Rođen je 14. siječnja 1957. godine u Splitu. Diplomirani pedagog i slikar, predsjednik Matice hrvatske Podstrana, autor je eseja, kritika, organizator
književnih večeri, predavač na književnim tribinama, antologičar. Član je Likovne udruge Ante Kaštelančić iz Podstrane. Održao brojne zajedničke i samostalne izložbe.Haiku objavljuje u časopisima Vrabac/Sparrow i Haiku te godišnjim zbornicima ludbreških i samoborskih susreta haiku-pjesnika. Također, haikui su mu objavljivani u prestižnim japanskim časopisima Kō i Four Seasons, a osvojio je i nekoliko nagrada. Haikui su mu tiskani u nekoliko antologija. Sam je priredio antologiju Haiku u Dalmaciji, izbor-eseji, 2001. Organizator je i osnivač haiku-susreta Podstrana-Milna-Zvjezdano selo Mosor. Objavio je prvi prikaz poezije haiku u Splitu - Haiku splitskih pjesnika - ‘Hrvatska obzorja’ 3/1994.
Born on January 14th 1957 in Split. He is a graduated pedagogue and a painter, the president of Matica hrvatska Podstrana, the author of essays and reviews, the organizer of literary evenings, a lecturer himself and an anthologist as well. He is a member of the Art Association Ante Kaštelančić from Podstrana. He has held many a joint and independent exhibitions.
Haiku he publishes in the magazine Vrabac/Sparrow and Haiku and in the annual common collections issued in connection with annual gatherings of haiku poets in Ludbreg and Samobor. His haiku has been published in the magazines Kō and Four Seasons. He has received several awards and has been represented in a number of anthologies in Croatia and abroad. He himself prepared the anthology (Haiku in Dalmatia), 2001. He is the organizer and founder of haiku meetings in Podstrana-Milna-Zvjezdano Village Mosor. He published the first review of haiku poetry in Split in Hrvatska obzorja, in 1994.
1. grančica bora
blista na deblu
punog mjeseca
the pine twig
shines on the trunk
of the full Moon
2. biser školjke
ogleda školjku u moru
i pola mora
a pearl in the shell
reflecting its shell
and half of the sea
3. ptica s brda
odgovara pticama sa
susjednog brda
a bird from the hill
replies to the birds from
the neighbouring hill
4. noću na rivi
zadrijemao prosjak
ispružene ruke
on the shore at night
the beggar dozing
with outstreched hand
5. šušanj u polju
love se gušterice
kroz suhu travu
rustle in the field
lizards hunt each other
through dry grass
6. u cvrkutu
srele se i rastale
dvije lastavice
met and parted
two swallows
7. zimsko je jutro.
od grane do grane se
premeću vrapci
winter morning.
sparrows are moving
from twig to twig
8. pod trešnjom
sabor tratinčica
under the cherry-tree
a parliament of daisies
is sitting
9. koraci mora
kotrljaju usnulu noć
steps of the sea
rolling the night in sleep
over the bay
10. nad morem
šetnica - ljudi tiho
ulaze u nebo
above the sea
a pathway - silently, people
go into the sky
11. čuju se krupni
gutljaji konja - pije
vodu iz sića
I can hear big
gulps of the horse - drinks
the water from the bucket
12. između
dva vala čuje se
between two waves
the shore
can be heard
13. pod starom lipom
na drvenom stolu
zastalo jutro
under the old linden-tree
morning reposes
on the wooden table
14. kad zađe Sunce
pjena je vala stvarno
potpuno bijela
when the Sun sets down
the foam of the wave crests is really
entirely white
1-2. Haiku u Dalmaciji, essay selection, Matica Hrvatska-Comittee Podstrana 2001;
3-4. Zbornik samoborskih haiku susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany;
5-6. Marijan Čekolj: Vrabac/Sparrow, Antologija hrvatske haiku poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology 1990-2005;
7. Marijan Čekolj i Marinko Španović: Otvoren put/Free Road: Antologija hrvatske haiku poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology, Hrvatsko
haiku društvo, Samobor 1999;
8-9. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 2002/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2002;
10. Haiku No. 21/22, Zagreb 2004;
11-12. http://www.didovkantun.de/dk3/dk3.htm;
13. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik, Ludbreg 2004;
14. Haiku No. 8, Zagreb, 1997