(30.8.1957.-19.1.2009.)Rođen je u Pakracu 30. kolovoza 1957. godine. Živio je u Samoboru, a radio u Zagrebu. Haiku je objavljivao više od 25 godina u domaćim i stranim časopisma, zbornicima i antologijama i na internetu na japanskom, engleskom, njemačkom, francuskom, mađarskom, rumunjskom, flamanskom i irskom jeziku.
Za svoje haikue primio je brojne nagrade i pohvale. Na Međunarodnom haiku-natječaju u Japanu, povodom Dana japanske kulture, primio je Grand Prix
Japana s pozivom na dodjelu nagrade. Kao član Matice hrvatske Samobor bio je organizator samoborskih haiku-susreta i urednik samoborskih haikupublikacija.Bio je edan od osnivača i pokretača haiku-društava u zemlji, također i član uredništava haiku i inih publikacija te sudac na natječajima za haiku.
Objavio je tri samostalne zbirke haikua, Žubor vode, 1989, Svakidašnji put
, 1990. i Samobor, 1995. Jedan je od autora u dvojezičnim (hrvatski/engleski) zbirkama haikua Sedam putova/Seven Ways, Zagreb, 2000. i Novih sedam putova/Seven New Ways, Zagreb, 2003.Darko Plažanin umro je u Zagrebu 19. siječnja 2009. godine. Postumno mu je objavljena zbirka svakidašnji put/
Everyday Path.
Born in Pakrac on August 30th 1957. He died on January 19th, 2009 in Samobor. He lived in Samobor and worked in Zagreb. He wrote haiku longer than a quarter of a century and published in many domestic and foreign reviews, journals, anthologies and on the Internet. His haiku verses have been, among others, translated into Japanese, English, German, French, Hungarian, Romanian, Flemish and Irish languages. He is among the most represented Croatian haiku poets abroad.
For his haiku he received numerous awards and was commended repeatedly. At an International Haiku Contest in Japan, on the occasion of the Day of Japanese Culture, he received the Grand Prix of Japan with an invitation to attend the awards. As a member of Matica hrvatska Samobor, he was the organizer of Samobor haiku meetings and the editor of the miscellany of these yearly haiku encounters. He was a member of the editorial staff of several haiku publications and was among the founders of Croatian haiku societies in the past and is a selector at domestic haiku contests.
He published three independent haiku collections: Murmur of the Water, 1989; The Every Day Road, 1990 and Samobor, 1995. He is among the authors in the common bilingual, Croatian/English haiku collection Sedam putova/ Seven Ways, Zagreb, 2000. and Novih sedam putova/Seven New Ways, Zagreb, 2003 both edited by Duško Matas.
Darko Plažanin died in Zagreb on January 19th 2009. His haiku collection Svakidašnji put/Everyday Path was published after his death.
1. drvored uz put
u svakoj krošnji sja
pun mjesec
path by the woods
in every treetop the shining
full Moon
2 nakon oluje
dječak briše nebo
sa stolova
after the storm
a boy wipes the sky
* from the tables
3. svaka pahulja
svojim putem u
istu bjelinu
each snowflake
flies its own way into
the same whiteness
4. doziva dan
iz dubine noći
calling for the day
from the deep of night
the rooster
5. planinski put
iz neba silazi
u more
a mountain path
descending from the sky
into the sea
6. valovi
na obalu donose
dječji smijeh
the waves
bringing to the shore
children’s laughter
7. gleda u nebo
razbijena pogleda
podrumski prozor
looking at the sky
with a broken gaze
the cellar window
8. na tom ledu
i sunce
se poskliznulo
on that ice
even the Sun
has skidded
9. panj višnje
granaju se sjećanja
a sour-cherry stump
the memories of childhood
shoot into branches
10. mjesečina
pala do dna
duboke noći
the moonlight
fell to the bottom
of the deep night
11. u bonaci
jedna o drugu maze se
male barke
dead calm
fondling each other
the small boats
12. rascvala trešnja
