Rođen je 24. lipnja 1953. u Zagrebu. Folklorist. Umjetnički ravnatelj
Ansambla narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske Lado. Potpisuje programe i koreografije, član je mnogih stručnih prosudbenih komisija smotri folklora, urednik kompilacijskog albuma etnoglazbe ... Haiku objavljuje dugi niz godina u časopisu Haiku te godišnjacima Samoborskih haiku susreta. Uvršten u nekoliko antologija u zemlji i svijetu.Ivan Ivančan, Vranićeva 3, 10000 Zagreb; tel. 01/ 230 -4568
Born on June 24th 1953 in Zagreb. Folklorist, he is the art director of the Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs of Croatia, Lado. He authorizes programmes and choreographies, judges many reviews and competitions of ensembles for folk dances and songs. He is the editor of a compilation album of Croatian folk music ... Haiku he has published for many years in the magazine Haiku and yearly miscellanies of Samobor haiku meetings. His haiku have been published in several anthologies.
1. Zvijezde
nad selom. Pokoja
u obližnjoj lokvi.
above the village. Some
in a nearby pool.
2. Portret
na zidu. Još uvijek
A portrait
- on the wall. Still -
3. S telegrafskih žica
odletjela i posljednja
From telegraph lines
even the last note
has flown away.
4. Na polju
iz dubokih brazda
iznikli težaci.
In the field
out of deep furrows
sprouting farm labourers.
5. Zima.
U šumi vidim
svako stablo.
In the forest I see
each tree.
6. Dugačak vlak.
Pod njim promiče
A long train.
Under it the dyke
7. Mravče mali,
bježi! Nisam ti ja
Little ant,
run! I’m
no Isa.
8. Jezero.
Od obale otisnuo se
The lake.
Setting off from the shore
a cloud.
9. Na vlati trave
kapljica rose. U njoj
čitav svijet.
On a blade of grass
- a drop of dew. In it -
the whole world.
10. Zimska noć.
S neba u pahuljama
pada tišina.
Winter night.
From the sky in snowflakes
silence falls.
11. Livada djetinstva.
Nema dječaka.
Meadow of my childhood.
- There are no boys -
12. Preko
širokog polja zastala
kolona dalekovoda.
a wide field lag behind
transmission-line pylons.
13. Oseka
Dno mora.
Sunča se!
... The low tide ...
The sea’s botoom,
14. Uz more
Slušam valove
... The seaside ...
I’m listening to the waves
of the pebbles.
15. Rijeka
S obje strane
promiču obale.
... The river ...
The shores pass by
on both sides.
16. Uvijek spreman
za daleka putovanja
moj sobni bicikl.
Always ready
- for distant travels -
my indoor bicycle.
17. Kasna noć.
Gradom šeću
After midnight.
The street take a walk
in the city.
18. Šetnja u magli
Moje misli
sve bistrije!
... Walking in the fog.
- My thoughts
are brighter!
19. Staza uz
rascvjetali brijeg
vodi u nebo!
A path beside
the hill all in bloom
leads to the sky!
20. Na telegrafskoj
žici prisluškuje
On the telegraph
line a sparrow
listening in.
21. Na jezeru.
Iz oblaka iskočila
At the lake.
Out of a cloud jumped
a fish.
22. Vlak u hitnji.
Projurio ispod svog
A train in a hurry.
Rushed under its own
23. Ljetna noć
S obzora dopire
miris žetve.
... Summer night ...
The smell of harvest
reaches me from the horizon.
24. Mali puž.
Krenuo na put
po travki.
A little snail.
Set off on a trip
up the grass blade.
25. Niz brijeg
traktor ore
On the hill-slope
a tractor ploughing
the horizon.
1. William J. Higginson: Haiku World, An International Poetry Almanac 1996;
2. Haiku No. 8 Zagreb 1997;
3. 100 hrvatskih haiku, antologija za igru Haiku karte/100 Croatian Haiku, An anthology for the Haiku Cards Game, DHHP,
Zagreb, 2000 by Višnja McMaster;
4-6. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2005;
7-9. Haiku No. 11/12 Zagreb 1998;
10-12. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2001;
13-15. Haiku No. 7 Zagreb 1997;
16. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2003;
17-18. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2006;
19-21. Haiku No. 13/14, Zagreb 1999;
22-23. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2002;
24-25. http://www.freewebs.com/shamrockhaiku/currentissue.htm