Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član karlo







OD 14.01.2018.


Prignuh koljeno pred prirodom i stavih u korice ovaj višegodišnji uradak: naprosto sam odlučio sebi (za života) pokloniti zapisane trenutke neizmjernog ali prohujalog zadovoljstva traganja i oduševljenja pronalaženja・c

Karlo Šoštarić


(izvori/grana, objavljeni radovi, rukopis i drugi zapisi)

Korijen za prirodu je priroda sama;

Ključ za pojave je fenomen zavojnice ili spirale.

Istraživanje počinje čunenjem・c.

Prignuh koljeno pred prirodom i stavih u korice ovaj višegodišnji uradak: naprosto sam odlučio sebi (za života) pokloniti zapisane trenutke neizmjernog ali prohujalog zadovoljstva traganja i oduševljenja pronalaženja・c

Naime, svaki daljnji pokušaj praćenja tunih, ali meni bliskih dostignuća, postaje nemoguća misija, od mene ti izvori odlaze ・ gotovo brzinom svjetlosti.

No, čini mi se da pisana riječ traži čitatelja. Možda će jednom ovo prepoznati moja unučad, ili netko drugi. Ustvari, gotovo da ovdje i nema autorskih tekstova! Večina je završila negdje u bespučima blogova interneta. U traganju za dokazima shvatio sam da ih imam dovoljno, te sam neke vizije pretočio i u - pjesme.

Ostatak čine izvorni tekstovi na engleskom i ・ likovni materijali, bezbroj ilustracija.

Vlastiti rukopisi i zapisi su još negdje na policama, na drugom čitanju・c. Možda će doprijeti do nekog izdavača.

Stvarno, kome to treba?

2011. g.



Umjesto uvoda…

Ovo nije knjiga, stoga započinjem nekim od markantnih ilustracija posljednjih istraživanja:

U Zagrebu „epidemija・ zavojnice ili spirale

(snimio: K.Š.)


Pogledah u svemir ・ galaksija Andromeda se smije・c

Spirala smrti

(Artist's depiction of death spiral in binary star system-altenergystocks.com)

Vrtloženje (vortex)

Geochronology is the science of determining the age of rocks, fossils, and sediments, within a certain degree of uncertainty inherent to the method used.



Schematic view of RNA and pRNA backbone (red) structure. Due to the 6-ring in the backbone, pRNA forms a more straight, alternating chain with valence angles close to the tetrahedron angle (109.47・・) and shows less pronounced helicity, compared to RNAAs a consequence, the helicity of pRNA double helices is very shallow・c1

Ileus - torzija ili zapletaj crijeva2

Spirulina, a spiral shaped, microscopic, fresh water plant, containing one of the richest concentrations of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain, or herb. It has an excellent balance of nutrients including chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals, unique phytonutrients, and all the essential amino acids. Spirulina is low in calories and fat and is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids, so it is perfect for vegetarians.

1 A self-associating system like the pRNA conjugates described above offers a very elegant way of forming supermolecules in a well-defined manner. It can be seen as a mounting base for a large variety of structural classes. Advantages for medicinal chemistry are emerging. However, there is no obvious reason that such dynamical supramolecular systems could not be used successfully in other areas like, e.g. material sciences, molecular electronics, or catalysis. Izvor: www.beilsteininstitut.


2 Medicinska enciklopedija, JLZ ・MK・, Zagreb, 1968., str. 377.


Each human organism begins as a single cell・the fertilized egg, no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. It becomes two cells, then four, then eight, and so on. As cells grow and multiply, they take on special roles that fit into four broad categories. For example, some cells develop force and movement. These are muscle cells, able to adapt flexibly to stress. Cells called neurons3 It usually takes the shape of a double helix (a pair of spirals).


Vrtloženje krvi

Blood Vortex http://ma-wallpapers.blogspot.com/2011/05/blood-vortex-abstract-wallpaper-by.html

3 www.humanillnesses.com/original/A-As/The-Huma.

4 This outstanding resource provides a comprehensive guide to intracardiac blood flow phenomena and cardiac hemodynamics, including the developmental history, theoretical frameworks, computational fluid dynamics, and practical applications for clinical cardiology, cardiac imaging and embryology. It is not a mere compilation of the most up-to-date scientific data and relevant concepts. Rather, it is an integrated educational means to developing pluridisciplinary background, knowledge, and understanding. Such understanding allows an appreciation of the crucial, albeit heretofore generally unappreciated, importance of intracardiac blood flow phenomena in a host of multifaceted functional and morphogenetic cardiac adaptations.

Izvor: www.amazon.com/.../dp/1607950332


Možda su me, na samo Silvestrovo 2011. g, najviše razveselila dva posljednja članka ovog uvoda, spirala (helix) i torzija su naprosto „pupčano・ vezani:

1. The geometry of helical tubes with circular cross sections. (A) In the curvature・torsion plane, helices are in contact at the boundary between the clear and opaque region. (B) The helix H 0 corresponds to a helical tube with self-penetration while H 1 and H 2 are in self-contact. The configuration H 0 is the stress-free configuration for the elastic energy W 1 = u 1 2 + (u 2 − 9/10)2 + 3/4(u 3 − 2/10)2 when selfavoidance is not taken into account. Helical configurations H 1 and H 2 are two minimum energy configurations of oppositehandedness respecting self-avoidance. For reasons of geometric clarity, the point H 0 has been chosen comparatively close to the boundary κ = 1 where for some materials the validity of a rod model might already be considered questionable, but the same geometric phenomena persist for choices of H 0 arbitrarily close to the origin.5

2. Geometry of the wing and a primary wing feather of a bird in flight as examples of structures subjected to combined bending and torsional torques during locomotion6.

Shvatih, istraživanju nije kraj. I・c nisam sam.

Zagreb, 31. 12. 2011.

5 http://www.pnas.org/content/103/25/9398/F3.expansion.html

6 http://jeb.biologists.org/content/213/16/2873/F3.expansion.html


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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