natural, normal reacting state. For there are those machines or glands within the body capable of producing, from the very air or water and the food values taken into the body…any element at all that is known in the material world!” Cayce would also say, more than once, that “every cell of the body is a universe in itself.

In other readings, Cayce took the generative properties of the body one step further, to suggest that if a person were to maintain the proper attitude and to keep their organs properly coordinated with one another, they could live as long as they wanted: “For, as may be told by any pathologist, there is no known reason why any individual entity should not live as long as it desires. And there is no death, save in thy consciousness. Because all others have died, ye expect to, and you do!

The ability of a human being to prolong their life, according to Cayce, depends on the proper functioning of the endocrine system. The glands, Cayce said, were “that which enables the body, physically throughout to reproduce itself.” The glandular system also, according to Cayce, serves as the physical point of contact between a person’s nervous system and his or her “spiritual bodies.” The readings identified seven glands which are also referred to as seven centers, or “chakras,” which act as both growth centers for the physical body and major spiritual centers. These seven include the gonads—also referred to as the cells of Leydig or Leyden—the adrenals, the thymus, the thyroid, the pineal, and the pituitary. In the 1930s, when Cayce did readings on these glands, their purposes were being hotly contested, and to a certain degree, none would be completely understood by the medical profession until a half-century or more later.

As with the nervous system, Cayce described how a person’s emotions affect the glands’ activities: “For as has been indicated in some manners, some activities, there is an activity within the system produced by anger, fear, mirth, joy, or any of those active forces, that produces through the glandular secretion those activities that flow into the whole of the system.” These emotion-caused secretions could wreak havoc with one’s health. “Anger causes poisons to be secreted from the glands,” he said. “Joy has the opposite effect.” On another occasion he noted: “No one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach or liver trouble. No one can be jealous and allow the anger of same and not have upset digestion or heart disorder.” Perhaps the most radical assertion he made along these lines was to say that all disease was caused by sin, most notably the sin of fear, for that represented a lack of faith. ” Fear is the root of most of the ills of mankind,” he said in a reading given in June of 1928.

Cayce would also state, while in trance, that while the spiritual body is not actually contained in the physical body, “there is the pattern in the material or physical plane of every condition, as exists in the cosmic or spiritual plane.” It was for this reason, perhaps, that Cayce did not view illness as strictly caused by physical problems, or did he see its cure only in the physical realm. Belief and anticipation played an important part in the healing process, too. He reminded patients that “..what ye ask in His name, believing, and thyself living, [mind will build].” He also said that “a good laugh, an arousing even to… hilariousness, is good for the body, physically, mentally, and gives the opportunity for greater mental and spiritual awakening.” In another reading he said: “one is ever just as young as the heart and the purpose. Keep sweet. Keep friendly. Keep loving, if ye would keep young.”

According to Cayce, the attitude that truly heals is the “Christ Consciousness…the only source of healing for a physical or mental body. “ As the source once put it: “There are in truth, no incurable conditions…that which exists is and was produced from a first cause, and may be met or counteracted, or changed.” In another reading Cayce said that “all strength, all healing of every nature is the changing of the vibrations from within, the attuning of the divine within the living tissue of a body to Creative Energies. This alone is healing. Whether it is accomplished by the use of drugs, the knife or…[anything else], it is the attuning of the atomic structure of the living force to its spiritual heritage.”

Source: http://www.in5d.com/edgar-cayce-the-causes-of-illness.html

- See more at: http://naturalhealthwarriors.com/the-causes-of-illness-according-to-edgar-cayce/#sthash.9iUWixTN.dpuf




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  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
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