Rođen je 17. lipnja 1944. u Koškovcu gdje i živi. Piše poeziju, prozu i haiku, a objavljuje u prigodnim zbornicima kao sudionik književnih susreta i natječaja. Član je ‹Varaždinskoga književnog društva›, ‹Hrvatskog haiku društva› Samobor te ‹Ivanečkoga pjesničkog kruga› iz Ivanca.
Haiku objavljuje u časopisu Haiku te zbornicima haiku-sureta u Samoboru, Ludbregu, Kloštar Ivaniću i Danima Krapini (Haiku dan Dubravko Ivančan te Haiku Calendaru/Rokovniku, Ludbreg. Za svoje haikue često je nagrađivan i pohvaljivan.Ivo Posavec, Koškovec 12, 42243 Maruševec
Born on June 17th 1944 in Koškovec where he lives. Beside haiku he writes poetry and prose and publishes in miscellanies and periodicals as a participant of literature competitions. He is a member of the Varaždin Literary Circle, the Croatian haiku Association, Samobor and the Ivanec Poetry Circle, Ivanec.
Haiku he publishes in yearly miscellanies on the occasion of the meetings of the Croatian haiku poets in Samobor, Ludbreg, Kloštar Ivanić, Haiku Day Dubravko Ivančan in Krapina and Ludbreg Rokovnik/Calendar, published in Ludbreg each year with an internationl haiku competitions in English. For his haiku he has received several awards and commendations.
1. Podne u šumi.
Kuckanje djetlića
nadjačalo zvon.
Midday in the forest.
The woodpecker’s knocking
overpowers the chimes.
2. Izašlo sunce.
Nebu se okreće list
s bumbarom.
Leaf with a bumble-bee
turns to the sky.
3. Jesenska večer.
Zvijezde okitile
granu bez lišća.
Autumn evening.
The stars adorned
a leafless bough.
4. Raskoš planine!
Procvale divlje trešnje
penju se vrhu.
Abundance of the mountain!
Wild cherries in blossom
climbing to the top.
5. Zvoni polnevu.
Žoti mrtulj drgeče
na cvietu tikve.
Noontime bells.
Yellow butterfly
on the pumpkin’s flower.
6. Zlato istoka.
Cestom ususret suncu
trči crni pas.
The gold of the East.
Running towards the Sun
a black dog in the road.
7. Sve jači vjetar.
Crvene jabuke
zamirisale brijegom.
The wind is stronger -
the smell of red apples
on the hill.
8. Zmržnjeno jutro.
Na ogrisku jabuke
žvrgolje vrapci.
A frozen morning.
On the remnant of an apple
chirping sparrows.
9. Pokladni dani.
U snijegu osmijeh
bačene maske.
In the snow a smile
of the thrown away mask.
10. Zreo prvi klas.
Vrana za vranom sjeda
na štap strašila.
The first ripe corn.
Crow after crow sitting
On the stick of the scarecrow.
11. Mrak je sve gušći.
jablan uz seoski put
gubi visinu.
It darkens -
by the country road a poplar
loses its height.
12. Kraj trulog panja
cvatu prve ciklame.
Mirisna večer.
By a rotten stump
blossoms of the first cyclamens.
A fragrant evening.
13. Bosa nožica
u dječjoj igri jutra
skuplja biserje.
In the child’s game
of morning a tiny, bare foot
collecting pearls.
14. Kućica od puža
kotrlja se niz brijeg
Brže od - puža!
A snail shell
... rolling down the slope ...
Faster than - the snail!
15. Brijeg.
Prvi jaglac
izvan sna.
A hill.
The first primrose
out of sleep.
16. Pjetlić na plotu.
Sjena mladog jastreba
žuri na brijeg.
A rooster on the fence.
Shadow of a young hawk
rushing to the hilltop.
17. Sunce sve jače.
Na trnu akacije
raste kap vode.
The rising Sun.
On the acacia’s thorn
growing a drop of water.
18. Uz poljsku stazu
trune stara cipela
U njoj gnijezdo!
By a field path
... an old shoe is rotting.
In it - there is a nest!
19. Na suhoj grani
sjenica si cvrkutom
gradi gnijezdo.
With its twitter
a titmouse constructs its nest
on a dry branch.
20. Dien se zapira
Na suhi svrži čriešnje
se je više zviezdic.
... Closing of the day ...
On the withered cherry’s crown
more and more stars.
21. Groblje pri šumi.
Na sprhnjenom križu
popieva tiček.
Cemetery near a forest.
On a rotten cross
a bird singing.
22. Jesenski vjetar.
Za zadnjim letom ptica
leti gnijezdo.
Autumn wind.
A flying nest follows the last
flight of the birds.
1. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2001 - pohvala/Honourable Mention;
2. Croatian Haiku Society, Samobor, Haiku contest 2001- uži izbor/Prime selection;
3. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2003;
4. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2005 - hrvatski književni jezik/Croatian language - pohvala/
5. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2005 - kajkavsko narječje/Kajkavian Dialect - 1. nagrada/1st Prize;
6. Haiku No. 21/22 Zagreb 2004.;
7. Zbornik samoborskih haiku susreta 2005. /Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2005;
8. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2006 - kajkavsko narječje/Kajkavian dialect - pohvala/
9. Varaždinski književni zbornik, svezak 9, 2005;
10. 8. haiku dan/8th Haiku Day - Dubravko Ivančan, Krapina 2006 - kajkavsko narječje/Kajkavian Dialect, 3. nagrada/3rd prize;
11-13. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 1999/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 1999;
14-15. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 2003/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 2003;
16-17. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Meeting Miscellany, 2005;
18. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: Choice of haiku, Ludbreg 2001;
19. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2007 - pohvala/Honourable Mention;
20. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2007 - kajkavsko narječje/Kajkavian dialect - 1. nagrada/1st Prize;
21. Kloštranski haiku zbornik/Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Miscellany 2007 - kajkavsko narječje/Kajkavian dialect – izbor/choice of
22. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik: International haiku contest in English, Ludbreg 2008 - pohvala/Honourable Mention
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