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Član indigodaniel







Ljubavna kartica - DOGODIT ĆE SE SADA!

Ljubavna kartica - DOGODIT ĆE SE SADA!
Oslobođenjem iz uvjetovanosti i okova uma, srce se budi.


Vezanost za ljubavni odnos (moram to imati kako bih bio sretan i potpun) potiče iščekivanje, idealiziranje i maštanje. Time to držiš van sebe, to je tamo negdje, to treba pronaći. Po samoj definiciji, to što želiš je tebi trenutno nedostupno.

Što više idealiziraš druge ljude, time ih stavljaš na viši, sebi neravnopravan tron. Dajući odnosu preveliku vrijednost, činiš ga nedohvatljivim i neostvarivim. Sama potraga, dakle, podrazumijeva odsustvo traženog i cijelo tvoje biće tada vibrira neispunjenošću. Tvoj um je taj koji kreira odgodu, to moras shvatiti.

Po uzročno-posljedičnom zakonu tvoja vibracija kreira tvoju realnost. Osjećaj ja to nemam se direktno manifestira, a ti čak ni ne shvaćaš da je to tvoj odabir. Jer tvoja vibracija je tvoja odgovornost.

Postani svjestan sebe, centriraj se u točki ovdje i sada, promatraj svoje misli i emocije kao nešto sa strane. One jesu dio tebe, ali nisu ti.

Što je više moguće prebivaj u sadašnjem trenutku, prihvati ono što trenutno jest. Tek tada počinje čarolija - sve ono što želiš i tražiš napokon dobiva priliku da ti pristupi, da ti se obznani i materijalizira.

Oslobođenjem iz uvjetovanosti i okova uma, srce se budi.


Uvodna slika:  pixabay.com




  • 28.05.2019. 12:36h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0


    ......ili šta ako naš "svemirski Program" ima za Glavni cilj uspostavljanje potpune Kontrole a gdje če nas onda naši "Spasitelji" nadgledati "kroz oči Predatora"!?

    Šta ako ako i nebi bilo tih nekoliko Piromana jer mi bismo ih sami stvorili ili i postali piromani ukoliko imamo za cilj uspostavljanje Mreže dronova i u službi Geostrateških igara?!

    Šta če se dogoditi kada Plankton nadomijestimo Plastikom i hoče li kitovi biti mrtvi a mi kitovani?

    Šta znači intervenirati u "eko-sustav" kao "samosvijestan egoist" i kakve veze to ima porastom depresije i gutanjem tableta za smirenje?

    Šta bi se sada nas ticalo kao neko "redukovano parče mesa" gdje to živimo da ne Živimo ili bi reka general mladiću "nemoj ti meni da misliš jer i tko si ti da mislišš"!

    Šta ako nas birokrati i nebi mogli parcelisati kao "energetske sonde koje je stvorio svemir da bi pomoču njih postao svijestan sebe"?

    Šta ako je samovažnost samovažeča jer posijeduje dozvolu za ubojstvo pa i u ime boga ili i baš kao i kada mi koljemo jaganjce u ime turističke promiđbe oli i vračanja vanjskog duga po nepovratnoj glavnici?

    *On one occasion, in response to a request, doña Silvia brought out her calendar rings from the trunk where she kept them and explained their function and meaning: “The largest circle is the universe around us. It represents the great spiral of evolution in which we find ourselves and which perpetually turns back on itself. The things that once were will come to pass again. Because of that, you can predict the future relatively easily. In truth, there is very little new under the sun. The smaller circle inside is the space where things interconnect. That is where we move, do battle and have our successes and failures. That space was created by the gods who sacrificed themselves to provide an example, a path for us to follow. That is why that space is filled with clouds and rays of sunshine: that is to say, with struggles and rewards. In the centre is the face of the Sun. His tongue hanging out symbolically represents the engine of the universe. It is the centre of everything. It is not the physical sun we see every day, but the spiritual sun, the spark of life that animates everything. Through his mouth we can enter the other world. Knife-like, his tongue at the entrance is a warning to those who desire knowledge but do not have a pure heart." Then she explained the meaning of each of the twenty symbols and said: "You should know that absolutely everything that exists in the universe is interconnected, be it visible or invisible. If not a single grain of sand moves without affecting other things, imagine then the effect produced by the sun, the moon and the planets. That is why the ancients looked so carefully at the sky. They concentrated on the movement of stars because there they found the answers to their questions. They saw the movement of the universe as a cosmic dance which communicated with us through the language of rhythm, proportion and harmony. Our forefathers were very patient. They gazed again and again at the ebb and flow of things, and noticed secret relationships between them. They knew they had to ask the right questions to get correct answers from what they observed. They were not crazy like the modern man who sees himself as the centre of all that exists, so that wherever they look, people only see their own reflections. Our ancestors saw themselves and the things around them in proper perspective. They discovered that the land on which they placed their feet was but a small part of a giant being aware of itself. We learned from them that it is possible to contact that awareness. They also taught that it is possible to hook up to a ray of light, whether it comes from the moon or from the farthest stars. Hooked up like that, one can travel to those places. Our ancestors were aware that Earth was much more than just a rock floating in space, and that Sun was much more than a ball of fire. They knew that all the stars were sentient beings because they actually communicated with them: they asked the stars what they wanted to know, and the stars told them. One would be crazy to turn against the universe. When someone acts contrary to its cycle, problems arise: diseases, madness, rages, sorrows. Learning the art of healing, one learns to flow with everything that surrounds him. That is the true teaching; all else – the knowledge of the man of reason – is useless because it doesn’t teach the main thing, which is unity with everything.” Doña Silvia explained that the dance of the stars generated different vibrations, and that each of us was imprinted with a specific vibration at birth. That imprint really influenced our lives.
    "That is why we all fall into one or the other of the categories that exist on the wheel of destiny. What, haven’t you noticed how people form groups, classes and subclasses? Humans share tastes, inclinations, and even physical characteristics. That is due to the vibrations that marked us." Doña Silvia gave us lessons on the alleged similarities between facial types, hands, eyes, and other body parts in people. She explained that these similarities had a decisive influence on people’s characters and lives. When asked why healers sought that kind of knowledge so avidly, she replied, “By knowing the harmonic vibration related to them, warriors do their utmost to resonate in unison with that vibration. That is how one achieves completeness as a human being.”*

