Rođena je 19. siječnja 1982. u Splitu, apsolventica Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakulteta, također u Splitu. Živi u Kaštel Novom. Haiku objavljuje u časopisu
Haiku, članica je Društva hrvatskih haiku pjesnika, Zagreb. Sudjelovala je na nekoliko haiku-susreta u Samoboru i u Milni na otoku Braču te su joj haikui objavljeni u odgovarajućim zbornicima.Marija Certa, Pape Ivana Pavla II. bb, 21216 Kaštel Novi, SMS: 098 263 394
Born on January 19th 1982 in Split, where she finished studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology. She lives in Kaštel Novi. Haiku she publishes in the magazine Haiku and is a member of the Association of Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb. Taking part in meetings of the haijins in Samobor and Milna, her haiku has been published in relevant joint collections.
1. Jutarnjim vjetrom
okupana lica
krik galeba.
Faces washed
- by the morning wind -
shriek of a seagull.
2. Ljetna oluja
stapaju se kapi
sa suzama.
- The summer storm -
the raindrops blend
with the tears.
3. Valovi
s oborenog čempresa
raznose češere.
taking away the cones
from the felled cypress.
4. Tvoje oči
miris kestena
tek ispečenih.
... Your eyes ...
Fragrance of the chestnuts
just roasted.
5 Dječak u brodu
vjetar i valove
sluša kormilom.
A boy in the boat
listening to the wind and waves
with the helm.
6. Pogled kroz prozor
sa svakog prozora
Gazing through the window
from each window
1. 100 hrvatskih haiku, antologija za igru Haiku karte/100 Croatian Haiku, An anthology for the Haiku Cards Game, DHHP,
Zagreb, 2000 by Višnja McMaster;
2-3. Zlatko Juras: Haiku u Dalmaciji, 2001;
4. Haiku No. 8, Zagreb 1997;
5. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2003;
6. neobjavljeni/unpublished.