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Član damanhur







OD 14.01.2018.

Damanhur Newsletter: ReAwakening with a New Name and a Free Book

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Cooking up  breakfastAccept an Invitation this Spring

Spring has returned! It may not always be that warm out and the rain is unpredictable, yet without a doubt you can feel the energy of spring arriving. That energy is pushing us to reawaken: embrace it -- accept its invitation to renew.

This leads us to the active meditation we want to propose to you this month: accept an invitation from someone. It’ll happen that someone near you, a friend, a colleague, or maybe even someone completely unknown, will look to you and invite you to go on a trip, to an unexpected dinner, to new work, to chit-chat, to a show...

Accept the invitation. Be available and go to any event, big or small, that breaks your daily routine. Find the time to do it, to live this experience – something you may not have given time and space to in the past – as a sign of newness, as a gesture of internal renewal, to give new light to your personal spring. What's important is not the type of invitation, but the the way in which you accept it!

For those of you that follow us from the other side of the world, where autumn has just started, the meditation we propose is identical. Every moment is a good time to accept an invitation, when you feel the renewal of spring within.

Win a Free Book from Damanhur!


Spirals of EnergyTo celebrate and thank all of you who are building a better world with us in a growing network of community action and inspiration, we're holding a contest and giving away a copy of the book Spirals of Energy: The Ancient Art of Selfica!

To show our gratitude, everyone who enters the contest will receive a free PDF copy of A Day in the Life in Damanhur, a tale of 24 hours in the life of a Damanhur citizen.

Contest deadline: April 30, 2014

It's easy to enter! Just two steps...stay connected and deepen your connection with Damanhur by taking these actions by April 30th:

Comment on the Damanhur Blog OR the Damanhur Facebook page. Comments help us stay in tune with what is meaningful to you and offer the best of our experience and stories through social networks.

a. Comment on the Damanhur Blog (no account required)

Click on the link: www.damanhurblog.com
Read and comment on any article, including your name and email address.
Include "#bookcontest" in your comment.


b. Comment on the Damanhur Facebook page (Facebook account required)

Click on the link: www.facebook.com/Damanhur.ms
"Like" the page if you haven't already.
Comment on any post including including "#bookcontest" in your comment. Include your email address if you wish to receive the PDF.

Everyone who does this will be entered in the contest and receive A Day in the Life in Damanhur in PDF by email. We'll choose a winner for the book Spirals of Energy: The Ancient Art of Selfica after the April 30 deadline and announce the winner in our May Newsletter.

Good luck! Thanks for participating and being a part of our extended community of active dreamers!



When I paint Sacred Language symbols on silk

Can fashion bring you closer to divinity?

Handpainted silk fashions by Damanhurian artist Aythya Pimpinella tell a story of sacred beauty and aeshtetics.

Click here to see and read her reflections on expressing Damanhurian spiritual vision through the fashion she designs and paints by hand.



Learn how to awaken the Inner Artist

For a comprehensive, hands-on exploration of the Damanhurian approach to living a life of art and beauty: Damanhurian Art School

pig out of forest 2


Friendly Quokka

Argan Tree











We've been living the Game of Life intensely over these last few weeks.

The Game of Life, the Damanhurian body dedicated to movement, research, creativity, and, of course, to the Viaggio (journey) and animal and plant names, colors our everyday life. About a dozen Damanhurians have been traveling in the campers to Damanhurian centers around Europe, from Zagreb to Vienna, picking up new travelers in every stop to create a large caravan.

Meanwhile at Damanhur, many new spirals are “blossoming” in our nucleo territories, to better connect with the Sacred Woods and its energy. The enthusiasm of conquering new spirals and labyrinths encourages the conquering of new animal and plant names by so many. Help us congratulate everyone:

