Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Safiris







OD 14.01.2018.

OKULTNI PRINCIPI ZDRAVLJA I LIJEČENJA - Uloga sredstava za podržavanje u evoluciji

OKULTNI PRINCIPI ZDRAVLJA I LIJEČENJA - Uloga sredstava za podržavanje u evoluciji
Jasno je da napredak evolucije uzdiže kako niža carstva tako i čovječanstvo. Životinje, posebno kućne, približavaju se individualizaciji i njihovo povlačenje iz manifestacije je upravo započelo. Posljedica toga bit će nestanak mesne hrane. Onda će zazvoniti mrtvačka zvona i "kralju alkoholu"jer samo oni koji jedu meso traže alkohol.

Uloga sredstava za podržavanje u evoluciji

Duh alkohola koji je provno izvan našeg tijela biva sada potisnut, zbog uživanja šećera koji se pretvara unutar našega tijela. U prošlosti su sredstva za nadraživanje bila nužno potrebna da probude čovječji duh iz njegove uspavanosti. Bahantske orgije u starim hramovima na koje mi danas s gnušanjem gledamo bile su tada od velike vrijednosti za čovječji razvoj. U omjeru u kom potrošnja šećera raste smanjuje se potrošnja alkohola, a slijedom toga se diže opći moral što više ljudi troše bezalkoholna pića to postaju više altrustični i bolji kršćani. Zato je pokret za apstinenciju jedan od najjačih činilaca koji ubrzavaju dolazak Krista.

Jasno je da napredak evolucije uzdiže kako niža carstva tako i čovječanstvo. Životinje, posebno kućne, približavaju se individualizaciji i njihovo povlačenje iz manifestacije je upravo započelo. Posljedica toga bit će nestanak mesne hrane. Onda će zazvoniti mrtvačka zvona i "kralju alkoholu"jer samo oni koji jedu meso traže alkohol.

U međuvremenu, bljni život postaje sve više osjetljiv. Bočne grane sudjeluju u tome više nego okomite grane, jer kod bilja jednako kao i kod nas, svijest nastaje iz oprečnih djelovanja struja životnih i struja požudnih. Te požudne struje koje okružuju naš planet prolaze kroz bočne grane čitavom dužinom i zato one tako moćno djeluju na hrptenicu životinja. Struje požudne bude spavajući život bilja u bočnim granama do višeg stepena nego u okomitim granama kroz koje protiče životna struja po dužini, koja struji iz središta Zemlje uvis. Zato će jednom i biljke postati tako osjetljive da više neće moći služiti čovjeku za hranu, pa će se morati tražiti drugi izvori.

Danas smo postigli znatnu vještinu u obradi kemijskih rudnih tvari pa od njih oblikujemo kuće, brodove i druge vanjske stvari koje su dokaz naše civilizacije. Tako svladavamo zemaljsku tvar izvan našeg tijela, ali je ne možemo izravno upotrijebiti za izgradnju našeg organizma prije nego što je preradimo u biljci iz kristala u knstaloid. Naša vanjska obrada ruda ubrzava njene titraje i pripravlja put za ispravnu nutarnju upotrebu. Putem duhovne alkemije sagradit ćemo hram duha, pobijediti prah od koga smo nastali i dokazati se kao pravi slobodni zidari koji su spremni na rad u višim područjima.




  • 17.04.2019. 11:12h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Na ovome svijetu......

    .....u kojem "živoder hvata pse" ili i "angel of death own this world" a još i "svi putevi vode u rim"!

    Nije mala stvar ubaciti se u Merkurovu orbitu?

    I to iskorištavajuči Veneru za optimalno penetriranje!?

    E = kao Satelit.

    A što se tiče "Spirita" pa zar i nebi samo onaj ko je lud tretirao ludo kao normalno iliti i zar bismo mogli činiti to što činimo osim ako nismo i' pijani???

    Možemo si i samo misliti koliko je bilo i nadrogiranih u "domovinskom ratu" a sada im treba još i Božja pomoč da se izvuku i iz "životinjskog carstva"??

    Kažu također da je i Hemingvey bio strastveno-hrabar lovac na lavove i najvolio im je kao pucati u razjapljeno-smrdljiva usta ali i da se je na kraju i sam upucao u glavu na kučnom pragu?

  • 17.04.2019. 11:39h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Tojest i šta onda......

    .....ako i doskočimo na noge junačke!

    Ali nas i sačeka modifificirani inžinjering?

    Iliti i "vegeterijanstvo"!?

    A sve je bilo i bjelodano-kompleksno planirano.....

    Među'tim "parče mesa" i' nije moglo vidjeti ako je gledalo.

    Pitanje je pak i zašto oni koji vide i šute???

    Jel moguče da ih samovažnost ubija več hiljadama godina??

    Pa se i skrivaju u izvaninstitucionalnim "kanalizacijama"?

    Okultno onda uopče i nije "oKultno".......

    Tojest ako bi "kult djevice" bio način da se eliminiše Percepcija.

