Dugi niz godina objavljuje poeziju i pjesme u prozi u hrvatskim književnim časopisima. U dodir s haikuom dolazi putem Ivančanove
Male antologije japanskog haikua objavljene u Republici 1966/7-8. Haiku je objavljivao u Vidiku 1969/13-14 (Split) Studentskom listu, Forumu (i slobodni stih), Republici, Književnoj reči, Riječima (Sisak), Haikuu (Varaždin) 1977-79 i 80-81, gdje je bio i jedan od urednika. Haiku je objavljivao i u zbornicima, surađivao na haikususretima u Samoboru i Samoborskom haiku-zborniku. Objavio je zbirku poezije u prozi Nešto kao vlaga, 2007. te zbirku haiku-poezije Čovjek bez kišobrana, Zagreb 2008.***
He has been publishing poetry and poems in prose for many years, in Croatian literature magazines. Haiku he encountered by reading
Mala antologija japanskog haikua (A little Anthology of Japanese Haiku) by Dubravko Ivančan, published in Republica 1966/7-8. He published haiku in Vidik 1969/13-14 (Split), Studentski list, Forum (lyrics, as well), Republika, Književna reč, Riječi (Sisak), Haiku (Varaždin) 1977-79 and 80-81, where he was a member of the editorial team, as well. He has cooperated on several issues of the Samobor Haiku Miscellanies. He published a collection of poetry in 2007 and a haiku collection Man without an Umbrella in 2008.
1. Nakon snijega
u svjetlosti se tope
sve tratinčice
Once the snow was gone
melting in the light
are all the daisies
2. Kišno proljeće
latice na vodama
procvali puti
- Rainy Spring -
petals on the puddles
blossoming paths
3. Čudesna kiša
čeka me pred prozorom
malo prošeće
Full of wonder rain
waits for me by the window
then takes a walk
4. Sjećam se
kupio me božur
i odnio kući
I remember
the peony bought me
and took me home
5. Isplovi iz luke
potom iz oka
prepuna lađa
Sailing out of the harbour
then out of the eye
an overladen vessel
6 Mali zrikavac
sjetio se ljubavi
u samo podne
Tiny cricket
remembering his love
just at noon
7. Oblak se nasukao
usred ljetnog dana
nad vrućim morem
The cloud’s stranded
in the middle of a summer day
above the hot sea
8. Zrikavci zrikavci
tu nema nikoga
tek svjetiljka moja
Crickets crickets
there’s nobody here
only my lamp
9. Digao lišće
visina i dubina
nagao vjetar
Lifting the leaves
in heights and depths
a hasty wind
10. Iz ruševina sad
lastavice izlijeću
nebo puno rupa!
From the ruins
- swallows fly out -
a sky full of holes!
11. Posred staze
stalo je stablo i čeka
da svi prođu
On the path
a tree stopped and waits
for all to pass by
12. Vatromet
ah propao je oh,
ne dosegnuvši zvijezde
- Fireworks -
it fell into ruins
not touching the stars
13. Peračica prozora
prebriše mi oči
i konačno sebe
Washing the window
she wipes my eyes
and then her body
14. Mirno u hladu
valjaju se opeke
prastare kuće
bricks of the old house
rolling in the shade
15. Uz vlak što brza
By the rushing train
is the road
16. Na kraju pjesme
čitav bor u rukama
mrtvog cvrčka
At the end of a poem
the whole pine in the hands
of a dead cricket
17. Lišće pada
sve nježnije
okrzne odjeću
Falling leaves
ever tenderly
brushing the clothes
18. Naselila se zima
u mojim džepovima
nema više lišća
the Winter moved in
in my pockets
no more leaves
19. Združena pripremama
svinja znatiželjno pregledava
dvorište kolinja
Joining the preparations
the pig curiously looks at
the slaughterhouse yard
20. Pretih je lavež
pretihi i zrikavci
pod zvijezdama
Too silent is barking
even cicadas too gentle
under the stars
Nepokošeno nebo