jedna grana skriva
cijeli grad
blossoming cherry
one bough hiding
the whole town
13. iz otkosa trave
izviruje osmijeh
from the swath
the peeping smile
of a daisy
14. neznani portret
kroz prozor promatra
šetače na rivi
an unknown portrait
watching through the window
strollers on the beach
15. jedino vjetar
prolazi preko
minskog polja
only the wind
going over
the mine field
16. iznad pisama
današnje novine
s krvavim vijestima
over the letters
today’s newspaper
with bloody news
17. šum rijeke
niz vodu nosi
pjesmu cvrčka
rustle of the river
carrying down the stream
a cricket’s chirping
18. ispunio
prazne krošnje u vrtu
jedan cvrkut
empty tree-tops in the garden
a lone warble
19. starac
klima glavom
svemu što vidi
an old man
nodding with his head
to everything he sees
20. iz krošnje bora
za vjetrom poleti
snježni oblak
after the wind
a snowy cloud soars up
from a pine treetop
21. staza niz brijeg
posuta mirisom
šljivina cvijeta
path down the hill
sprinkled by the fragrance
of the plum blossoms
22. ptičje gnijezdo
četiri mala oka
zajedno šute
a bird’s nest
four tiny eyes
silent together
23. skakuće
po bijelom zidu kuće
sjena vrapca
over a house’s white wall
a sparrow’s shadow
24. mačka s prozora
pogledom lovi
sjenu u travi
a cat by the window
her eyes catching
a shadow in the grass
25. razbudili se
tek u jutarnoj rosi
nožni prsti
the toes
waking up barely
in the morning dew
26. mjesečina
smrznute sjene
frozen shadows
are at rest
27. utopio se
u tišini mora
zvon zvonika
ringing of church bells
sank into the silence
of the sea
28. raspršene
po površini mjeseca
iglice bora
across the moon’s surface
needles of the pine
29. žmirkajući
preleti kroz maglu
jutarnje sunce
the morning sun flies
through the fog
30. u golom grmlju
gola ljubav
in bare bushes
the naked love
of the sparrows
* Grand Prix na japanskom međunarodnom haiku natječaju Fetivala kulture 1990.
1-2. William J. Higginson: Haiku World, An International Poetry Almanac 1996;
3. Knots, The anthology of southeastern European Haiku Poetry, 1999;
3. International Ashiya Haiku Competition 2001 nagrada/Award;
4. Kloštar Ivanić Haiku Contest, hrvatski standard/Croatian language category 2004 - 3. nagrada/3rd Prize;
5. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 1998;
6. http://www.mahoroba.ne.jp/~kuni_san/haiga_gallery/hai_jin44/plazanin1.html;
7. Letni časi No. 20/21 Ljubljana 2004;
8-9. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2002;
10. Haiku No. 2, Zagreb 1996;
12. Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, Highly Commended Haiku 2006 (http://www.vcbf.ca/qs/page/3584/3019/-1);
13. Pri Svetem Mihalu, 14. zbornik pjesama samoborskih pjesnika Matica hrvatska, ogranak Samobor, 2005;
14. Letni časi, No 24/25 Ljubljana 2004;
15. http://www.haiku-hia.com/nyusen_jp04.html - počasno priznanje/Honorable Mention;
16. Haiku iz rata/War Haiku, HHP, Samobor 1995 by Marijan Čekolj;
17-18. Novih sedam putova/Seven New Ways, Zagreb 2003 edited by Duško Matas;
19. Otvoren put / Free Road: Antologija hrvatske haiku poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology, HHD Samobor 1999 by Marijan Čekolj
and Marinko Španović;
20. Haiku Calendar/Rokovnik Ludbreg 2001;
21. Haiku-zbornik Ludbreg 1999/Miscellany of Ludbreg Haiku Meeting 1999;
22-23. Vrabac/Sparrow, Antologija hrvatske haiku poezije/Croatian Haiku anthology 1990-2005 by Marijan Čekolj;
24. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2005;
25-26. Zbornik samoborskih haiku-susreta/Samobor Haiku Meeting Miscellany 2004;
27-28. Haiku u Dalmaciji, izbor-eseji, Podstrana 2001. by Zlatko I. Juras;
29. Haiku No. 4 Zagreb 1996;
30. Vrabac/Sparrow No. 27-30 Samobor 1999-2000.
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