Književnik i pjesnik haikua, rođen 1952. u Ogulinu. Po zvanju liječnik specijalist, ginekolog i porodničar te magistar medicinskih znanosti i istaknuti autor. Umro u Rijeci 2000. godine.
Poezijom se intenzivnije počinje baviti 1974. godine. Objavljivao je u Novom listu
, Valu, 30 dana, Rivalu, Književnoj Rijeci, Vrapcu/Sparrow i u mnogim časopisima za haiku u inozemstvu (Blithe Spirit, Azami, Woodpecker, Modern Haiku, Haiku Headlines, Hobo, Paper Wasp, The Daily Yomiuri, KŌ, Frogpond). Na natjecanju za poeziju, ‘Goranovo proljeće 77’ u riječkome studentskom naselju ‘I. G. Kovačić’ osvojio je prvu nagradu. Godine 1998. s dr. sci. Jadranom Zalokarom objavio je antologiju primorsko-goranske haiku poezije Hvatanje sjenke vjetra/Catturare l’ombra del vento/ Grasping the Shadow of Wind u trojezičnom izdanju, na hrvatskom, talijanskom i engleskom jeziku. Objavio je tri zbirke pjesama.Kao pjesnik haikua prisutan je u mnogim publikacijama i antologijama u svijetu, haikui su mu pohvaljivani i nagrađivani. Mile Stamenković sam je prepjevao svoje haikue. Bio je i istaknuti član Američkog društva haiku-pjesnika, član Društva hrvatskih haiku pjesnika, poznat u SAD.
Born in 1952 in Ogulin, Croatia. He was a doctor of medicine, gynaecologist and a Master of Medical Sciences, died in Rijeka in 2000.
He started writing poetry more intensely from 1974 onward, his poems having been published in many magazines in Croatia and abroad. His haiku was published in many world prestigious haiku magazines, anthologies and haikucalendars (Blithe Spirit, Azami, Woodpecker, Modern Haiku, Haiku Headlines, Hobo, Paper Wasp, The Daily Yomiuri, KŌ, Frogpond, Timepieces). His haiku was published in Haiku World, an International Poetry Almanac by W. J. Higginson as well. He was a memeber of The Croatian Haiku Association and The Haiku Society of America.
He published and illustrated two books of poetry in years 1976 and 1993, and a collection of haiku, Breaths of July’s Linden Forests, waka and renga in 1995. In 1998 he published a unique trilingual anthology of haiku poetry from Primorsko-goranska County Hvatanje sjenke vjetra/Catturare l’ombra del vento/Grassping the Shadow of the Wind.
Biti do pojasau vodi: ni čovjek
niti - riba.
To be waist-deep
in water: neither man
nor fish.
Jutarnji gostotresa snijeg sa svog
istrošenog kaputa.
The morning guest
shaking down the snow
off his worn out coat.
Sred prazna gradagladne žrtve rata
hrane golubove.
In the deserted town
hungry war victims
feed the pigeons.
Uništen prostorvjetar se zaustavio
pod divljim kestenom.
- Destroyed area -
the wind has stopped
under the horse-chestsnut.
Razoren grad.Vjetar zavija ne znajući
kuda bi krenuo.
Destroyed town.
The wind howls not knowing
what direction to turn.
Sjene plešu posjenama. Vjetar je
stao na zidu.
The shadows dancing
over the shadows. The wind
stopped on the wall.
Vjetar u šašu.Divlje guske gledaju
u vodu
Wind in the reed.
The wild geese look
... into the water ...
Lišće treperiPepeljast oblak na nebu
nigdje ne stiže.
... The leaves fluttering ...
The ashy cloud in the sky
arriving nowhere.
I ovaj se dannasmijao do suza
u žuboru potoka.
Even this day
laughs to the point of tears
in the murmur of the brook.
Seoska stazatri leptira lete
u tišinu.
A village path
three butterflies flying
into silence.
Bijeli se zidpopeo po bršljanu
i više od njega!
The white wall
climbed up the ivy ... Even
higher than it!
Ovog vjetrovitogdana valovi jedre
a jedrilice stoje
Throughout this windy day
the waves are sailing
... and the sailboat stands still ...
Na vrhu dimnjakaptica, na vrhu ptice
On the top of the
- chimney a bird, on the top
of the bird - the sky.
Mrkla noć.Ukopani u snijegu
duhovi stabala.
Dead of night.
- Entrenched in the snow -
the spirits of trees.
Ovaj je malizumbul zamirisao
cijeli moj dan.
This little hyacinth
gave scent to all
Sova hučimjesec polako jedri niz
vjetrovitu noć.
... An owl hooting...
the moon slowly sailing
down the windy night.
Prostrana poljavjetar valuje pjesmu
jedne ševe.
- Spacious fields -
the wind waving to the song
of a skylark.
Preko srpanjskihpolja šetaju - makovi
i šareni šeširići.
Across May’s field
walking - the poppies and
the little mottled hats.
Kokoši su ponosnena kokota, a on na
svoju krestu.
The hens are proud
of the rooster, and he is
proud of his crest.
U tihoj noćisamo vodopad
ne može zaspati.
In the silent night
only the waterfall
can’t fall asleep.
An unmown sky