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OD 14.01.2018.


Ključ uspjeha je biti siguran u sebe, jer vas i drugi vide kroz vašu percepciju. Znači ako vi samo sebe vidite kao atraktivnu, sposobnu i energičnu osobu, ostali vas vide na isti način.


Što je povjerenje u sebe ako ne onaj prekrasni osjećaj . . . samo je nebo moja granica! Dovoljno samopouzdanja je često odlučujući faktor za osigurati posao, dogovoriti poslovni sastanak ili za jednostavno pozvati nekog na spoj. Ključ uspjeha je biti siguran u sebe, jer vas i drugi vide kroz vašu percepciju. Znači ako vi samo sebe vidite kao atraktivnu, sposobnu i energičnu osobu, ostali vas vide na isti način.

Naravno da postoje i faktori izvan naše kontrole, ali isto tako postoje stvari koje možemo sami napraviti za povećanje našeg samopouzdanja. Samo treba slijediti ovih deset pravila ili savjeta, kako god hoćete!



Ne, to nije kliše. Vaš izgled je vama vrlo važan i ako se vi osjećate neprivlačno ili aljkavo, ostali će vas doživljavati na isti način. Treba se obući lijepo ali ne prenapadno. Obući odjeću u kojoj se ugodno i atraktivno osjećate. Ako ne možete sebi priuštiti skupu odjeću, kupite ipak nešto kvalitetno, jer takva odjeća dulje traje i daje bolji dojam.


Ljudi koji su samouvjereni hodaju brzo i energično, jer se oni osjećaju dovoljno važno da požure s jednog mjesta na drugo. Čekaju ih ljudi s kojima se trebaju sastati, na mnoga mjesta doći, te općenito imaju puni dnevni red. Dakle, čak i ako ste u žurbi, dodajte malo sprinta na uobičajeni hod i odmah se osjećate vrlo sigurni i efikasni.


Sjetite se dana kada su nas naše bake korile "Stani uspravno a ne tako spuštenih ramena, uspravi se"!  Pa, one su imale dobar razlog da to govore. Osoba bez samopouzdanja se može uočiti kilometar daleko zbog načina na koji se oni drže – spuštenog pogleda, nekako stisnuti, vuku nogu za nogom, prilično je očito da oni ne vide nikakvu važnost u onome što rade.


Ne doslovno, naravno. Snimiti  ili napisati mali govor o svojim pozitivnim atributima i čitati ga ili slušati, kad god  se osjećate depresivno ili bez sigurnosti. To je odličan način da sebi  pojačate povjerenje i samopouzdanje.


Što više razmišljate o tome što nemate, manje ste uvjereni da ćete to ikad ostvariti. Umjesto toga, uvijek se usredotočite na ono što imate, pozitivne strane vašeg izgleda, karaktera i sposobnosti. Osjetite zahvalnost prema onome što ste dobili i što možete postići.


Mi imamo tendenciju da se projiciramo naše negativne osjećaje prema samom sebi kroz vrijeđanje drugih i tračanje o njima. Odbijte sudjelovati u takvim razgovorima i umjesto toga, počnite hvaliti sve dobro o bilo kojoj osobi. Kada ste u potrazi za najboljim u drugima,  postupno ćete moći sve više vidjeti najbolje u sebi .


Bilo da ste na predavanju, konferenciji ili čak u crkvi, ako imate tendenciju da sjednete odostraga , vi se bojite da će biti primijećeni. To je neutemeljeni strah, skupite hrabrost i slobodno sjednite u prve redove.


Skrivati se kao miš u razgovorima? Ne, pridružite se razgovoru, govorite. Za razliku od onog što vjerujete, nećete reći ništa glupo. Većina ljudi ratuje s strahom od javnog govorenja - bježanje  od problema samo nagomilava nove strahove. Učestvovanjem u razgovoru stječete pouzdanje u sebe, a to uvijek  pridonosi povećanju vaše vjere u vaše sposobnosti.


Povećajte svoju energiju vježbajući najmanje tri puta tjedno. Svaka forma vježbanja proizvodi biokemijske promjene u vašem tijelu koje jačaju raspoloženje i samopouzdanje. To će vam dati energiju i "Dobro izgledam" samopouzdanje, tako da se možete suočiti sa svijetom visoko podignute glave.


Prečesto smo kao ljudi skloni valjanju u samosažaljenju. Ali  koncentrirajući se na pomaganje drugima i kad uočimo razlike između svog i tuđih života, prvo imamo manje vremena za razmišljanje o svojim problemima, a zatim nam se ni ne čine tako teški kao prije, što pak pomaže u izgradnji povjerenja u sebe i svoje odluke.




  • 21.11.2014. 16:11h

    Član srceMerlin4

  • 18.08.2017. 13:05h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "Poglavito" po glavi stanovnika....

