Rođen je 19. listopada 1948. u Čakovcu. Studij kiparstva završava na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 1972. u klasi prof. Valerija Michiellija.
Uz kiparske tehnike, razvija slikanje suhim pastelom, kao i fresko-slikarstvo te mozaik. Redovito izlaže na grupnim i samostalnim izložbama te kiparskim kolonijama i simpozijima. Od 1984. do 2002. živi i radi u Torontu, razvijajući sakralnu umjetnost, u skulpturama i brojnim vitražima. Od 1982. oblikuje u kristalnome staklu. Ilustrirao je brojne časopise i zbirke pjesama, a njegova kiparska djela nalaze se na javnim prostorima diljem Hrvatske i Kanade. Vrlo aktivno sudjeluje u kulturnom i sportskom životu grada Čakovca i Međimurske županije, kao predsjednik streličarskog kluba i predsjednik Zrinske garde Čakovec.
Haiku piše od 1970. godine, suradnik je i ilustrator časopisa Haiku i Vrabac/Sparrow. Sudjeluje na godišnjim skupovima haiku-pjesnika u Samoboru, Ludbregu i Kloštar Ivaniću, a u relevantnim zbornicima tiskani su njegovi radovi. Objavio je dvije zbirke poezije haiku, Opet na putu/On the Journey Again, 1995. i Beskrajna zemlja/Endless Earth, 1999. Haikui su mu tiskani u nekoliko antologija u zemlji i svijetu.Mihael Štebih, V. Nazora 11, 40000 Čakovec; tel. 040/390 738, SMS 098/923 6737
Born on October 19th 1948 in Čakovec. He graduated in the study of sculpture from The Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts in 1972 in the class of prof Valerij Michielli. Besides being a graduated sculptor, Mihael paints in dry pastel and also has dealt with wall painting tehniques - fresco and mosaics. He takes part in group exhibitions, art colonies and sculptors’ symposiums regularly. Since 1984 to 2002 he lived and worked in Toronto, developing sacral art in sculptures and countles stained glass windows. Since 1982 he continually shapes sculptures out of colored crystal glass. He has illustrated many literature magazines, journals and collections of poetry and his sculptures are exibited on many public places throughout Croatia and Canada. He is very active in the cultural and sport life of his town Čakovec and County of Međimurje, is the president of the Archery Club and Zrinski Guard Čakovec.
Haiku he has been writing since 1970 and publishes in the haiku magazines Haiku and Vrabac/Sparrow which he illustrated, as well. He takes part in Croatian haiku meetings in Samobor, Ludbreg and Kloštar Ivanić, thus publishing haiku in relevant common collections. He published two haiku collections himself, in Croatian and English: Opet na putu/On the Journey Again, 1995 and Beskrajna zemlja/Endless Earth, 1999. His haiku have been published in several anthologies in Croatia and abroad.
1. Zaljev pun kiše
ljulja se popodne na
vezanom čamcu.
– The bay full of rain -
The afternoon is swinging in
a tied-up boat.
2. Preko jezera
razapeta mjesečina
ostajem dugo.
Over the lake
- unfurled moonlight -
I stay a long time.
3. Promrzlo nebo.
Tišinu zaorali
krici gavrana.
A frozen sky.
The silence is ploughed
by crow’s caws.
4. Most nad rijekom
u jutarnjoj magli
traži obalu.
Bridge over the river
in the morning fog
searching for the bank.
5. U vrtu bor
samo rascvalu trešnju
otkriva mjesec.
A pine in the garden
the Moon revealing only
the blossoming cherry.
6. Šljunak uz more
malo se okupa
puno se sunča.
Pebbles by the sea
they bathe a little
and sunbathe a lot.
7. Kao da čekaju
čempresi uz obalu
krik galeba.
Cypresses by the beach
- as if waiting for
the seagull’s scream.
8. Leteći između
neba i oblaka
ohladio se čaj.
Flying between
sky and clouds
the tea is getting cold.
9. Prazna kavana
za stolovima cvijeće
u razgovoru.
Emtpy pub
on the tables flowers
in conversation.
10. Niz padinu
sve do potoka žure
redovi zelja.
Down the slope
all the way to the brook
rushing cabbages.
11. Pokisli vrabac
na goloj grani trešnje
pernati Budha.
Soaked sparrow
- on a bare cherry bough -
feathery Buddha.
12. U tihoj kiši
zvon s crkve rasut je
po krovovima.
In silent rain
sound of the bells scattered
over the roofs.
13. U sumrak
ovčice s pašnjaka
prešle u nebo.
At twilight
lambs from the pasture
cross into the sky.
Nakon eksperimentiranja s raznim kiparskim materijalima,
14. Prepuna plaža
najduže se kupaju
stijene uz more.
Crowded beach
those remaining longest are
the cliffs by the sea.
1. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2001 - pohvala/Honourable Mention;
2. Haiku No. 17/18 Zagreb 2003;
Nepokošeno nebo
3. 100 hrvatskih haiku, antologija za igru Haiku karte/100 Croatian Haiku, An anthology for the Haiku Cards Game, DHHP,
Zagreb, 2000 by Višnja McMaster;
4. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 2002/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2002;
5. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2005;
6. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 2006/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2006;
7. http://pages.infinit.net/haiku/croatie.htm;
8. Knots, The anthology of southeastern European Haiku Poetry, 1999;
10. Mihael Štebih: Beskrajna zemlja/Endless Earth;
10. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 1995;
11-13. http://pages.infinit.net/haiku/croatie.htm;
14. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2001 - pohvala/Honourable Mention
An unmown sky