New Animal Names
Balena (Whale)
Tucano (Toucan)
Capriolo (Roe Deer)
Chiocciola (Snail)
Colombaccio (Wood Pigeon)
Inia (Amazon River Dolphin)
Manul (Pallas’s Cat)
Markhor (a wild goat)
Taipan (a snake)
Amba (Snow Tiger)
Saola (Ox)
Quokka (Quokka)
Gattopardo (Tiger Cat)
Okapi (Okapi)
Maiale (Pig)
Grizzly (Grizzly)
Mangusta (Mongoose)
Rusa (a deer)
Torpedine (Electric Ray)
Bertuccia (Macaque Monkey)
Labrador (Labrador)
Bradipo (Sloth)

New Plant Names
Artemia salina Nigella (Brine Shrimp Nigella)
Chrysoperla Quinoa (Green Lacewing Quinoa)
Geco Lupino (Gecko Lupine)
Lodolaio Melone (Hobby Melon)
Nausica Cima di rapa (Nausica Turnip Tops)
Sparviero Sughero (Sparrowhawk Cork Tree)
Allocco Tagete (Tawny Owl Marigold)
Razza Spirulina (Ray Spirulina)
Colibrì Argan (Hummingbird Argan)
Faraona Cicoria (Guinea-Fowl Chicory)
Serpentario Malva (Secretarybird Mallow)
Hobbit Margherita (Hobbit Daisy)
Saturnia Agave (Saturnia Agave)
Wapiti Azalea (Elk Azalea)
Indri Maracuja (Indri Passionfruit)
Grillo Pino (Cricket Pine)
Ragno Lattuga (Spider Lettuce)
Muflone Maggiociondolo (Mouflon Golden Rain)
Seppia Gelsomino (Cuttlefish Jasmin)

Fenicottero Lino (Flamingo Flax)
Anemone di mare Centella (Sea Anemone Centella)
Martora Enotera (Marten Evening Primrose)
Talpa Iris (Mole Iris)
Centauro Cembro (Centaur Swiss Pine)
Drago volante Ebano (Flying Dragon Ebony)
Orca marina Aquilegia (Killer Whale Columbine)
Cincillà Ajucca (Chinchilla Ajucca)
Pavone Ribes (Peacock Currant)
Pegaso Trifoglio (Pegasus Clover)
Lince Prunella (Lynx Prunella)
Zebù Crescione (Humped Cattle Cress)
Cinciallegra Ortensia (Great Tit Hydrangea)
Quaglia Cocco (Quail Coconut)
Fagiano Lycis (Pheasant Lychee)
Giabirù Tuja (Jabiru Thuja)
Scimpazè Posidonia (Chimpanzee Posidonia)
Alcedo Liana (Kingfisher Liana)
Usignolo Camelia (Nightingale Camellia)
Merluzzo Cardamomo (Codfish Cardamom)
Astice Gingko biloba (Lobster Ginkgo Biloba)
Pitone Rosa (Python Rose)
Poiana Issopo (Buzzard Hyssop)
Quetzal Tiglio (Quetzal Linden)
Upupa Acetosella (Hoopoe Sorrel)
Alice di mare Narciso (Anchovy Daffodil)
Albatros Finferlo (Albatross Chanterelle)
Amadriade Lunaria (Hamadryas Baboon Lunaria)
Basilisco Genepy (Basilisk Genepy)
Biancone Leccio (Snake Eagle Holly Oak)
Bucero Porro (Hornbill Leek)
Calabrone Farro (Bumblebee Spelt)
Caribù Sorbo (Caribou Sorbus)
Chiurlo Cipresso (Curlew Cypress)
Cuculo Ontano (Cuckoo Alder)
Kiwi Henné (Kiwi Henna)
Lama Ranuncolo (Llama Buttercup)
Lepre Fico d’India (Hare Prickly Pear)
Margay Larice (Margay Larch)
Nyala Valeriana (Nyala Valerian)
Pulcinella di Mare Cece (Sea Puffin Chickpea)
Tritone Crisantemo (Newt Chrysanthemum)
Tursiope Erica (Bottlenose Dolphin Heather)

Damanhur is a collective dream transformed into reality
thanks to the creative power of positive thought

Damanhur Open TempleA Spiritual EcoCommunity nestled in the hills of Northern Italy that promotes a culture of peace and holistic sustainability through solidarity, respect for the environment, arts and education.


Life in Action - Action through Play - Play integrated into Life

Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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