Rođena je 28. ožujka 1969. u Zagrebu, diplomirana novinarka, tajnica Društva hrvatskih haiku pjesnika, Zagreb. Objavljuje eseje i haiku u časopisu
Haiku te zbornicima ludbreških i samoborskih haiku-sureta.***
Born on March 28th 1969 in Zagreb, where she works as a journalist. She is the Secretary of the Association of the Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb. Essays and haiku she publishes in the magazine Haiku
and the miscellanies of the Ludbreg and Samobor haiku meetings.
1. Promrzle ruke
prinese ustima
grije dah luka.
He puts frozen hands
to his mouth, warming them
with his onion breath.
3. Dozrijeva klasje
u vrijeme cvjetanja
divljih ljiljana
Ears of wheat
are ripening, too, at the time
when wild lilies bloom
4. Brodica šalje
u tišinu sutona val u stijenje
In the silence of
twilight, a small boat sends waves
towards the rocks
5. Pognute glave
žurno gazi blatni put
rijeka ljudi.
With head down
hastily treading the muddy road
streaming people.
6. Strpljivo kopa
rupe u snijegu
pas lutalica.
Digging patiently
- holes in the snow -
a stray dog.
7. Na dvorištu
u cipelu punu vode
upala pčela
In the yard,
- a bee fell
into a shoe full of water
1. 100 hrvatskih haiku, antologija za igru Haiku karte/100 Croatian Haiku An anthology for the Haiku Cards game, DHHP, 2000;
2-3. Haiku No. 11/12, 1999;
4. William J. Higginson: Haiku World, An International Poetry Almanac 1996;
6. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 1998;
7. Haiku No. 11/12, 2003