    ....i onda če jedni eksplodirati a pojedini i implodirati!?

    Ili ako bi bilo od suštinske važnosti proučavato OnO što čarobnjaci Vide?

    ** The Rule for the Circular Parties of Warriors **

    On one occasion I accompanied don Melchor on a trip to Mexico City to deliver a small sack
    containing a rare medicinal herb he had been keeping for a friend, a Sonora Market trader.
    From there, we walked through the streets of the city centre to visit the pyramid of Tlaloc, the
    god of rain and hurricanes, located within an underground station.
    Amid the bustling river of people which flowed in waves, we came to the sacred place of
    the ancients. Don Melchor showed me symbols on the monument which I would never have
    noticed without his help and explained that what we were looking at was just the top of the
    pyramid and that its body remained buried under the structure of the station.
    “What does it mean?” I asked
    "The serpent that encircles the pyramid corresponds to the element water. The fourpointed pyramid means the element earth. The round structure that is located at the top
    corresponds to the element air and the roof, which was usually a flimsy structure built of sticks
    and straw, relates to the element fire.”
    There, on the spot and in the midst of the crowd, he explained that only the apex of this
    pyramid was round. Answering my question, he said that few round-topped pyramids remained
    in existence, but that there were still sorcerers who followed practices associated with them.
    From there we walked through a long tunnel with its book market until we got to the
    Zócalo where we visited the sculpture of Coyolxauhqui. Don Melchor said that the stone, upon
    which maidens used to be dismembered, was the symbol of death.
    I did not know if that was true or not, but I felt the panic of those girls in the pit of my
    stomach. In my imagination, I could see what used to happen in that place. I told don Melchor
    that I wanted to get out of there. He agreed, and said that I was open enough for what was
    coming next.
    I wanted to know what he meant, but he put a finger to his lips to indicate we should be
    silent. He pointed at something in the sky high above the cathedral. At first I saw nothing, but
    then something adjusted itself and my eyes took in what he was indicating. It was a black
    shadow of deformed and sinister appearance, floating like a giant balloon over the buildings.
    I immediately grabbed don Melchor’s arm. He told me to calm down and not show fear or
    surprise. He called it 'the shadow', but I knew what it was I was seeing. That ‘shadow’, as he
    referred to it, was neither more nor less than one of the flyers Carlos Castaneda spoke about.
    That was the first time I had ever seen one. Trembling from head to toe, I felt nauseated
    and vomited. Don Melchor kindly took care of me, and said I still wasn’t ready.
    I asked, “Not ready for what?”
    “For what will come later,” he answered and laughed as if he had beaten me at a game.
    Later, he told me, "Each lineage is seeking its own way to freedom; that is the real goal. To
    reach it, the Nagual uses all available resources.
    If it were not for self-importance, following the Nagual would be child’s play. All it really
    takes is love of freedom, and willingness to do anything to achieve it."
    Long after that visit to the Zócalo, don Melchor took me to the pyramid of Cuicuilco,
    which is also in Mexico City, near the Ciudad Universitaria[30]. As we walked around this
    magnificent monument – one of the few existing circular pyramids – he told me:
    "This pyramid’s intent is dedicated to the warriors of the party of the Plumed Serpent."
    He said that I had faithfully followed the teachings and that my time had finally come: in
    his opinion I was ready for what was coming.
    “And what is it that’s coming, don Melchor?”
    "Knowledge is coming,” he replied, “and knowledge is power. If you manage to flow with
    the meaning of what I say, power will take you and it might happen that you’ll go on flowing with
    it, perhaps forever. If that happens, it will be possible for you to embark on your ultimate
    He said that place was, for the healers, the most sacred of all places. I asked him why.
    "Because this is where the intent of our ancestors is concentrated. This place is the
    symbol of our culture. The intent of thousands of sorcerers who have followed the path of the
    Plumed Serpent is accumulated here.
    This is, therefore, the appropriate place for me to pass on to you the knowledge that you
    have been waiting for so long. In fact, all the healers of the tradition of the Serpent come to this
    place to receive and transmit that knowledge. It is possible that one day you yourself will come
    here to communicate it to someone else. If you like, you can call this an academic tradition.
    To achieve their goals, warriors obey the Rule of the Nagual which is not a set of laws
    created by men, but rather structures of power obtained by means of seeing."
    “When did the Rule begin? Who discovered it?”
    "The seers of antiquity, seeking to establish order in the chaos they were seeing, agreed
    it was necessary to organize groups of warriors according to the order that forms the structure of
    the universe itself.
    Through their seeing, they examined the structure that supports the universe. They
    discovered that the energy patterns of Eagle’s emanations generate geometric forms that
    spontaneously bunch together into clusters which integrate all the elements we perceive as our
    known world. That is exactly what those groupings of energy are: energy clusters that we, after
    a long process of skimming, perceive as the physical world.
    The seers, then, copied the design of the structures they saw and established warrior
    parties based on their visions. For its solidity, the pyramid structure was chosen for warrior
    parties which from then on adopted the way of the four cardinal directions. Organised thus, they
    managed to survive for many thousands of years.
    As I’ve already explained, simultaneously with the attempt at pyramidal parties, some
    groups of seers opted for the circular form.
    Our tradition says that the seers of antiquity saw that the structure of the universe was
    originally circular, or rather that it was a sphere the structure of which was maintained by
    pyramidal patterns in such a way that the entire universe with its billions of galaxies was
    contained within a single gigantic bubble criss-crossed by myriads of light rays. Those rays
    intersected and formed an infinite number of pyramidal patterns.
    After analysing their visions, the Ticis decided not to copy the basic structure of a
    pyramid, but rather the overall structure of the universe that gives existence to all other
    That was how the first attempts to organize circular warrior parties began. They are
    actually spherical: conglomerates of warriors with the Nagual pair in the centre, those parties
    are more like bubbles of awareness floating in eternity.
    The initial intent of those ancient warriors was to join their extreme points. They became
    a mystery even to the sorcerers of the pyramids who were increasingly becoming interested in
    worldly rule over their peers rather than in the quest for freedom.” .....*

