Rođena je 1942. u Osijeku gdje i danas živi. Trideset i jednu radnu godinu provela u školstvu kao profesorica hrvatskoga jezika, a od 1994. obavljala različite izvršne i predstavničke dužnosti u Gradu Osijeku. Osim na književnom standardu, piše i na esekerskom, šokačkom i staromiholjačkom izričaju. Do sada je objavila osam samostalnih knjiga:
dvije zbirke pjesama za djecu i dvije za odrasle, dvije ilustrirane zbirke haikua za djecu (1997. i 2003), džepnu zbirku
haiku-poezije 50+1, 2003, te zbirku haikua Stiholjubi Tvrđi i starom Osijeku, 2006. Stvaralaštvo joj je rasuto po raznim zbirkama, mjesečnicima, godišnjacima i zbornicima književnoga predzanaka, ali i po drugim tiskovinama te popularnim časopisima za djecu. Piše i kratku prozu, reportaže, članke o jeziku, uglazbljuje svoje stihove, bavi se lekturom i književnom recenzijom i redakturom. Na Lidranu Nagrađena je Zlatnom medaljom za njegovanje dramskoga jezičnog izričaja.Kruna Fürst-Medić, Šarengradska ulica 21, 31000 Osijek; tel. 031/570-215
Born in 1942 in Osijek where she lives. For over thirty years she worked as a professor of the Croatian language and since 1994 has worked in various civil and representative duties in Osijek. Beside Croatian, she publishes in the local Slavonia dialects, as well. So far she has published eight books: four collections of poetry, two illustrated books of haiku for children, a pocket haiku collection and haiku collection Verses of the Tvrđa and the Old Osijek, 2006. Besides poetry she publishes essays, short stories, puts her verse to music, does lecturing and literary criticism and her work has been published in many literary and popular magazines for adults and children. She also writes essays on language and drama and musicals for children. She is a member of many cultural associations and at Lidrano, she received the ‘Golden medal for promotion of dramatic expression’.
1 U ljetno se trnje
zapleo šal od
mjesečine, pa spi.
A scarf of moonlight
entangled into
the Summer brambles.
2. U šašu vodenica
golih bedara
Voćno je ljeto.
Water-mill in reed
... with naked hips ...
Summer of fruits...
3. Siv jelenski rog,
proboden oblak magle,
pokisla je jesen.
Gray horn of a deer,
perforated cloud of mist,
A soaked Autumn.
4. Škripi mrak: vjetar
njiše prvi vjenčić snijega
na ljuljački.
Crackling dark: the wind
waves the first coronet of snow
on the swing.
5. Božurići mraza,
cimet cvate kroz dimnjake:
Božić je.
Peonies of frost,
cinnamon flowers from chimneys:
Christmas time.
Iz zbrike pjesama Stiholjubi Tvrđi i starom Osijeku/From the haiku collection dedicated to the Old town of Osijek.