Rođena je 19. srpnja 1962. u Splitu. Do jedanaeste godine živjela u Gornjem Selu na otoku Šolti. Osnovnu i srednju školu završila je u Splitu te diplomirala na Fakultetu za defektologiju - smjer logopedija. Oduvijek radi s djecom, od toga nekoliko godina s djecom s posebnim potrebama u Bujama. Živi u Oprtlju, majka je troje djece. Haiku zapisuje od svoje dvadeset šeste godine. Članica
je Društva hrvatskih haiku pjesnika u Zagrebu, a haiku objavljuje u časopisu Haiku, te u ludbreškim i kloštranskim zbornicima.Neli Jakovčević Metz, 52428 Oprtalj bb, tel. 052 644 223
Born on July 19th 1962 in Split. Till the age of 11 she lived in Gornje Selo on the island of Šolta, Secondary School she finished in Split, took a degree in logopedics at the Faculty of Defectology in Zagreb. All her life she hs worked with children. She lives in Oprtalj and is mother of three children herself. Her first haiku she wrote at the age of 26. Neli is a member of The Association of the Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb and publishes in the magazine Haiku, and haiku collections in Ludbreg and Kloštar Ivanić, taking part in the haiku meetings.
1. pogrbljen mesec
naslonio leđa
na krhke grane
stooped Moon
his back leaning
onto the frail boughs
2. na smetlištu
odbačene stvari
pere jesenja kiša
in the garbage dump
Autumn rain washing
the discarded things
3. val za valom
bregovi izrone
iz sumaglice
... wave after wave ...
the hills pop up
from the mist
4. srušenu kuću
davno utihlog rata
opkolio narcis
only daffodils
around the empty ruins
of the passed war
5. leptir na zidu
leprša s vjetrom
iako mrtav
a butterfly on the wall
fluttering on the breeze
although dead
6. stope u snijegu:
netko je vidio
čistu bjelinu
Footprints in the snow:
somebody has seen
immaculate whiteness
7. u kolijevci
punoj mjesečine
pliva beba
in a craddle
filled with moonlight
a swimming baby
1. Haiku No. 17/18, Zagreb 2003 - pohvala/Commendation;
2. Haiku NO. 19/20, Zagreb 2003;
3. Zbornik haikua ludbreških susreta/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2005;
4. The 38th A-Bomb Memorial Day, 2004;
5. Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Meeting Miscellany, 2005;
6. Zbornik haikua ludbreških susreta/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2001;
7. Zbornik haikua ludbreških susreta/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2000