Rođen je u Poličniku 21. travnja 1940. Studij povijesti završio je u Rijeci, a studij kroatistike i filozofije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru. Školovao se samostalno, radio je u rudnicima (Labin, Raša) i u riječkim tvornicama. Po završetku
studija, zaposlio se u Osnovnoj školi Ivana Gorana Kovačića u Severinu na Kupi. Kao predsjednik Goranovog proljeća Lukovdol sudjeluje u radu te značajne kulturne manifestacije već više godina.Kovačević piše pjesme, pjesme u prozi, pjesme za mladež i haiku. Objavio je pet naslova među kojima i zbirku haikua Predan putu/Committed to the Road
te zbirku pjesama i haikua Ptica na ramenu. Poseban uspjeh doživio je ciklus Rudarska svjetiljka, poglavlje iz knjige Predan putu/Committed to the Road, u kojemu je autor sažeo svoje doživljaje iz rudarske mladosti. Oocka Masahiko preveo je Rudarsku svjetiljku na japanski za potrebe putopisno-dokumentarnoga filma japanske nacionalne televizije NHK - Putovima hrvatskoga haikua. Za svoj časopis Ginyu, Banja Nacuiši preveo je izbor iz Rudarske svjetiljke, dok je Kuniharu Šimicu za svoju Haiga Gallery ( odabrao nekoliko haikua. Patrick Blanche preveo je Rudarsku svjetiljku na francuski, a Association Française de Haiku izdalo ju je kao samostalnu zbirku. Patricia Neubauer posvetila je tom djelu opsežnu analizu/esej i objavila ga u časopisu Simply Haiku, zima, 2005.Marinko Kovačević,
Praputnjak 103, 51 225 Praputnjak; telefon: 051 766 399Born in Poličnik on April 21st 1940. He graduated in History at the Arts Academy in Rijeka and Croatian Studies and Philosophy at The Faculty of Arts in Zadar. During his youth he was working in the collieries Labin and Raša and Rijeka’s factories. After graduating he worked in primary school in Severin on the Kupa river. As president of ‘Goranovo proljeće Lukovdol’, he participated in the work of the Committee of Croatian Contest for the poetry of young poets, Lukovdol being the birthplace of Croatian poet Ivan Goran Kovačić.
Marinko Kovačević publishes lyrics, poetry in prose, poems for the young and haiku. So far he has published 5 collections of poetry, two of these containing haiku, Predan putu/Committed to the Road and Ptici na ramenu (On the bird’s shoulder) haiku and poetry.
A chapter of his haiku collection Predan putu/Committed to the Road under the title The Miner’s lamp gained favourable results abroad. In this collection he gained his experiences from the youth in the mines. Oocka Masahiko translated The Miner’s lamp into Japanese for the needs of a documentary/travel film about haiku in Croatia by the Japanese National Television NHK- On the Road of Croatian Haiku; Ban’ya Natsuishi published his translation of choice of haiku from The Miner’s lamp in the magazine Ginyu, Kuniharu Shimitzu picked several haiku and illustrated them for his Haiga Gallery ( and Patrick Blanche translated it into French. It was published as a haiku collection in France by the Association Française de Haiku, 2005. Patricia Neubauer wrote an essay on this collection in Simply Haiku, Winter 2005.
1. Mrav na stazi.
Ne žuri,
ne žurim.
An ant on the path.
It isn’t in haste,
I don’t hasten.
2. Mokra od mora
kupačica liježe
pod sunce.
- We from the sea
a girl bather lies down
under the sun.
3. Kruh na stolu.
Okupljeni pred objed
mirišemo mir
Bread on the table.
Together before the meal
... we smell the peace ...
4. Dva para stopa,
svaki ode u svom smjeru.
Snijeg i tišina.
Two pairs of footprints,
each going in their own direction
the snow and silence.
5. Ne vidim cvrčka.
kora masline!
I can’t see the cicada.
the olive bark!
6. Rani putnik.
Jutro ga srelo
na pola puta.
Early traveller.
Morning met him
half - way.
7. Na otočiću
ovce među kamenjem
pasu tišinu.
- On an islet -
sheep grazing silence
among stones.
8. Na mravljem putu
mravu s teretom sklanja se
drugi mrav.
On the ant’s path
an ant moves aside
for the loaded one.
9. Na svom putu
puž tare sitne
kapljice rose.
On its way
the snail is touching
the dewdrops.
10. Na dozrijevanje
ševa pjesmom
požuruje klasje.
To ripening,
a skylark sings to speed up
the wheat ears.
11. Seoska crkvica.
Jedna svijeća obasjava
čela svetaca.
Village church.
A candle lighting
the Saints’ foreheads.
12. Otkrito dijete
rukama i nogama želi
poletjeti k majci.
Uncovered child
by its arms and legs wishes
to fly to mother.
13. Ljetna žega.
Kamo god se okrenem
Summer heat.
- Wherever I turn about -
the Sun!
14. Nasred pašnjaka,
u uho kobile
diše ždrijebac.
Middle of the pasture,
a colt breathes into
the ear of the mare.
15. Ljetna večer.
Krijesnica pipa
bilo tame.
Summer evening.
A firefly touches the pulse
of darkness.
16. Kraj rata:
pucanj kroz ušicu
cvrčkove pjesme.
At the end of war:
the shot throught the scale
of the cricket’s song.
17. Na bljesak munje
pas se uvuče u sebe
i svoju kućicu.
The thunderstorm,
the dog sneaks into himself
and the kennel.
18. Slutnja proljeća:
crtež leptirova leta
u mojim očima
I feel spring sets in:
the drawing of butterfly’s flight
... in my eyes ...
19. Iglicom mraza
zuj muhe.
A fly’s buzz
pierced by
a needle of frost.
20. Iz mojih dlanova
izvire sjećanje na
rudarsku mladost.
From my palms
springs the memory of
a mining youth.
21. Miš u rudniku
za korak brži od svjetla
moje svjetiljke.
- A mouse in the mine -
it’s quicker by a step
that the light of my lamp.
22. Bližeći se jami,
rudar prigrli
svoju svjetiljku.
Approaching the pit,
the miner cuddles to him
his lamp.
23. Rudarski
hodnici oblikuju
The mine’s
galleries give shape
to the dark.
24. Iz okna
rudari izviru
u dan.
Out of the shaft
the miners emerge
into the day.
25. Dosegnuti mir:
ne zna za kišu,
vrabac na kiši.
To reach peace:
He knows not of the rain,
the sparrow in the rain.
26. Mnoštvo vrana
jesenski sumrak.
- A mass of crows -
the thickened
autumn twilight.
1. Vrabac / Sparrow, No 35-38 Samobor 2002;
2. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 1998;
3-5. Hvatanje sjenke vjetra/Catturare l’ombra del vento/Grasping the Shadow of Wind, regionalna antologija haikua, Rijeka, 1999 by
Mile Stamenković and Jadran Zalokar;
6-7. Otvoren put/Free Road: Antologija hrvatske haiku-poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology, HHD Samobor 1999 by Marijan Čekolj
and Marinko Španović;
8-9. Haiku No. 19/20 Zagreb 2003;
10. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2001;
11-13. Marinko Kovačević: Ptica na ramenu, 2005;
14-16. Vrabac/Sparrow, Antologija hrvatske haiku-poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology 1990-2005 edited by Marijan Čekolj;
17-18. Haiku No. 17/18, Zagreb 2003;
19. Vrabac/Sparrow No. 27-30, 1999;
20-26. Marinko Kovačević: Predan putu/Commited to the Road, Zagreb 2000