    **He began by saying that the concheros’[25] war with religion was still not finished and that every year they performed the same dances in front of churches as a reminder that, even though they had robbed the Indian of his lands, the invaders had not yet succeeded in controlling his spirit. The outcome of the battle was thus still undecided and the war was continuing. He said: “Due to the rigours of the period, at the time of the conquest the survivors allied with the Catholic Church and, by that act most likely saved thousands of lives. It was the church that gave Indians refuge from the indiscriminate slaughter by the conquistadors. The reason why our ancestors decided to pursue that strategy was because it had been their custom to flow with the energy for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years and they were not willing to abandon their traditions that easily. They adopted religion, then, as a way of carrying on with their customs and passed it on to us, but it doesn’t hinder our practices at all. On the contrary, it complements them.” I commented: “I thought it was the other way round; I believed that by joining religion the Indians lost their roots.” “Not at all,” don Melchor said. “The evidence that their strategy was successful is that even today you can see dancers at every religious festival in Mexico.” “Does that mean that all those dancers are sorcerers?” I asked. He shook his head slowly with an air of sadness and replied: "No, that’s not what I wanted to say. Unfortunately, almost all the ones I know have lost the way and know very little of what they‘re talking about. There are however some who have kept the knowledge intact.**

    Aport is *** parametri uobičajene percepcije su nametnuti kao deo socijalizacije, ne u potpunosti
    svojevoljno već i pod prinudom. Jedno vidjenje ovih prinudnih parametara je sistem tumačenja koji čulne podatke prerađuju u smislene jedinice i ureduje odnose među Ijudima u vidu strukture tumačenja. Naša normalna percepcija unutar uredenih društvenih odnosa zahteva slepu i vernu povezanost sa svim predmetima percepcije, od kojih ni jedan ne pruža mogućnost za neposrednom percepcijom energije.  Da bi se ostvario poduhvat uzdizanja percepcije, potrebna nam je unutrašnja energija. Stoga, problem da se unutrašnja energija učini dostupnom za postizanje ovakvog cilja postaje ključno pitanje ***

    Ili "k nozi" = *It is the centre of everything. It is not the physical sun we see every day, but the spiritual sun, the spark of life that animates everything. Through his mouth we can enter the other world. Knife-like, his tongue at the entrance is a warning to those who desire knowledge but do not have a pure heart."*???

  • 28.05.2019. 12:55h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Sumrak idola.....

    "!o'O!" = *"You should know that absolutely everything that exists in the universe is interconnected, be it visible or invisible. If not a single grain of sand moves without affecting other things, imagine then the effect produced by the sun, the moon and the planets. That is why the ancients looked so carefully at the sky. They concentrated on the movement of stars because there they found the answers to their questions. They saw the movement of the universe as a cosmic dance which communicated with us through the language of rhythm, proportion and harmony.*

    Dakle i naši bi se "svrakopisi" mogli podvoditi pod:Svaki tvoj postupak izaziva lavinu u beskonačnosti!?

    Tako da bi nas mogla zatrpati i gomila misli a po "istomišljenicima" tojest i pokopati "zakon linča" jer socijalizacija je uvijek gladna ili i ima neizrecive zahtijeve?!

    Također bi i za ono "biti dostupan kada živoder hvata pse" trebalo imati vrhunsku ravnodušnost jer to znači kao da jedrimo na dasci ili i brodu dok se ostali utapaju???

    .....ili "mjere spoznaje":*»Nemoj se diviti ljudima izdaleka«, reče. »Na taj se način najlakše stvaraju mitska bića. Približi se svojem profesoru, razgovaraj s njime, vidi kakav je čovjek. Iskušaj ga. Ako je ponašanje tvojeg profesora rezultat njegova vjerovanja da je on biće koje će umrijeti, onda je sve što radi, ma koliko se to činilo čudnim, zasigurno promišljeno i utemeljeno. Ako se pokaže da su njegove izjave samo prazne riječi, onda ne vrijedi ni pišljiva boba.«*??


Član indigodanielMerlin5 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana indigodaniel dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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