    ** Part Five: Transmutations **

    On one occasion, at the time when I could already feel the effects of the teachings, I had to
    spend a few days in the city. I stayed in an empty apartment which belonged to a friend of the
    healers, in a residential block.
    While I was there, I dreamed that I was a dog. I remember that I could feel my snout and
    my teeth in a totally realistic way. What surprised me most was my dog's vision. I saw
    everything blurred or distorted and without colour.
    In my dream as dog, I saw myself go up a staircase which looked like a mountain of
    steps before me. I passed through a metal door that was ajar; up there, I could sense the fresh
    air and see the sky.
    Suddenly, out of nowhere, an enormous dog appeared, furious and running towards me
    with the clear intention of attacking me. I ran away from him, jumped a low fence and fell into
    emptiness. In my dream, I saw the enormous dog that was chasing me jump the fence in my
    wake. In one last glimpse, I perceived his fright and heard him groan with regret for having had
    jumped, but it was already too late.
    I kept on seeing dream images pass in front of me at full speed. I grabbed onto one of
    them – it was my room in the healers’ house, and my bedroll – woke up and knew that I had
    been dreaming. I got up, went up the stairs leading to the roof of the building and looked for the
    banister. I could see that down below lay the neighbour’s Alasatian, dead.
    A few days later, after I had returned to the healers’ house, don Melchor took me to see a
    very special cave. The entrance seemed to lead to a tunnel and was completely circular. When
    we entered, everything became dark after just a few steps, and a little further on the darkness
    was total.
    It was then that I saw the energy of the Earth for the first time. After a spell of inner
    silence, in total darkness, I saw the whole cave ignite with brilliantly green colour, as if the walls
    were emitting a living greenish light resembling neon. I felt inundated by that light.
    The experience left me with a sensation of plenitude that lasted hours, so huge I did not
    even want to speak. Finally breaking the silence, don Melchor explained that we had been in
    the womb of our holy mother Earth.
    In the course of the conversation, I told him what had happened to me on my visit to
    Mexico City.
    He commented, mysteriously, that I was a proper diablero.
    My curiosity was aroused at once, and I asked him directly:
    “What is a diablero, don Melchor?”
    “It is a term used by the godfathers of the north. There are some people in our parts who
    use it, but it is more frequent up north. To understand this term, you need to know the history of
    our people, and particularly anything concerning the brotherhood of knowledge led by the
    In ancient times, after the arrival of the conquistadors, the Naguals had to conceal their
    practices from laymen and assassins. Our ancestors chose to join the religion brought by the
    white man. Some sorcerers, however, took the opposite direction, hid in remote places and
    adopted the name of diableros.
    They chose that name for the fear and respect it instilled in people, with the objective of
    keeping them at a distance. The diableros used the faith of the people to frighten them. It was
    an effective strategy that worked for centuries. Today hardly anyone uses it, but that does not
    mean diableros don’t exist.
    As you know, Mexicans, those from the time of the conquest as well as those of today,
    are very religious folk, and one must take that into consideration if one wants to coexist with
    them. We use Catholic imagery to achieve our objective of putting the patient in the state of
    inner silence. We exploit, so to speak, the patient’s faith, only this time for his personal gain: to
    be healed.
    It is characteristic for diableros that they don’t like having people around, which is why
    they scare them. To chase away the public, they generate fear, suspicion and disgust.”
    “Yes, I understand, but what does it take for a sorcerer to be considered a diablero?”
    “Those sorcerers know how to transform physically, usually into the animal of their
    predilection,” –Don Melchor replied laconically. “A diablero is by definition a sorcerer who
    controls his assemblage point and uses it to transform physically into an animal, or into
    anything. I knew a diablero who used to transform into fire. He’d begin by igniting himself and in
    a few seconds he’d be a human torch walking to and fro without burning himself.
    Sorcerers can transform into almost anything if they place the assemblage point in the
    correct position. They can turn into whatever they want, from a microbe to an elephant. Some