    *Foreword: Living a Myth By Juan Yoliliztli The Devil worked his ex-sacraments[1] using unrecognisable things foul to eat. Perhaps he used some moving forms, like savage beasts or strange birds, hard to identify, not commonly found. Perilous is his word, duplicitous, dark. Friar Andrés de Olmos: Treatise on Witchcraft and Sorcery[2], 1536. Despite the fact that during the conquest of Mexico the Spaniards were able to witness astonishing acts of physical transformation among the natives – and, what is more, the evidence of such events still exists and can be seen recorded in sculptures and murals in various Mexican churches — they did not know how to take advantage of the great opportunity for studying a different culture or exploring new possibilities of perception they had been presented with. Instead, they labelled such acts “devil’s works” for which reason they hunted and killed the indigenous population; the reason they soon forgot because their eyes were focused on the yellow metal the natives despised since they had far greater treasure at hand: the knowledge of a vast magical world. Today, modern researchers – brilliant scientists – struggle to unravel the mysteries of the universe. To that end they build ever more complex and sophisticated spaceships. They do it in full knowledge that, try as they might, they will never be able to traverse enormous physical distances of billions of light years, the real barriers that separate us from other celestial bodies. And the saddest thing is that, were they ever to overcome those barriers, they would probably treat the other races they might find in space the same way the conquistadors treated Native Americans. (It must never be forgotten! All Europeans and their descendants owe them a heavy debt.) Alternative researchers, however, did exist, taking a different route towards deciphering the mysteries of the universe and claiming to have solved, in a practical manner, the question of time and space. Their heirs are the modern sorcerers who, instead of trying to handle things through physics as scientists do, focus their efforts on understanding and manipulating energy, a discipline not yet to be found at our universities. By applying this knowledge, sorcerers travel freely through the universe in an eyeblink regardless of distance, measuring the cost of their journey not in gallons of fuel but rather in intensity of attention. They stress that the secret lies in the manipulation of awareness, where everything reduces to energy. Starting from that premise, they venture out to explore the unknown. What would have happened if those Europeans of five hundred years ago had taken the opportunity presented to them instead of focusing on conquest and destruction? We shall never know. Perhaps by now, five centuries later, the human race would already be a frequent traveller through the cosmos. The man of reason walks towards his extinction. His egomania, born of self-importance and self-pity, drives Homo Sapiens, or “homo reasonabilis” toward his end. In his place a new race will appear: the “homo perceptibilis”. They will be magical beings travelling freely across the dark sea of awareness. I can see the rise of a new world, where magic and technology coexist in perfect harmony. In this book, Armando Torres gives us a wonderful description of his apprenticeship with a group of healers from Mexico who adopted him as assistant[3]. His account shows clearly that the reality we perceive depends entirely on the focus of our attention. By the same token, the myth of the sorcerers, even though it looks like nonsense to the Western man, indeed represents a different description of the world. From that point of view, if a researcher wants
    results, the practices he adopts to reach his goal are not all that important; what matters is that they work. The myth of the sorcerers is thus not a lie as the word suggests, but rather an alternative representation of reality. The sorcerers’ descriptions, maintained by the will of those powerful men of long ago, are still valid today. They apply them in their daily lives in a practical way. And, according to them, those descriptions work as well as our own descriptions based on reason. When describing his world, modern man does it in such a methodical and detailed way that it does not leave him even a tiny crack through which to escape; hence his feeling of being hemmed in, having no peace and no way out. This inevitably generates a great amount of depression. The result is mankind’s terrible destructive state. “What modern man needs is to return to dreaming dreams of power and magic.” I have heard many speculations about whether or not Carlos Castaneda achieved his goal. People ask me rather frequently, "Do you believe that Carlos Castaneda reached freedom?" Of course he did! Like Calixto Muni[4], he was victorious in battle. Carlos has successfully made his somersault of thought into infinity and is free. “No one can put chains on thought. That is the great trick of the sorcerers.” In this work, Armando provides us with the tools to break free from our chains of rationality; he draws open the curtains of the other world and, by revealing the myth of sorcerers-healers, gives us a new description. He shows us a reality outside our modern description, a reality that is still very much alive in Mexican rural communities. At this point I think it is fair to warn the reader of the need to suspend judgment and approach this matter with an open mind and an attitude of genuine inquiry. Armando invites us to enter a magical world where our wildest fantasies can indeed become reality. He shows us that the experiences of the sorcerers are available to anyone; it is simply a question of opening up to it. As for me, this work leaves me with a strange taste in my mouth. I realise that, on the whole, we are unaware of our potential as human beings. And, bearing in mind Armando’s repeated denials, I, like everyone else, did not expect a new book from him. This book, then, came as a great surprise and delight, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. J.Y.*

    Mit or Logika ili i šta ti je "Stvarnost"?!

  • 17.04.2019. 13:42h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ili sam to Čita-o d'Tarzana.......

    Depresivni nas čine depresivnima!

    Kompresivci/represivci održavaju status quo?

    A samo bi nas Impresivni mogli i' I'mpresionirati!?

    I sada svaki onaj koji je ovo pročitao a da se prethodno nije spustio ispod "jednog-ja" če i automatski početi da se uzdiže po nekom drugom oli i po bogu tražiti vraga???

    .....a ako bi bilo da "prepoznavanje iluzije je i njezin kraj" onda bi i pojava "razvodnika" obarala "il proietorea" iliti bi to i opet bio dokaz da je "čovjek" potekao od "majmuna"??

    & to je taj "pupoljak" rekao bi "citizen Kane"?


Član SafirisMerlin8 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana safiris dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
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