Rođen je 15. svibnja 1959. u Čitluku - BiH. Slikar i pjesnik, umirovljenik je Hrvatske vojske, Od 1975. godine živi
u Osijeku. Objavio je dvije zbirke poezije/haikua Poetska svitanja i Arka moga sna te uredio zajedničku zbirku pjesama posvećenu hrvatskim braniteljima pod nazivom Sinovi oluje. Poezija mu je tiskana u brojnim zajedničkim zbirkama, član je udruge “Poeta”, Valpovo od 1993. godine. Haiku objavljuje u časopisu Vrabac/Sparrow, član je Hrvatskoga haiku društva, Samobor.Milenko Ćorić, Zagrebačka 20, 31000 Osijek
Born on May 15th, 1959 in Čitluk, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A painter and poet, he retired from the the Croatian Army and has lived in Osijek since 1975. He has published two books of poetry/haiku Sunrise of the Poet and the Boat from my Dream, and edited a common poetry collection dedicated to the memory of Croatian veterans entitled Sons of the Storm. His poetry is published in numerous joint collections. He has been a member of the art society “Poeta”, Valpovo since 1993. Haiku he publishes in the magazine Vrabac/Sparrow and is a member of Croatian Haiku Society, Samobor.
1. Ne mogu kriti
otkinuo sam sunce
s tom mimozom
I cannot hide
I broke off the sun
with that mimosa
2. U mirisu mora
stare kamene kuće
rđasto crne
In the sea fragrance
old stone houses
rusty black
3. Selo u ravnici
do beskraja izrasla
jedna ulica
Village of the plains
the only street
growing endlesly
4. Vrti se žito
na listu slikara
krik sunca
The grain turns round
on the painter’s canvas
a scream of the sun
5. Pronosi jesen
između mene i nje
miris kestena
Between her and me
the Autumn carrying
the sweet smell of chestnuts
6. Mjesec i oblak
između golih grana
šapuće jesen
The Moon and the cloud
among bare branches
whispering Autumm
Iz zbirki Poetska svitanja i Arka moga sna