    sorcerers spend their lives experimenting with alternative perceptions. For example, it is
    possible to try and experience the world from the perspective of an animal. I enjoy very much
    seeing the world as a falcon.”
    He watched me as if measuring the effect of his words.
    “Can you really transform into a bird, don Melchor?”
    “Yes I can, and if you wish, I’ll teach you how to do it,” he said firmly.
    My mind suddenly went blank. My fear was as great as my excitement. On one hand, my
    rational mind did not believe a word of what the old man was saying, but on the other hand,
    there were the stories of Carlos and his teacher transforming into crows. After some hesitation, I
    said that I’d be delighted to know those secrets.
    He told me we would have to prepare ourselves for the event, and that it would be a
    great moment for me.
    One day, long after that conversation, don Melchor and I were walking through the desert
    of Wirikuta[31] on our annual pilgrimage. He called me, and we began moving away from other
    walkers. Although I did not know where we were headed, I followed him. We finally got
    completely separated from the others.
    We had been gathering peyote for four days. In the evening we would gather the plants
    and at night we would perform the ceremony of communion.
    On our last day, as we approached some high hills, we spotted an owl flying in circles
    over our heads. It seemed to me strange to see an owl fly during the day, so close to us.
    On impulse, I took a piece of dry meat out of my rucksack and offered it to the bird. To my
    surprise, it flew up to where I was, took the food from my hand with its claws and flew away.
    Don Melchor followed the flight of the bird attentively until it disappeared somewhere on
    the eastern horizon. He told me that luck was smiling on me and that he was going to teach me
    a sorcerers' secret.
    I did not know what he was talking about and asked him what he was referring to.
    He said that the flight of that owl was an omen and that he was going to teach me
    secrets, but that we would not discuss it there and then.
    At nightfall, don Melchor called me over to the fire. He said I was “soft enough” and that
    we were going to go ahead with the magic. He then taught me the prayers and spells that
    would transform me into an owl.
    We spent days working on the transformation as don Melchor guided me step by step
    through the procedure. My reason was the greatest obstacle I had to overcome. On the third
    night of intending the transformation, we achieved our objective.
    The truth is that, by then, there was very little left of my rationality. I allowed myself to go
    with the sound of don Melchor’s voice in such a way that when I noticed I was flying through the
    air, I had no fear whatsoever, as if I had done it all my life. I had transformed into an owl. I was
    looking at the world through the eyes of a bird and could perceive a small peak in front of my
    eyes. I could see the night, with clouds all white in moonlight. Below, I could discern the
    outlines of the hills and of the cactuses on the plains.
    When I woke up, I was naked among the hills. I knew that something phenomenal had
    happened to me. I felt sleepy. Thorns and small, sharp pebbles were hurting my feet and
    brought me back to reality. I walked nearly half an hour to the place where we were encamped,
    and there I found don Melchor. Laughing, he gave me my clothes and said:
    “What do you think you’re doing, walking without clothes in the middle of the desert?”
    I laughed. I knew that he was teasing me good-naturedly in order to break my obsession
    with the experience I had just had.
    When we discussed it later, he told me:
    “In a transformation of that type, the return is always a bitch. I once found myself
    completely naked in a very crowded public square. There is nothing one can do about it.” ....*

    Odnosno če svatko odreagovati iz svog spleta okolnosti ili su i sve naše nevjerice zasnovane na nekom uvjerenju!

    A što se tiče "samopouzdanja"...... i recimo da "zakon pripada letačima" pa bi zakonodavcima bog govorio iz minute u minutu a "drugi" bi im davali samopouzdanje???

    Kada se međutim ispostavi da "slijepac slijepca vodi" obično su u jami oni koji nisu na vrhu??

    Oni koji bi pak pokušali skinuti "pečat" sa "mjehura percepcije" bi mogli biti persone non grate ili "državni neprijatelji N1"?

    Na kraju ipak umiremo "prirodnom smrču"....... ili sveukupno gledano.

    (tko ima samopouzdanja još če mu se dati.... i to po onima koji nemaju prava osporiti njihova potraživanja#)


Član HIPNOTIZERMerlin6 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana hipnotizer dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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