Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član JosipJankovic







OD 14.01.2018.

O autoru

O autoru
Njegovo intenzivno zanimanje za prirodne zakone, rasu i religiju, polariziralo se u novoj religiji za Bijelu rasu, zadatak za koji ga je njegovo raznoliko i obuhvatno životno iskustvo pripremilo.

O autoru :

BEN KLASSEN (1918 -1993)

Utemeljitelj i Pontifex Maximus World Church Of The Creator

(Kreativističkog pokreta)

Ben Klassen živio je tijekom svog života u četiri zemlje i bio državljanin triju. Rođen je 1918. godine u Rusiji, od strane roditelja njemačkog govornog područja, gdje su on i njegova obitelj bili rane žrtve židovskog komunizma, odakle su se odselili 1924. godine. Odrastao je i obrazovao se u Kanadi, gdje je stekao diplomu inženjera elektrostrojarstva i diplomu menadžera. Bio je farmer, nastavnik u školi, radio u rudarstvu, elektro inženjer, izumitelj, bavio se nekretninama, te obavljao službu u državnoj upravi savezne države Floride.


Nakon što se 1945. godine preselio u Sjedinjene Američke Države, postao je njihov državljanin 1948. godine. Njegovo intenzivno zanimanje za prirodne zakone, rasu i religiju, polariziralo se u novoj religiji za Bijelu rasu, zadatak za koji ga je njegovo raznoliko i obuhvatno životno iskustvo pripremilo.






1.       The White Man's Bible (1981) - Ben Klassen

2.       Udarac Ruskih Bogova (2000) - Vladimir Istarhov

3.       Might is Right (1896) - Ragnar Redbeard

4.       Desionizatsiya (1979) - Valerie Emelyanov

5.       Cosmotheism (1978) - William Pierce

6.       March of the Titans: A History of the White Race (2006) - Arthur Kemp

7.       Whites & Blacks - 100 Facts and One Lie

8.       Antichrist (1888) - Friedrich Nietzsche

9.       The Conquest of the World by the Jews (1878) - Major Osman Bey

10.   The Biological Jew (1968) - Eustace Mullins

11.   The Nature of Zionism (1993) - Vladimir Stepin

12.   The Ultimate World Order (1957) - Robert H. Williams

13.   The Controversy of Zion (1956) - Douglas Reed

14.   Moja Borba (1926) - Adolf Hitler

15.   Waters Flowing Eastward - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1931) - Lesley Fry

16.   Rothschild Money Trust (1940) - George Armstrong

17.   My Awakening - A Path to Racial Understanding (1998) - David Duke

18.   Boljševizam od Mojsija do Lenjina

19.   The Secret World Government or the Hidden Hand - Cherep-Spiridovich

20.   Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) - Juri Lina

21.   Jewish Supremacism - My Awakening on the Jewish Question (2002) - David Duke

22.   Stranger Then Fiction (2004) - Albert D. Pastore

23.   Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel (1974) - Hennecke Kardel

24.   Pentagon Aliens (1993) - William Lyne

25.   Antichrist Conspiracy - Inside the Devils Lair (1999) - Edward Hendrie

26.   The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians (2006) - Christopher Jon Bjerknes

27.   Barbarians Inside the Gates - The Black Book of Bolshevism (2000) - Donn R Grand Pre

28.   Zašto će propasti Amerika (2000) - Oleg Platonov

29.   Dnevnici Earla Turnera (1978) - William Pierce

30.   The International Jew (1920) - Henry Ford

31.   The Passing of the Great Race (1916) - Madison Grant


1.       Ring of Power - Empire of the City - Amenstop productions

2.       Ben Klassen on Race and Reason – Ben Klassen

3.       Ben Klassen HQ Video – Ben Klassen

4.       White World - William Pierce

5.       America is a Changing Country - William Pierce

6.       The Eternal Jew

7.       Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited - The Hidden Cult

8.       Deception was my Job (1984) - Yuri Bezmenov

9.       Secret Covenant of Your Owners - Deadly Deceptions - John Martinson

10.   The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler - Jim Condit

11.   Akhenaton and the Dark Side of the Sun [Part 2] - Michael Tsarion

12.   The Lightbringers - Emmisaries of Jahbulon - Juri Lina

13.   Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem - Texe Marrs

14.   Thunder Over Zion - Texe Marrs

15.   The Other Israel - Ted Pike

16.   Christopher Bjerknes talks with Hesham Tillawi

17.   Suns of God (2004) – Acharya S

18.   Interview on BBLC – Acharya S

19.   Zeitgeist

20.   Murder by Injection - Eustace Mullins


21.   Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World

22.   The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

23.   Tesla - Master of Lightning

24.   Hitlers Wonder Weapons

25.   Hitler's Secret Flying Saucers (2004) - William Lyne

26.   Nazi UFOs (2004) - William Lyne

27.   Occult History of the Third Reich

28.   No Remorse - Deutschland

29.   Hollywood Unmasked 1 & 2

30.   Hells Bells -The Dangers of Rock and Roll

31.   Missing Links - The Israeli Engineering of the Sept 11 Attacks

32.   Justice for 911

33.   Awaken and Avenge

34.   September 11th - Evidence to the Contrary

35.   The Money Masters - How International Bankers Control America

36.   Lucifer's Children (2002) - Milan Martin

37.   Modern Marvels - Surveillance Tech (2004)

38.   RFID - Traking Everything Everywere (2004) - Katherine Albrecht

39.   Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007) - Alex Jones


1.       Survival of the White Race - Ben Klassen

2.       Why Christianity Must Be Rejected - Matt Hale

3.       In Klassen We Trust! The White Power Hour - Matt Hale

4.       How it Fits Together (2002) - William Pierce

5.       The New World Order (1997) - William Pierce

6.       Christopher Jon Bjerknes (July 25, 2006) with Daryl Bradford Smith

7.       Seeing the Forest (1999) - William Pierce

8.       A Closer Look at the Enemy (1998) - William Pierce

9.       The New Protocols (1999) - William Pierce

10.   Speech in Moscow (2007) - David Duke

11.   Reality Check (2000) - William Pierce

12.   True Lies, 9/11 & The Imagination (2004) - Jon Rappoport

13.   Speech in Sweeden – David Duke

14.   Heritage of hate (2004) - Kevin Alfred Strom

15.   Our Cause (1976) - William Pierce

16.   Racial Fitness and Survival (2001) - William Pierce

17.   The Evil Among Us (2000) - William Pierce

18.   Thus Spoke Pierce - William Pierce


1.      Kreativistički pokret Hrvatska

2.      Creativity Movement

4.      Solar General

5.      Judicial Inc.

6.      Creativity Movement Forum

7.      eNationalist Forum

8.      Stormfront Forum

9.      Galaksija Forum

10.  Otvoreni Forum

Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi sretno vam Valentinovo!

    14.02.2025. 06:57h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend!

    08.02.2025. 08:04h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
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