Rođen je 29. srpnja 1947. u Ljubljani. Doktor filozofskih znanosti, likovni umjetnik. Radi kao viši knjižničar u Sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Rijeci. Duhovni učitelj zena i tantre. U Rijeci je 1990. inaugurirao mišljenje planetarnog poliloga i od tada održava cikluse predavanja o duhovnim temama i značajkama duhovnosti trećeg tisućljeća. Slikarstvom se bavi preko trideset godina razvijajući stil spiritualnog slikarstva. Zadnjih desetak godina crta hajgu, ilustrira haiku-stihove i zbirke. Nagrađivan i pohvaljen autor, predsjednik je i među osnivačima Društva haiku-pjesnika Rijeka i jedan je od prvih članova
Zajednice Humanitas koju obogaćuje svojim izvrsnim poznavanjem duhovnih tradicija Istoka.Kao pjesnik haikua uvršten je u nekoliko antologija u zemlji i svijetu, a do sada je objavio sljedeće zbirke haikua:
Haiku vremeplov/Haiku time machine, 1996, Haiku-antologija (u koautorstvu s dr. Milom Stamenkovićem) Hvatanje sjenke vjetra/Grasping the shadow of wind, 1999; Osmijeh putnika/Smiling wanderer, 1998; Putnikova duga/The travellers rainbow, 2001; Dah mora/Breath of the Sea, 2002; Poljubac daljina/Kiss of Distances, 2004. Sudjeluje u radu haiku-susreta u zemlji, objavljuje u zbornicima i časopisima Vrabac/Sparrow i Haiku, autor je mnogih recenzija, esejai pogovora, te je primio nekoliko nagrada i pohvala u zemlji i Japanu.Jadran Zalokar, Meštrovićeva 38, 51000 Rijeka, e-pošta:
jadran.zalokar@svkri.hrJadran Zalokar was born on July 29th 1947 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a Doctor of Philosophic Sciences, and a spiritual teacher of Zen and Tantra, a haijin and an artist painter. He is a chief librarian at Rijeka’s University Library.
During 1990 he inaugurated the thinking of planetary polilogy and from that time has given lectures on spiritual themes, including the meaning of the characters of spirituality of the third millennium. He has been an artist painter for over thirty years – he paints spiritual paintings, haigas and illustrates verses and books.
As a haiku poet he has taken part in many haiku contests in the world and at home. He is presented in several anhologies, as well. For his haiku he has received several awards and commendations in Croatia and in Japan.
He has published six billingual haiku collections: Haiku time machine, 1996; Haiku Anthology Graspig the Shadow of Wind, 1999 (in collaboration with Dr. Mile Stamenković); Smiling wanderer, 1998; The traveler’s rainbow, 2001; Breath of the Sea, 2002; Kiss of distances, 2004. He is the president of the Haiku Society Rijeka. His haiku have been published in magazines for haiku in Croatia, Vrabac/Sparrow and Haiku and in joint collections issued in regard to annual gatherings of Croatian haiku poets in Ludbreg, Samobor, Krapina (Haiku Day Dubravko Ivančan) and KIoštar Ivanić. He has written numerous reviews of books and essays.
1. Umorno se susreću Tired they meet,1. Umorno se susreću
večernja magla i
čovjek sa štapom
Tired they meet,
evening fog and
a man with a stick
2. Oluja prošla.
Pilimo drva
tešemo riječi
The storm is over.
We’re sawing wood
exchanging words
3. Kišna ulica
među oblacima
A rainy street
lost itself
amidst the clouds
4. Ne znam više
kako zore sviću
nad šumom
I do not recall
how the dawns break
over the forest
5. Za repom
lastavice bura nema
što tražiti
has nothing to look for
the swallow’s tail
6. Na vrhu čempresa
čak iz repa pjeva
crni kos
On top of the cypress
singing from its tail,
the blackbird
7. Nema božićnog mira
za gladnog mačka
na ulici
No Christmas peace
for a hungry tomcat
on the street
8. Bura.
U izložbeni prostor
ušao slijepac.
Into the art gallery
a blind man entered.
9. Nikamo ne smjeraju
jesenje grane
moje šume.
With no course
the autumn boughs
of my wood.
10. Između hajga
pauk osvaja
bjelinu zida.
Among haigas
a spider conquering
the whiteness of the wall.
11. Užareno nebo.
Na kišobran oslonjen
korak starice
A burning sky.
