(1940-2003.)Rođen je 1940. godine u Veprincu, ponad Opatije, gdje je živio i umro 2003. godine. Kao inženjer kemijske tehnologije radio je u Rafineriji nafte Rijeka. Stihove je započeo objavljivati u Rafinerijinom listu RNR
, a nastavio nižući šest samostalnih pjesničkih zbirki, uglavnom na veprinačkoj čakavštini. Njegovi su stihovi tiskani u dvije antologije:‘Čakavsko pjesništvo XX. stoljeća’ (1987) dr. Milorada Stojevića i u ‘Istarskoj pjesmarici’ - antologiji hrvatskoga pjesništva Istre XIX. i XX. stoljeća (1990) dr. Mirjane Strčić.
Haiku je objavljivao u časopisu Vrabac/Sparrow
, a uvršten je i u nekoliko antologija haiku-poezije u Hrvatskoj.Zbirka haikua Šapatom grliti more tiskana mu je 2003. godine.
Born in 1940 in Veprinac, where he lived and died in 2003. He was an engineer of chemical techonology and his working time he spent in the Petroleum Rafinery in Rijeka. He published six poetry books, mostly on Veprinac’s Chakavian Dialect and was included in the Anthology of Chakavian Poetry by dr. Milorad Stojević (1987) and the Istrian Book of Poetry - Anthology of Croatian poetry of Istria 19th and 20th centuries, published in 1990 by dr. Mirjana Strčić.
His haiku was published in the magazine Vrabac/Sparrow and several Croatian haiku anthologies. His haiku collection Šapatom grliti more (Embracing the sea by a Whisper) was published in 2003.
roj kamenčićazaljuljao je more
između riba
flung peebles
sway the sea
between the fish
s brijegomtako u razgovoru
with the hill
- alongside I am talking -
in silence
ne, ne odlazi,uvijek iznova cvate
ruža proljetna
not vanishing at all
blossoming afresh
the spring rose
dugodrhtećiodvažio se list breze
trembling for a long time
a leaf of the birch-tree
flying off
pastiricau naručju korača
a girl shepherd
pacing in the embrace of
the lamb
u ogledaluraspuknutim licem
bježi osmijeh
in the mirror
over the chapped face
a smile is running away
usred kamenaotvorio bih usta
do nožnog palca
insisde of rocky ground
I would like to open my mouth
to my big toe
sretoh pastiraod izgubljenih ovaca
ori se pjesma
- I met the shepherd -
from the lost sheep
a loud song
iza kaputasramežljivi stisak,
muha i pauk
behind the coat
a shy embrace of
a fly and a spider
u žitnom klasjuzaigrani makovi,
do otkosa
in the corn field
playful poppies
‘till the mowing
z rogi saponiva kamenu zasajen
dih ot živjenja
prickling hoes -
the sense of life sowed
in the stone
starena maškagoli pužu mačići
mesec gre skriveč
a crushed cat
kittens crawl naked
the moon moves hiddenly
An unmown sky