An old woman’s steps lean on
the umbrella
12. I trbuh trudnice
pogurao kolica
s nemirnom djevojčicom
A pregnant woman’s belly
pushes the baby carriage
with a restless baby girl
13. Umjesto mene
obrala je grožđe
sinoćnja oluja
Yesterday’s storm
picked the grapes
instead of me
14. Proljetna noć.
Na šumskoj stazi
jak miris jasena
The spring night.
Intense smell of the ash-tree
on the forest path
15. Umjesto lišća
na metli miris
zemlje i mora
Instead of leaves
on the broom the smell of
the earth and the sea
16. Na prastaroj stazi
mačak i ja na kamenu
iznad mora
On the ancient road
a tomcat and I on the rock
above the sea
17. Crna je mačka
zbog hrane promijenila
A black cat
because of the food switched to
a new master
18. Poslijepodne
već su umorna krila
starog galeba
tired are the wings of
the old gull already
19. Djeca prolaze
u plavoj boji
Children passing by
in the blue colour
of the sky
20. Rani jesenji mraz
nanosi drveću
prvu bol
Early autumn frost
brings the first pain
to the trees
21. Pahulja snijega
začudan pogled
mladog goluba
- A snow flake -
looking in surprise at
a younger pigeon
22. S burom
nebo oblacima zgusnuto
i galebovima
Clouds and seagull’s wings
23. Na odlasku iz groblja
gustodlakog mačka
On the way out
of the graveyard, we stroked
a thick-coated cat
24. Na kišnom nebu
spokojno se odmaraju
ulice predgrađa
Streets of suburbs
in the rainy sky
25. Krila ptica.
Kroz maglu putuju šume
u šutnji oblaka
Bird wings.
Forests travel through the fog
into the silence of clouds
26. Tamo u motrenju leptira,
tu prolaznika
muk ljeta
There watching butterflies,
- here watching passers-by
the silence of summer
27. Ponekad pjeva
ponekad šuti
dječak u meni
Somewhere singing
somewhere being quiet
the boy within me
28. I u sobi
i na krilima galebova
miris mora
In a room
and on wings of seagulls
fragrance of the sea
29. Leti
i nogama mrsi more
stari galeb
and wrinkling the sea by its legs
an old gull
30. Pokretne sjenke
Rašetao se galeb
po ceradi broda.
Moving shadows.
The gull walking over
the oil-cloth oft he boat.
1. 3. haiku dan/3rd Haiku Day Dubravko Ivančan, Krapina 2007, hrvatski književni jezik/Croatian language - 2. nagrada /2nd Prize;
2. World Haiku 2005 No.1; World Haiku Association;
3. Haiku iz rata/War Haiku, HHP, Samobor 1995 by Marijan Čekolj;
4. 100 hrvatskih haiku, antologija za igru Haiku karte/100 Croatian Haiku, An anthology for the Haiku Cards Game, DHHP,
Zagreb, 2000 by Višnja McMaster;
5. Haiku No. 21/22, Zagreb 2004;
6. Letni časi, No. 14 Ljubljana 2001;
7. Natječaj za haiku Hrvatskoga haiku društva, Samobor 1999 . uži izbor/Choice of haiku;
8. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2003 - izbor/Choice of haiku;
9. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 2002/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2002;
10. Kloštar Ivanić 2005 - hrvatski književni jezik/Croatian language - pohvala/Commendation;
11. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2005;
12. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2006 - pohvala/Honourable Mention;
13. Hvatanje sjenke vjetra/Grasping the Shadow of Wind/Catturare L’ombra del vento - regionalna antologija / Regional Haiku
Anthology 1999;
14. From One Sky to Another, Haiku anthology of the European Union, Edition de l’ Association francaise de haiku, 2006;
15. Jadran Zalokar: Dah mora/Breath of the Sea 2002;
16. http://www.knjizevnaakademija.biz.ly/Vrc%20pun%20latica.htm;
17-18. http://www.humanitas.hr/zalokar.htm
19-20. Dor de Dor, Anul II, Nr. 13, 2006., Bucarest;
21. Genkissu! Spirits up! World Wide Hekinan Haiku Contest” 2006;
22. The 7th Suruga Baika Literary Festival - počasno priznanje/Honorable Mention;
23. Haiku No. 15/16, Zagreb 1999;
24. Haiku No. 23/24, Zagreb 2004;
25-26. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta /Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2002;
27. Haiku and Music, International сontest of Bulgarian haiku club and the show Zone of rock and jazz - 2. nagrada/2nd Prize
28.Haiku No. 21/22, Zagreb 2004.
29-30. Haiku No. 19/20, Zagreb 2003
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